Position: Assistant Principal/Vocational Coordinator
School: Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High Scho
School District: Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High Scho
City, State: Rochester, MA
Jacqueline Machamer was nominated by her principal Karen Guenette.
Wearing two hats as assistant principal and vocational coordinator, Ms. Machamer far surpasses her employment expectations at Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School on a daily basis. She has advocated for her vocational teachers and students, particularly within the last two yeras. She has written and obtained over $500,000 from the MA Capital Skills Grants to purchase new vocational and industrial equipment. This year, she wanted to move her office space to another area within the building so the staff and students could have easier access to the vocational educational setting.
"In my opinion, Jackie is the epitome of a professional educator, leader, and manager within our school district," Guenette said. "She is an amazing colleague that anyone fortunate enough to work with her values her knowledge, insight, and passion for students and vocational education."