Logan Newman
Position: Vision Care Teacher
School: East High School
School District: Rochester City School District
City, State: Rochester , NY
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Logan Newman was nominated by a colleague, Yamaraitza Vega.
Eyeglasses play a huge role in education, both in helping students to see and in helping them feel comfortable and confident in the classroom. Many studies have shown that students in high poverty areas have a greater need for prescription eyewear than those in suburban areas, and they are often not able to get glasses due to a lack of funds, access, or transportation to get the glasses they need. In many urban areas, where education typically focuses on preparation for college, there aren’t enough classes that are based on experience and offer hands-on learning. A high number of classes are lecture-based, which usually isn’t the favorite part of any class for most students. Luckily, the Vision Care Program at East, developed and built by Logan Newman, works to incorporate life and work experience by engaging high school students in hands-on learning to make glasses and to work closely with eye doctors.
"Mr. Newman inspires everyone he teaches," said Vega. "He supports and helps students through his classes and gives them something to look forward to after high school."
Mr. Newman developed the Vision Care Program based on what he learned as a US Navy optician to teach students the skills and responsibilities of an optician. He makes a positive impact on the lives of his students, parents, and staff by giving the less fortunate free pairs of glasses, helping children be able to see and be successful in school. By coordinating with volunteer eye doctors and school staff to set up appointments for the students, he is able to help children get refractions by doctors during school hours so that parents don’t have to miss work. In the 2016-2017 school year, his program made over 1000 pairs of glasses for students in the RCSD, most of them for students who would never been able to go to an eye doctor or get glasses. He also drove over 3000 miles around the RCSD delivering and fixing glasses for the students in 31 public schools and 6 charter schools. When frames break, or when the high school students finish making the glasses, Mr. Newman takes the time out of his busy teaching schedule to deliver and/or fix them, helping to make sure they can stay up to date on their school work.
The program that Mr. Newman developed, the Vision Care Program, is a 3 year program that teaches students the necessary skills to be successful as an optician in the workplace. In the first year, children learn to make a pair of glasses from start to finish. They are also introduced to the tools they need to make glasses. Second year students learn to make prescription eyeglasses as part of a team, to measure and make bifocals for adults in the building, and how to work with eye doctors in a clinic setting. Students have to learn how to work with patients and others in a professional setting in order to actually work with eye doctors as they perform advanced vision screenings for patients. The third year students have class at the same time as the second year students. They work as team leaders as they help to teach the second year students and develop their own leadership skills. They also have to do research on various types of optical stores and develop a small business plan about an optical store they might decide to open, helping them think about the future and opening possibilities for them. Last year, Mr. Newman also helped some of these students become movie stars in the school building. He made a Public Service Announcement about what behaviors teachers should look for in a classroom that might mean someone needs glasses. Mr. Newman works to change the lives of his students and the lives of other people’s children through this video.
One of the ways Mr. Newman is a LifeChanger is by introducing students to the Vision Care program at Erie Community College. ECC is located outside of Buffalo, NY and is only one of two schools that students can go to for opticianary in NY, a step necessary to obtaining a NYS Optician License. Mr. Newman takes the students there on a field trip each fall. The students walk around the school campus, observe classes, and speak with both the faculty and students about the school and what they are learning.
Because of the program that Mr. Newman created, students from East have already acquired credits towards their degree. These students often talk about how they are ahead of most others because of their experiences with Mr. Newman. They have said that they are already familiar with the tools and techniques that are taught and are able to get better grades because of what they learned with Mr. Newman. One of the students who graduated from ECC chose to go there because of what she learned in the Vision Care program with Mr. Newman. As a high school student, she had attendance issues because she felt unconnected to what she was learning, and she was a primary caregiver to her younger sister. Through the field trip, she was introduced to ECC and recognized an opportunity and something that she felt like she could do successfully and enjoy. During her second year at ECC, she won a free trip to Orlando, FL, because she was chosen to represent her school in a college knowledge bowl with students from other optician training colleges. She took second place in the competition and was the first student from ECC to place that high in the competition. She now has her NYS optician license and is taking classes for her bachelor’s degree in biology because she wants to go to optometry school. This student has often said that she would not be where she is now without the support of Mr. Newman and the introduction that he gave her to the optics field. He significantly changed her life from where she was headed as a junior in high school. There are several other former students from the Vision Care program, who went to ECC, who are working locally as opticians and making 22-25 dollars an hour. None of them would be doing this if it weren't for Mr. Newman.
Several students who weren’t ready for college, because they either had to support family or couldn’t afford the cost, are now working locally in different optical businesses. When Mr. Newman found out these students needed jobs, he was able to contact people he had met through his work in the Vision Care Program and arrange for the students to have interviews. During the interviews, the students were able to talk about the machines that are used in these businesses and how to operate them and troubleshoot them. These students were all offered jobs because of the experience and education they received in the vision care program, which allowed the businesses to save costs on training the applicants. They earned well-paying jobs with benefits, opportunities for further training and education, and advancement in their respective companies. They are moving into a career track that is not usually available to recent high school graduates because of what Mr. Newman taught them and how he prepared them for life after high school.
One of the biggest ways that Mr. Newman is a LifeChanger on a daily basis is through the glasses he provides to students in the RCSD. When he started this program, Mr. Newman had not worked in optics in over 20 years, instead focusing on his work as a biology teacher in the RCSD. He had to take several licensing tests in NY in order to become an optician licensed to dispense finished pairs of glasses to students. He was able to do that because of the focus he gave to relearning the material. With his license, he is able to have eye doctors visit schools across the district and have them prescribe glasses for students. Mr. Newman coordinates volunteer eye doctors from the local area to help in the program. These doctors come in several times a year and perform refractive vision screenings on the patients, providing a prescription that students of the Vision Care Program can make into a pair of prescription eye glasses. He also coordinates with teachers in East High School and other RCSD elementary schools, setting up schedules for the patients to be seen, providing waivers to be signed, and coordinating with the eye doctors.
For each vision screening event, Mr. Newman has second year students take measurements, help patients pick out frames, and pre-screen patients before they can see the doctor. The Vision Care students make the glasses and get to dispense them to their fellow students, many of who are getting glasses for the first time – all because of the skills Mr. Newman has taught to them. Many of the students remark on how working the vision care events makes them feel professional and valued, offering them responsibility and employability experience they would never have had. One of the students, Nettie, is currently a senior in the Vision Care Program, and is planning to attend ECC in the fall. He spoke about how the glasses Mr. Newman was able to get for him in middle school changed his life.
Before Mr. Newman gave him his glasses, Nettie never had a pair of glasses and didn’t know how bad his vision was. He said that he didn’t realize “how disabled” he was without glasses. Once he got them, his life actually changed. He was able to do well in school and could join the wrestling team. His behavior and academic record changed for the better. He is now a top rated athlete and a well-known local wrestler. Other students with similar obstacles to success in school did better after receiving glasses from Mr. Newman. A nurse at one school stated that a kindergarten student who received glasses went from knowing 2 sight words to over 30 after having her glasses for just over 3 weeks. An occupational therapist for a third grader recently said a student who recently received glass has been wearing them daily, and that they have noticed improvement in his classwork performance, improved behavior and attention with the use of his glasses.
"I have personally seen smiles, tears of joy, and surprised gasps and exclamations from students who receive their glasses because of the work Mr. Newman does and what he has taught us," said Vega. "My favorite comment was from a student who received glasses after not having them for over a year. She looked around the classroom and out the window and cried out, saying 'the blobs of green are actually leaves again!'"
Recently, Mr. Newman was able to make contact with an optician in another state who was planning a visit to family in Puerto Rico. She wanted to take glasses to people affected by Hurricane Maria, and Mr. Newman used this a learning opportunity for his classes. He offered to send glasses down with her and turned the process of making glasses into a contest for the classes, which resulted in over 220 pairs of glasses being made and sent to help with the Puerto Rico recovery. This helped his classes see how their efforts in class, and what they learn there, could help more than just the people in the schools, but also all around the world.
"I am also a former student of Mr. Newman’s, and I know he changed my life," said Vega. "I didn’t know what I wanted to do after I graduated high school. At first, I had planned on joining the military, but after my medical examination I found out I was unable to go into the U.S Air Force. I was a bit upset at first, but I had to face the facts and work to figure out what to do with my life."
"Mr. Newman talked to me during my senior year as I was working through this issue and told me that he needed to hire a paraprofessional to help him in the class to make glasses because he couldn’t teach fulltime, make the glasses, and deliver them," Vega continued. "He told me that he thought I would be perfect for the job because of what he saw in me, and this belief in me helped to change my senior year of high school and my future. Getting a job at the school I just graduated from was a big change, but it really did change my life. I now have a consistent full-time job, with benefits, that has allowed me to move out of my parent’s house and afford a place of my own. I have responsibilities that many people my age would not have, because Mr. Newman believed in me and trusted me to come into the classroom and help him."
"Mr. Newman also changed my family’s lives as well," Vega continued. "When my little sister was born she was legally blind because she had congenital cataracts in her eyes. She had to have surgery to remove the cataracts and, afterwards, it was a miracle she could see at all. The cost of surgery put a lot of financial stress on my mom because my little brother also had to have surgeries for his ears. She couldn’t afford the glasses or the vision correction my little sister desperately needed to help with reading after her surgery."
"One day, I asked Mr. Newman what school he was going to next to deliver glasses, and he luckily said the school my sister went to, so I told my mom and she signed the waiver needed to get my sister seen by a volunteer eye doctor that Mr. Newman had worked with to perform he vision screening," Vega continued. "Other students in the class helped her pick out frames. After the visit, Mr. Newman told me he saw her and handed me her prescription. He had to have bifocal lenses made for her because she needed help with reading and seeing distance. He then taught me how to make them into glasses for her."
"Without Mr. Newman getting her seen and making her the glasses, she wouldn’t have been able to see and pass her classes," Vega concluded. "She recently scored a 9/10 on a spelling test with her new glasses and I am a very proud big sister. Since I got hired at the RCSD, because of Mr. Newman, my life has changed completely. I am able to afford my medication, help my mom out with the medical bills and finally move out and get my own house by 18. Mr. Newman changes lives every day, and one that he changed for the better is mine. "
AMAZING!!!!! I saw first hand this morning the kids getting their eyes checked by the two volunteer doctors. This program has made glasses for over 1000 kids in the Rochester City School district.. Logan Newman and Paul Conrow are wonderful dedicated teachers. God bless them both.
Keep up the great work! You are changing the lives of so many in the Rochester Community
Logan Newman is one of the most dedicated teachers I have ever known. He is responsible, with his colleague Paul Conrow, for the development of the Vision Care and Optics program here at East High. The program is truly unique, and introduces students to the highly specialized and growing optics industry. In addition to being a talented instructor, he is an incredible resource to our students.
When I hear the term "Life Changer", the one name that immediately comes to mind is that of Logan Newman. I met Logan many years ago when I was working at East High School in Rochester, NY. My job allowed me to accompany students in need of extra assistance to their classes. Many of my neediest and sometimes more difficult students looked forward to their class time with Mr. Newman. He made learning fun, but challenged each student to work to their full potential.
When our oldest Granddaughter began classes at East High, Mr. Newman again touched our lives in a personal way. He was at the time a trusted adult working with the LGBTQ group at East. He helped students feel comfortable during what can be a sometimes very confusing time in their lives. Students spoke freely in this group, able to express the many concerns they had with problems at home dealing with 'coming out' to family members, the possibility of where to go when/if they were forbidden to live at home any longer as a result of their reveal. He was able to instill in our Granddaughter, a sense of self-assuredness and drive that I believe has allowed her to reach her goal as a Program Advisor at Texas A&M.
Again, Logan Newman came to the rescue of even more inner city students through the program he started and teaches at East called the Vision Care Program. Under his guidance, high school students learn all of the different aspects of optics care. Students can measure, fit, and make glasses for other City students in need of eye care. I have visited several of these classes since my retirement and have talked with his students. It was so refreshing to hear the students explain how/why they chose this particular class. How excited they are to be able to obtain employment in the Vision Care field upon graduation, or to pursue a degree in higher education. Giving them hope to hold down a job or to be the first to graduate from High School. Guiding teens along this journey, is an amazing accomplishment, not for the faint of heart.
Lastly, my other 3 Grandchildren also attendees of Rochester City Schools and their classmates can see better, have fewer headaches, fewer absences, increasingly improved grades, all because of the "vision" of Mr. Logan Newman, a true Life Changer.
Mr. Newman is a great resource with a great program. He has gone above and beyond to get several of our students glasses.
I whole heartedly support Logan Newman for the Lifechanger of the Year Award. In addition to being an accomplished teacher in our district, Logan Newman is a philanthropist in his efforts to bring clear vision to those in need. His collaborations with professionals within the community bring many benefits to the students, staff and RCSD community by making it possible to be seen by an eye doctor for a free exam and given glasses free of charge. I often see him carrying a travel case as he goes to other locations in the district to bring the gift of clear eyesight to other venues in our school district. Logan also works tirelessly in the classroom to bring his expertise to his students, some of whom go on to pursue a career in optics. Logan Newman is a life changer, his efforts enable clear vision for so many. RCSD is fortunate to have him as a resource!
Mr. Newman is an embodiment of everything that is needed in our education system and an inspiration.
Mr. Newman was my teacher for 3 years. He really is an amazing teacher, he cares about all of his students. If you show him that you are trying and need help he will help you and support you. He will teach you everything he knows and makes the vision care program very educational and fun because it's not like other classes,it's hands on learning not a lecture but he also makes the program very easy to understand. For as long as I've had him as a teacher he has taught me many skills that I will be applying to my life. Life changer of the year should go to Mr. Newman because he has touched so many children's lives by helping them see,live and learn exceedingly better. He's has also touched the lives of all his students including mine by teaching us life skills, work skills and professionalism we will use in the real world.
Mr.Newman is an outstanding teacher, and an upstanding guy. Mr. Newman taught me for three exceptional years teaching me a life long gift of knowing how to make glasses. It's very helpful getting to know a guy like Newman, he changed my life because I was so undecided of going to college or or just getting a plain job but the year I passed vision care 1 & went on to vision care 2 he told me "I picked you because I believe you can do something great in this field of work so don't let me down" Mr. Newman took a chance on me and I'm not going let him down so if you decide to give the award to anybody, let it be Newman.
I could not agree more! Mr. Newman is tireless in his quest to help students.
I have known Logan since he first started at East. He is a great teacher who has always had a great relationship with the students and the staff he works with. His work in the optics program has made a great impression on me because I see the excitement of students getting new glasses and I also see the confidence that our East High students working in the program are getting. They are learning a life time skill and seeing that they are also making a difference in the community. Logan is not just a great teacher and friend, but he is also a great role model for everyone.
I am one of the optometrists volunteering with Logan’s program, and I find this to be one of the most rewarding things that I do. First of all, he’s helping to provide glasses to kids who really can’t see well enough to succeed in the classroom. Second, these kids LIKE their glasses because a high school student helped choose them. Last (but certainly not least), these high school students get to see the positive effect they have on these kids’ lives when they deliver the glasses. How many opportunities do teens have to make this much of a difference, and how must that make them feel? Whether they continue in the optical field or move on to something else, they have new expectations of themselves.
I've been reading about this wonderful program. Great for the students who need glasses. Even better for students being able to learn a career skill.
I had begun my journey in optics with Mr. Newman's East High Vision Care program during my senior year, which was the first year it was offered. I had originally signed up for the class due to the fact that some of my friends were going to be in that class as well. Little did I know that taking his class would be the most essential decision I have made in my life thus far. I at first approached the program as just another regular easy credit class that I could just breeze through. I soon realized that this program could be the beginning of an educational/career path for me as he taught us more and more about optics and the duties of Licensed Ophthalmic Dispensers. The program was a very enjoyable and interesting class that I looked forward to attending each day. We learned about many things such as the anatomy of the eye, lensometry, prescription analysis, and spectacle fabrication while attending his class. During my time in his class I had reached the decision that I would further my education to Optometry school, but attend Erie Community Colleges Vision Care/Ophthalmic Dispensing program first in order to establish a background of already being immersed into the optical field, in addition to also being able to comfortably (financially) continue my educational path while working as an Optician. Now while I have since decided to follow different educational paths from Optometry, I still enjoy working as a Licensed Optician. Since starting my career as an Optician I have had the opportunity to meet and work along side so many wonderful life changing figures and learn so many new things, and I owe it all to Mr. Newman. I am also pleased to hear that Mr. Newman's current students are fabricating glasses for many children in the Rochester area that are in need of proper vision. Basic scholastic things such as being able to properly see the teacher and chalkboard are often not addressed when assessing a child who is struggling in class, but can immensely impact a child's ability to learn and function within the classroom. I can attest to the importance of this since I too was one of these children before I acquired my first pair of glasses at age 10. Mr. Newman is not only helping out his students, but also helping young students who belong to many schools; students who are ultimately the future of this city, country, and world. I commemorate Mr. Newman and all of his students for what they are doing for this community. I wish him, them, and all the young students they are aiding all the best in life.
I first saw the difference Mr. Newman was making while I worked at School 41. He came and provided glasses to some children who never had them. To see them put on glasses and see things clearly for the first time is a vision I will never forget. I now work at East and I see on a regular basis a list of names from East and all over the district who will be having vision screening appointments and be fitted for glasses. He and his team are making a huge difference in students lives and of course helping them achieve more in the classroom. I remember there was an article about him and his services in the Democrat and Chronicle Newspaper and I was so impressed with his dedication. He is truly changing young lives everyday.
Mr. Newman is not only a great teacher, but a local community HERO.
Watching the children line up outside his door with excited, nervous, anticipation for a fresh future. Behind the class door, Mr. Newman; coordinated doctors to donate time, coordinated appointments for under privileged visually impaired children, pre-ordered frames, and had previously taught college credited course work to career and technical students to measure and fit glasses.
The time and dedication that Mr. Newman has put towards the school, students, and patients goes above and beyond.
Mr. Newman is a LifeChanger.
Logan has provided eyeglasses to several students that I work with. He goes above and beyond to provide students with eyeglasses. It is a wonderful resource for the RCSD!
Mr. Newman is very passionate about this work. When we have community members in to tour the building, and learn more about the offerings here at East; they are always impressed with how motivated the students in the Optics/Vision Care program are. The enthusiasm that the scholars exhibit can be attributed to the way that Mr. Newman works tirelessly to support them in building their skills.
There is a video (https://vimeo.com/user19231937/review/208067827/32c36b1b36) that we show frequently where a scholar talks about how being in this program and learning critical skills has changed his life and has prepared him for future employment. The smile on his face represents his pride and accomplishments.
What an honor it is to work with someone who motivates our scholars, makes them believe that they can do anything and gives them the tools to prepare them for life!
I've know Logan for over 17 years. He and I are both Navy veterans who have found second careers in education. For the last several years, I have published the following entry on my Facebook news feed. I feel that Logan's achievements as a teacher reflect highly on him as a teacher and a Navy veteran. I wanted people to be aware of what he's done.
"Happy Veterans Day to all my fellow vets. On a more personal note...I often feel that on this day, we don't really get a sense of the type of person who serves in the Armed Forces. I have a friend at school who epitomizes the character of these citizens. Having served four years as an HM (corpsman) in San Diego learning the optical trade (a fact I occasionally tease him about), he returned home to his state of PA, went to university and received a degree in Biology. Moving to Rochester, he's taught and coached in one of the poorest and most challenging school districts in the nation for the last 17 years. But that was not enough. Relying on his own initiative, wits and determination, he's created, funded and operated a complete optical care program that reaches out to every school in the district. The program provides optical exams and prescriptions for hundreds of unserved children, thanks to volunteer docs, and crafts eyeglasses totally fitted and fabricated by students in his program. His program also introduces its students to post-secondary educational opportunities through field trips. BZ Logan Newman! Proud to call you a friend and a fellow Navy vet."
Logan's achievements truly merit the "Lifechanger of the Year Award." His efforts have literally and figuratively changed lives.
Mr. Newman is well-deserving of this award. He is a top-notched educator filled with passion to serve others: students, families, colleagues and the community at large. Spend a day with him and you will be convinced that Mr. Newman is a Life Changer.
Logan is an incredible teacher and person. What an incredible heart he has! He has helped so many through this program. Imagine not being able to see in your classroom, in your social environment, at home... So much of the information we take in comes through non-verbal communication. Any barrier to that can leave a person at a significant disadvantage. My family and I have been fortunate in that we have had vision care insurance and our optical needs have been relatively easy to manage. But for many students, glasses are not accessible for many reasons. To be able to have your vision checked by a professional during the school day and to have those glasses made on site for free is a genuine blessing. Some of our students and their families may have the financial ability to provide this service for themselves, but youngsters being youngsters, they may break or lose their glasses repeatedly. Again, having this service readily available is remarkably empowering and eases what would have been a burden on families.
The other group that benefits dramatically by Mr. Newman's program is students enrolled in his classes. Fabricating optical lenses is a highly relevant field in today's economy. His students are learning valuable skills that will translate into careers, self-reliance/independence and pride. Productivity that helps your community is a huge boost to someone's self-esteem.
We often take our sight for granted. Mr. Newman and his students work hard year round to make sure students in their school and community have that same luxury.
I believe no one deserves this award more that Mr. Logan Newman. He truly changes lives. The program he developed provides students not only with glasses and/ or job skills but with confidence and the motivation to succeed in life. He changes the lives of our students and families every single day.
I am proud to work with Logan who was once my high school AP Biology teacher. As a student, Logan taught me a great deal about perseverance and being mission driven. As his colleague I am able to witness the impact of his perseverance everyday as he works tirelessly to provide students at East the opportunity to grow. Logan alone is not able to be the change he wishes to see and that is why he has recruited students from East to help him in spreading love through vision. Vision Care is providing our students with skills that will carry them into a trade while also spreading love to members of our community and beyond.
I met Mr. Newman when we both were selected to be part of the Noyce Master Teaching Program. In that program, we had to create a proposal for change project. He along with another person presented on the need for a vision program in the district. No one would imagine that from that proposal would blossom into a flourishing program. It is just simply amazing. I cannot tell you how many of my students have benefited from receiving glasses from his vision program. His dedication to the students of the city of Rochester is unwavering. He is much deserving of this award!
Mr. Newman is a dedicated teacher who truly believes in what he does and his passion shines through. He is thoughtful, considerate and aware of his students and their lives. He goes out of his way professionally and personally to make sure that he can service the students of the Rochester City School District with the correct eyewear and follows through with colleagues too make sure that everything worked out properly. His door is never closed to colleagues or students. I know if I have a student who I suspect is having vision problems all I have to do is contact Mr. Newman once and he is right on it. I appreciate his time, effort, tenaciousness and advocacy here at East and throughout the RCSD. I am honored to work with Mr. Newman and I feel that he truly deserves this recognition.
I have had the distinct honor and pleasure of working with Logan Newman over the past several years. The Vision Care Program at East High School has been a blessing to the students of the Rochester City School District. Logan has a way about him that is infectious and brings to life the academics that he teaches his students. Logan leads and mentors students and provides them with life skills as well as marketable skills that they can build off of post their high school years. In addition to the East High School students he has helped hundreds of other students within the Rochester City School District. His program has provided these students with a pair of glasses that can make all the difference for students struggling with failing vision. Logan works tirelessly to provide this service to as many students as he can. He is quick to respond to questions and requests for a second or third pair of glasses and he always delivers them to the school in record time. My students and colleagues adore him and he is able to put a smile on everyone's face. You ROCK Mr. Newman!
“I can see the words! Look over there, at that map. Australia! Asia! Europe! Africa! North America!” These are the words of a fourth grade girl in the Rochester City School District who just received her first pair of classes. A nine year old’s world was suddenly brought into sharp focus and she was overjoyed by this newfound power that so many of us take for granted. The glasses were made by a high school junior from East High School, in Mr. Logan Newman’s Vision Care program. Think about that for a minute. A high school student made the first pair of glasses for a young girl attending a neighboring elementary school. Both student's lives were dramatically changed for the better because of Logan's Vision Care Program.
The Vision Care program at East High School, supported by a New York State STEM grant, trains and equips high school students to serve as optical technicians who make glasses and carryout vision pre-screenings for their fellow RCSD students. The program has a profound impact because, annually, students in the program are directly responsible for giving hundreds of children, in a high-needs district, the opportunity to see clearly – and therefore to learn. Mr. Newman’s efforts are responsible for opening the eyes of a few thousand students across the City of Rochester! In five years, his students have made nearly 3,000 pairs of glasses and repaired at least 1,000 more, all free of charge, in a district with a total population of 30,000.
The program benefits are two-fold. Of course, kids getting prescription glasses is great, but we must no overlook the fact that high students are the ones who fabricate the glasses. The skills learned in high school have lead to careers. Several Vision Care program graduates have gone on to become optical technicians and NYS licensed opticians; a few are working toward an optometry degree. In addition to helping get students glasses, this program is a STEM pathway that connects high school students with the value and reward of a STEM career.
In the middle of a successful career as a biology teacher, Logan shifted gears and he invented an uncommon and outstanding course sequence and curriculum. This program should be replicated in cities across the country.
Logan's program allows him to work closely not only with our scholars at East High school, but with local optometry offices. He uses his network to bring in guest optometrists and opticians to assess students' vision needs and provide authentic trainings for those in his program. My mother works for one of these offices and she has nothing but kind words to say about Logan. I'm proud to work with someone who not only dedicates his life to helping students succeed in high school, but who also goes out of his way to bring the learning out into the community and to other professional organizations.
Logan has not only developed a necessary program for students of our district but he has raised up students who have come to share his passion. The only goal that the vision team at East has is to make sure that any student who cannot see well is serviced and has the opportunity to learn. It has been an honor to see this program develop and take off.
We here at Edison Tech love the EYE program at East High Scholl! I can truly say that it has benefitted so many of the students at Edison! In my opinion, if anyone deserves this award, it is Logan. Mr. Newman's program at East is one of the best vision programs I have come to know for our students. Thank you for your consideration in Mr. Newman for this award!
Logan has play a very important roll in helping us to care for the health of our students. As adults we understand how important it is to take care of our eyes. As children not so much. So Programs like the one that is offered ay east High School, and people like Logan, allows us to teach them and show them proper vision can do for them. We recently had 8 of our students over at East for their eye exams. When Logan brought the glasses over there were only 7 students here to be fitted for their glass. As much as it bothered me to have him come back for one student, he was all to eager to do so. We thank him for his kindness and patience. When each of the students had their vision rescreens, they were so amazed at how much they really couldn't see. It was wonderful to see them appreciate there glasses.
Thank you again Logan,
Sabrina Gause- SHA #4
Mr. Newman does an amazing job at providing glasses for students as well as providing a lifelong skill to other students. He does this by taking his own personal time to do the legwork involved in joining these two services.
Mr. Newman and his team have helped countless students throughout the district in seeing life more clearly - literally and figuratively.
He is an asset to the Rochester City School District and a generous and caring human being.
Many of our students need glasses and do not have them for one reason or another. They struggle in school because they simply can't see. Logan goes above and beyond to make sure that every student I send him can be helped. It is a high point in our year to have him come out and I am not sure what these students or I would do without his program and his help.
I started in Newman's Vision program when it was a summer program that gave kids a foundation for learning about ophthalmic dispensing. Up to that point in school, I felt a big disconnect between my lessons and practical applications in the real world. I couldn't find anything that I connected with enough to want to pursue after high school, especially with daunting student loans floating in the back of my head. Newman's program immediately grabbed my attention because it was applying what I was learning in science and math classes to real world scenarios and needs. I continued with the Vision program in my senior year when it became a full class, and it gave me the confidence and direction I needed to apply to college and focus on a career.
I graduated East High in 2013 and went on to Erie Community College where I earned a degree in Ophthalmic Dispensing, then obtained my national certification and NYS license. I was able to get a job right out of school and have been practicing as an Optician at a local optical for over two years. I've been able to pay off my student debt, get an apartment, and support and care for myself in ways I've never been able to before. Newman's program showed me opportunities I didn't know were possible as a 16 year old, and I owe a lot of my current success to him and his dedication to his students.
When I was in 7th grade Mr.Newman made me a pair of glasses. this really helped me at that time because I can’t see without my glasses. He fixed multiple pairs of glasses for me over the years. Then in 10th grade I became his student in the vision care program and I’ve been in it ever since then. I’m a senior now and I got accepted to collage because of him. And I’m very appreciative of this, making glasses for other kids reminds me of myself back then that’s why I love his class. Not only am I helping kids that were like me it also opens a vast career path. I just want to say thank you to Mr.Newman for all he has done for me and other students like myself.
Logan goes WAY above and beyond in providing glasses to students in the Rochester City Schools. He never turns away a student. Not only does Logan provide an invaluable service to the district students, he is also teaching high school students a marketable skill, likely changing the trajectory of their lives in a positive way. Logan will come with his doctors and perform screenings and fittings in an elementary school, and will accept students who travel to East High for glasses on specific days. I don't know what the students would do without him and his dedication to teaching and providing free glasses.
We love the program at East! It has benefitted so many people we know! If anyone deserves this award, it is Logan. This is only one of many ways he gives back to the community.
Newman is a really great teacher. He does the best he can for any student who needs glasses. He also makes sure even little kids get glasses. He makes sure everyone gets what he needs. And hes funny as well.
This is the second year I’ve worked with Logan and the impact he has made in our community through his Vision Care Program is astounding! As a school counselor, I was inquiring about his program during course selection for our incoming Freshman. He was so enthusiastic and informative, and at the end of the conversation I ended up with my very own pair of glasses! He has helped countless scholars and community members from all over the district by making it possible to be seen for an eye exam and given glasses free of charge right at our school. The kids who get glasses through this program are so excited and filled with confidence, and benefit significantly in the classroom as well. It takes a great deal of organization, patience, and heart to design and execute such a seemless service for so many individuals.
Logan’s work in getting our scholars in glasses has directly impacted thier success in school. When our Lower School scholars come to class with thier new glasses they are beaming with pride, amazed at what they can see and eager to show off thier new sight by volunteering to read off of the board. He is definitely an asset to our school community. ??
Mr. Newman is a great teacher and lifechanger! Over the years he made it possible for my children to obtain and work on their own eyeglasses. My daughter who hate missing school enjoys these services and time he takes out to help students in need. The relationship he has with the students and compassion he carries is special. My son was a student of his and always talked highly of time spent make sure students educational goals and vision needs were being meet. What a great person and lifechanger he is!
If you inderstand anything about Easy High School's culture, then you know that Mr. Newman is a instrumental part of the mix. Whether a student has the pleasure of attending one of his classes or not, the student body as a whole respects and admire him. He manages to help bridge the gap between education and inspiration. I graduated in 2010 but now my younger cousin attends East High School and when we talk about her in school, i still hear stories about Mr. Newman's popularity among students.
I discovered East Vision Care last year and scheduled a clinic visit for Clara Barton Elementary School, No.2. The process was easy and well organized with students and volunteer optometrist and/or ophthalmologist. I was impressed with the concept of teaching high school students real job skills for future career as optician (but really life skills for any career) and while providing a much needed community service for our students who need glasses in order to see and of course to learn! Logan Newman is truly "lifechanger" for individual students and our community, he deservers the recognition.
Still wearing the same glasses he provided me with from my senior year at East. He deserves this!
PS: Follow me on Twitter @OfclyGoodenough
Logan Newman is truly a lifechanger and deserves this nomination and award! He changes the lives of his students- and students all over the city of Rochester and beyond. Numerous students of mine have benefited from his hard work and dedication to both his students and this amazing program. A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to bring three of our students to East High School for a vision exam and to pick out frames for their new glasses. I was so impressed with the level of professionalism of the students, how welcome and comfortable they made our students feel and how helpful everyone was since it was our first time there. On the ride back to school, the students were asking when they would get their glasses; they were so excited. When Mr. Newman delivered the glasses, the students' smiles were contagious, and the difference their glasses will make for their education is priceless! Thank you for all that you do to change lives.
I am so thrilled to lend my support to Logan and the amazing work he does for the Rochester City School District. The gift of sight is truly life changing, and Logan gives it out every single day. He is a collaborator with community partners, gives life and career skills to the students he works with, and is a tireless advocate for students with eye needs. He makes himself available to to students, staff, and community members at the drop of a hat. He is beloved by colleagues and students alike and has been a committed RCSD community member for many years. He is, indeed, a life changer and I am proud to support him.
Not only does being in the Vision Care program give us real world experience, teaches us good work ethic and professionalism it also gives students, who normally wouldnt be trusted with something as big as making glasses for other people, the right amount of responsibility to help mold us into better people. As a first year student last year I went on the field trip to ECC but wasnt really intrested in a career in vision care. However after helping out on my first doctor visit this year and thankfully going to ECC again I realized I honestly loved helping people and making glasses (even when I mess up something and have to start all over again). I now have a clear view of what I want to do after I graduate. I especially liked when we made the glasses to help P.R. After the hurricane I couldnt find any other way of being able to help besides what was already being done, so to have had the chance to help by making glasses and reading the postcard sent to us afterwards meant the world to me. Mr. Newman not only helps students in his class but in the entire district by targeting a problem in our community that others wouldnt even realize had such a big impact on a students ability to learn. He deserves this award and much more.
Logan Newman is a educator who indeed cares. Mr. Newman, not only serves as the catalysts who fills a void for students who attend schools in the Rochester City School District. Also when asked, Mr. Logan did not hesitate to provide an opportunity for students who attend a charter school in the City of Rochester to receive free glasses. I appreciate and applaud all the work he is doing and hopefully this award will be presented to Mr. Logan as a gesture of gratefulness for all his efforts and dedication to our children who live within the City of Rochester.
I have called Mr. Logan Newman several occasions for either glasses repair or new glasses. He has always been helpful for my students and never said "we can not do this". He has helped my student that had glasses their eye doctor gave them that is too small and was hurting his ears and nose when the family was told "he just have to get use to them". He comes to my school when I have called and was reassuring he would be here to fix whatever the problem. He is such an asset for our district and our students.
The program Mr. Newman had develop is a more than appreciated by students and parents
He does wonderful work and is great with the students, parents and also with school staff
What else can I say Logan
Logan is an amazing person and teacher. I met him this year when I had to get a couple of my students glasses because they wanted to play sports but did not pass the eye exam. Mr. Newman made room in his schedule to supply an eye exam and glasses to our students here at 5 school. Without Mr. Newman, my students would not have been able to play sports but more important, they would not be able to get an education because they were not even capable of seeing the smart board or even reading the words in their text books. It's an amazing thing that Logan is doing for kids not only in his school, buts kids everywhere. The smiles that I see on my students faces when they put on their glasses and can see is PRICELESS. Thank You Mr. Newman for everything you do for kids.
Logan Newman is the epitome of what it takes to be an active community member. Mr. Newman uses his vision program not only to give his students life skills and possible employment opportunities but teaches them that they must be active in their communities as well. When given the task of helping Puerto Rico, he put the challenge in his students hands. How powerful a lesson to teach ownership in your community! I have had the pleasure of working with Logan at East and he was always friendly and helpful. When I switched schools several students had vision concerns, one email to Logan and we were at East Vision receiving services. He has helped countless of students to see better, learn about career opportunities, and be an active member of their communities. Thank you Logan
Mr. Logan Newman has done wonders for so many children at my school alone. He makes himself readily available and goes out of his way to meet the needs of the Rochester City School District students (and there are a lot of students!). Mr. Newman takes his time with each student so that no matter how young or old they are, each student feels very important. The staff that Mr. Newman has (many of which are high school students) are a pleasure to work with as well, and they take on Mr. Newman's work ethic and passion. The program that Mr. Newman has put together benefits so many children, runs smoothly, and should be a national model. As soon as you meet Mr. Newman, you can see the passion he has for helping every child that is in need of vision care. It has been my honor and pleasure to have witnessed all that Mr. Newman has done for so many students.
I teach at another high school in this district. Over the years, I've had student after student who are not achieving because of their inability to see the board or read the text. Every time I contact Logan he is not only helpful but excited to help another low-income student get into the glasses they so desperately need. His follow through and commitment to getting the job done are testaments to his service orientation in this community. I often think about the number of students he is helping- both in terms of getting the glasses they need to be successful and learning the skills necessary to work with customers and make the glasses- and I am in awe. Logan has filled a niche of service and he surely deserves this award.
I cannot begin to tell you what a wonderful program this is!! Working at #8, we have many students who are in need of glasses but don't have them. This program is such a gift - having students who can see in class makes a huge difference in their learning!! They begin to be confident as their success grows. Thank you so much!!
Mr. Newman has been a valued partner at our school and has provided a service to our students that has allowed them to academically flourish when poor eyesight would have prevented academic excellence. Mr. Logan comes to our school with students and personally fits students and helps them see better when lack of insurance may have prevented their families from getting glasses. He has been extremely helpful and reaponsive if a surprise need pops throughout the year and often works on these things on his personal time. We are grateful for his generosity and deep commitment to the students of the Rochester City School district.
Rhonda Morien,
School 45
I was fortunate enough to have met Mr. Newman at a professional development that he was teaching regarding actively engaging students in learning when I first started teaching in the district. It only took a moment to realize what an incredible teacher and role model he was. He spoke passionately and expertly about how to make the most of a student's learning time and he modeled this strategy with the learning he had planned for us.
Not long after, I started seeing him in the elementary schools where I work speaking with kids and helping them get the glasses he and his students have made. Watching him hand kindergartners tools that will change their lives, tools they would not otherwise have access to, and seeing the looks on their faces have become some of my most memorable moments. Many of us take for granted the ability to see or the ability to purchase the contacts or glasses we need to do so. Watching Logan provide that to the kids we love so much is an experience to remember. Mr. Newman changes the lives of all he meets, from our youngest students, through his own at East High, to the adults he shares his time with.
East high school has always been a school with beneficial courses availbe to students. I am a 2006 graduate of East high school, even though Mr. Newman was not my teacher, he was my coach. As the men's Swimming Coach, he constantly put time and effort into us all. "Good, better, best, never rest until good is better and better is best!" That was a saying he engrained into us as swimmers, more 11 years later it still means the world. He has impacted students no matter the program, and this Vision program is just another great example of his love for education.
Mr. Newman helped two of my students obtain glasses. Both students made tremendous improvements in academic achievements as a result of Mr. Newman's intervention because they were finally able to see what they were reading in books and on the Smart Board. Not only did he help them obtain glasses, but every time the glasses broke or were misplaced, we had a new pair within a few days, and one time, we had new glasses only one day later! That is remarkable! My students were so incredibly happy when they were issued their glasses for the first time. Mr. Newman is an incredible advocate for students in the Rochester City School District. He should be commended for all that he does for our community. Thank you, Mr. Newman, from a grateful teacher at School # 45.
Mr. Newman is an incredible teacher and he is very deserving of this life - changer award.
He certainly has made a huge difference in the lives of many students.
MY daughter was a student of his many years ago at East and he was one of the teachers that made a difference in her life.
The program that he has initiated and has helped to grow is incredible.
He deserves this award and more!!
Mr. Logan and his program have been a wonderful blessing for my son. It provided him with glasses and gave him a new lease on life. It built his self esteem and gave him increased motivation for his school work. A great asset to our families.
Hello, I would like the oppurtunity to share my experince with such a fine individual. Mr. Newman was able to assist our family with our son an eye exam and glasses. Every interaction I have had with him is phenominal. He is very eager to assist our children with proper eye wear. His efficient care and attention to detail made our expericne all the better..did I mention he even works hard on weekends! I can't say enough about such a wonderful leader helping our youth SEE the future through the best fitted eye wear per individual.
Mr. Newman has proven to be a concerned and diligent worker for the eyesight of students at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy School # 10. He has worked with my staff and I to ensure that students have receive the necessary eye exams, fittings, and glasses in order to be successful at school. Hi team of students are very knowledgeable and professional as they gather students' information and prepare them to be seen by the doctor. The East Vision Program has been very beneficial to over 50 families at Cooper Academy. It has helped students to make great academic progress by providing them with necessary eyewear. We are very grateful and appreciative of the quality of service and the opportunity to have eyeglasses repaired or replaced when students need it.
Logan never says no to a student in need of glasses! He takes time to make sure every student who is referred to him gets an eye exam and a new pair of glasses. I don't know how he keeps track of it all, but he does a tremendous job!
The vision care program that Mr. Newman started led me to me career path and the college degree that I have today. I was on of the first students that went through the program with Mr. Newman and learned something that I knew absolutely nothing about. I took his class simply because it sounded interesting to me my senior year, from that point on I fell in love with optics. Through the program I toured ECC and knew from that moment on that this is what I wanted to do with my life. Since graduating from the program in 2013 I have graduated from the ECC program, and am a manager at a local optical in Rochester as well as have my NYS license in ophthalmic dispensing. None of this would have ever been possible without Mr. Newman. I not only own the fact that I went to college to him, but that I have found a life long career all thanks to him.
Logan is a wonderful and dedicated teacher who truly derives great satisfaction from helping students maximize their potential, whether it be by teaching them a new skill or by delivering much-needed glasses to them. I first met Logan as a colleague when he and I were both teaching at East High. I have since left teaching to raise my four children, two of whom have benefited from the Vision Care program. When my husband and I learned our daughters needed glasses, I contacted Logan to see how the program worked. His customer service was excellent, and within a day or two, both girls had new glasses that they had picked out themselves. I still remember him relating to me how fulfilling it was to see both of them react to seeing clearly for the first time. He has also been extremely speedy with repairs, which we appreciate. It's evident that Logan is passionate about changing lives for the better and making people feel cared for. Our community is fortunate to have him! We're very grateful for all that he has done for our family and others.
Logan has been instrumental in providing much needed glasses to some of my students. They have benefited greatly by his program. Being able to see clearly is a wonderful thing! Logan always responds quickly when problems arise. I am thankful for his service.
Logan has had a great impact on our students at Roberto Clemente School No 8. He is readily available and does whatever he needs to in order to help our students see better and in turn be more successful in school. Logan is kind and gentle with all of our students and always makes them feel special. He takes the time to allow our students to pick out their own frames so that they end up loving their glasses. Logan deserves this award more than anyone I know. We are so grateful for him!
Urban Choice Charter School is very fortunate to be located close to East High so we can frequently utilize the vision services Logan Newman and his students provide. Last school year alone, 25 pairs of new glasses were made for our students and even more than that were repaired! He has even ordered special glass for our students with extremely poor vision, and made them an extra pair so they will never be without. Eye exams and eye glasses are not the only thing Logan provides for our students. He teaches them the responsibility of caring for the glasses, giving them pride of ownership. He compliments the student with the new glasses, giving them confidence. He represents the notion that we are all in this together....the student, the teachers, the parents, etc......we all want to see a student succeed, and his part is so incredibly important!!! We cannot say thank you enough!
Mr. Newman is a great teacher..my son is a student..Mr newman has giving my son a new goal on his quest for future employment. My son is excited about helping other students..thank you Mr newman..and good luck
I just can't say enough about Mr. Newman. When the opportunity arose for our company to bring reading glasses to those affected by hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, we didn't have a clue how we were going to accomplish this task. I had never met Mr Newman but through a mutual Opticians group we both belong to, he heard about our mission and without question, he offered to edge 195 pairs of eyeglasses. To my surprise, when I received the box there were 220 pairs in there because apart from the frames we had sent in, he felt that some were not suitable and he quickly exchanged them for better ones they had in stock plus he added more frames to our count. All this without us asking or without him receiving any compensation from us!
His communication was awesome during this stressful time. I even got the amazing opportunity to see pictures of the students at work! This was truly a humbling experience to know that not only were we helping the people in Puerto Rico, but at the same time, we were helping these students learn more about Opticianry.
Mr. Newman is truly a life changer and it's my honor to be part of his nomination. We need more people like him in this world!
Mr.Newman was a big help for me. He has taught me many things including the skills needed to become an optician.Through his classes I was able to learn how to interact with students of different ages and bring joy to them by making glasses for them.Because of my teacher Mr. Newman I learned that not everybody has the privilege to see good but with the help of programs like the vision Care program that he runs we can give people the help they need so that they can see better .
Logan has continually gone above and beyond to service children at Roberto Clemente School 8! He has provided eyeglasses, eye exams and followed up with eye glass repair, responds with urgency and offers education for all. Many of our children are in a much better place because of Logan's work - truly, they are able to see clearly now! Logan's positive attitude, his TEAM that works with him at East and the experiences he provides the students at East High with relevant, hands-on life and work experiences in vision is exemplar. Thank you Logan and TEAM - I can truly see clearly that you are truly the person who needs to be recognized as a true Lifechanger!
With gratitude and respect,
Laurel Avery-DeToy and 503 children at Roberto Clemente School 8 (Rochester City School District)
Mr. Newman has helped our students obtain glasses for a few years now. I worked with him while over at school #46. He was able to find a volunteer eye doctor that could come over to the school to perform eye exam. Students were able to pick out their own glasses. That day we ended up seeing at least 25 students for an exam. A few days later Mr. Newman would come back with all the glasses and fit each student. I remember one student saying "I can see!!!" I just remember their smile from ear to ear. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our students.
I am the school nurse at #45 School. Mr Newman has been very responsive to the vision needs of my students for several years now. Thru the East High Vision Program he has been able to help students get glasses so they can see and be cleared to play sports, who otherwise may not have gone to an eye Doctor and not only lost out educationally but also with sports.
Mr Newman comes to our school on a regular basis to replace frames that have broken or need to be replaced because they are lost. In certain situations he has provided 2 pairs of glasses so school can keep one and a pair can stay home (especially with our younger children who have pretty severe vision deficit and lose their glasses or break them- this has enabled us to make sure they still have glasses for the learning part of their day).
The teacher of one of our 1st grade students went from 2 site words to 46 site words since having her glasses thru Mr Newman and his team!! This was huge progress. Mr Newman really went above and beyond in making sure she had glasses for school and home, he took extra steps to get a lighter lense made as the original was heavy and her glasses would easily come off her face. He also provided a Eyeglass strap for this young lady. The smile on her face was from ear to ear as she said "I can see now".
One of my middle school students couldn't believe the difference his glasses made. He looked across the room after Mr Newman dropped them off and said "I cant see what the bulletin board says", he slid the glasses on and said "but now I can". He must have done this 3 times before returning to class :-) This young man was seen by the Eye Doctor at East High School on Monday and Mr Newman dropped the glasses off on Thursday!
We are very lucky to have Mr Newman, his team and this program to service the students of the Rochester City School District!
Mr. Newman has helped our student's obtain glasses and Vision screenings for several years now. Students from Wilson and Vertus have enjoyed new stylish glasses thanks to the help of Mr. Newman and the rest of his staff and students who help out at the East Vision Program. We are all very blessed to have this program for our children.
The program helps student's academically and physically giving them the ability to better undertand what their reading, learning and seeing.
Thanks for all he does for all of us at VERTUS, H.S and Wilson H.S.