Position: Science Teacher
School: Burke High School
School District: Omaha Public Schools
City, State: Omaha, NE
Lee Ann Stover was nominated by her colleague, Brooke Sieff.
Ms. Stover is a truly inspiring educator, and an incredible advocate for her school, students, and community. As an educator, she strives to envelop her students in engaging content and meaningful real-world service learning experiences. She advocated for her school and community by pursuing funding and support for the development of an outdoor classroom. It not only offers an opportunity for hands-on learning to environmental science students, but it also makes the school a more beautiful, sustainable place to be.
Ms. Stover has traveled to study science and environmental sustainability in the rainforest, and is always offering to share her knowledge and experiences with others to enrich classroom experiences. She is always willing to listen to her fellow educators and support the development of anyone who needs a second opinion or lesson ideas. As a literacy leader in the building, Ms. Stover is continually critiquing curriculum to facilitate student understanding and encourage students to interact with content and each other.
She encourages teachers and students to become involved in the garden project, and invites staff to watch their own environmental impact at home and at school. Ms. Stover spearheaded the green-team initiative at Burke High School and is conducting air-quality testing throughout the building with her environmental science students during their ongoing building renovation.
"I am truly blessed to have called Lee Ann my mentor and friend," Sieff said. "She inspires me daily to be a better teacher, mentor, and human."