LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Kym Hilbert

Position: Math Teacher
School: Carrollton Middle School
School District: Carrollton City Schools
City, State: Carrollton, GA

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Kym Hilbert was nominated by her colleague, Taylor Sarratt.

When Mrs. Hilbert was a little girl, she dreamed of being a pediatrician. She also loved numbers, so she thought she might like to be an accountant. As she grew older, she wanted to be a foster parent so that she could help children who had been forsaken. Becoming all these things in one lifetime seemed impossible, but she found a profession that touched on all three: teaching.

When Mrs. Hilbert was in school, she found that math did not come easy to her. Although she was in honors classes, she was never placed in honors math. Her mother taught her multiplication facts, which she always enjoyed because her mother made learning fun. In school, everyone was expected to learn math the same way which, as Mrs. Hilbert explained, was not fun or enjoyable. During her junior year, her Algebra teacher explained that she understood math, but in a different way than most students. At the moment, Mrs. Hilbert realized that no one had taken the time to see that she needed to be taught differently. That moment changed her life forever. 

Today, Mrs. Hilbert's teaching style is not taught from a box. She uses various styles to engage her students. You may visit her classroom and find students dancing or singing as they learn math concepts. Mrs. Hilbert's goal is to make learning fun so that students love math, because doing something you love is never hard. She reassures her students that learning is not the same for everyone, and she works to differentiate learning in her classroom to meet the needs of each and every student. 

Mrs. Hilbert strengthens the school's atmosphere by encouraging professional development of classroom differentiation, and focusing on the student as opposed to just the content area. In her tenure, she has received numerous leadership roles in order to guide development in her school. In addition to receiving her Masters and Specialist Degree, Mrs. Hilbert has served as a grade level lead, Response to Intervention Coordinator, Grade Level Math Curriculum Coordinator, PBIS School-Wide Coordinator, Action Team Co-Leader, Little S.I.S.T.E.R Mentor, System Gifted Committee, System SSIP Team, System Vertical Math Team, Math Representative- State Level Georgia Milestone, and a District Aspiring Leader. 

"Mrs. Hilbert has also proven her teaching methods work by achieving the highest math scores in the county on the state standardized test," Sarratt said. "She has received the school's Instructional Excellence Award and was selected as Carrollton Middle School's Teacher of the Year for 2017-2018."

Comments (39)

Ginger Nixon Posted over a year ago

Kym Hilbert is a role model and encouragement to our students through her classroom instruction and mentoring through various school programs such as the "Little Sisters" club. Mrs. Hilbert is a leader for our teachers providing encouragement, advice, and support to her peers. She not only touches many lives, but she makes a difference in them.

Alison Hibbard Posted over a year ago

I have known Kym for a long time, having attended both high school and college together before we began teaching within the same system. She has always had a sort of infectious positivity that spreads to anyone around her. When I think back to our days at UWG as eager educators in training, it is incredibly inspiring to see how much she has accomplished in the short years since. Even though we don't teach at the same school, I constantly hear her name, whether it be from students reminiscing about the teacher who taught them to love math, cheerleaders discussing the expectations set forth by their coach, colleagues who have moved from CMS to CHS and miss their friend, or administrators honoring her for the great job she has done. It was no surprise at all that she has already been honored as Teacher of the Year, just as it is no surprise that she has been nominated as a Life Changer. There is no doubt that this is an honor Kym is more than worthy of.

Eric Simmons Posted over a year ago

Kym Hilbert is far more than a high quality math teacher at Carrollton Middle School. She is an advocate for all students from every walk of life as well as a supporter of the peers she works with daily. Kym always goes the extra mile to connect with students and the relationships that she forges are evident by the amount of former students who speak highly of their time in her class. She encourages students not to settle for less than their best and instills confidence within them. At the end of the sixth grade year, students exit her class having improved tremendously as Math students while gaining one of their biggest fans in terms of supporting their success. Kym’s willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty for all students and fellow educators truly make her a blessing to the educational profession.

Tanish Springer Posted over a year ago

Kim wears many hats in our school and community. She has a servants heart and strives not only to make a difference but be the difference.

Stephanie Holloway Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Hilbert was a joy to teach when she was a student in my classroom, and now she is a blessing to work with at CMS. She is one of the most hard working, outgoing, and school spirited people I know. Mrs. Hilbert is committed to the success of her students, fellow teachers, our school, and our community. Both she and her husband devote their time, talents, and energy to improving those around them. I am blessed to call them both my former students and now my friends. She is most deserving of this great honor.

Stacy Lawler Posted over a year ago

I have had the pleasure of knowing Kym Hilbert for several years. As a teacher/coach and then assistant principal at CHS, I first knew of Mrs. Hilbert as a cheer coach and as a close friend and colleague of my wife at CMS. From the first moment that I met Kym, it was clear that she had that "it" that is so hard to describe, but is so real in its existence. You will always leave Mrs. Hilbert with that feeling that she is just good for kids. As I got to know Mrs. Hilbert more, it was very clear that 1) she is very passionate about math, and 2) she is very passionate about ALL kids. This year as the principal of CMS, I have gotten to see Mrs. Hilbert in her environment on a daily basis. I can tell you that she is an excellent teacher and an even better person. She works to make our school better in every aspect. She is a mentor for young teachers, she is a great teammate, she is a wonderful role model for our students, and she loves affecting kids in a positive way. She has impacted the lives of many of her students throughout the years. She is loved by her administrators, her colleagues, her students, their parents, and our community. We are very fortunate to have her at CMS. The greatest proof of why Kym Hilbert is so special can be seen when you see her with her family. She is married to Coach Michael Hilbert and they have three beautiful girls. Michael's mom, Audrey Crowder, was a paraprofessional at CHS and a dear, dear friend of mine. We were a great team. Mrs. Crowder positively affected ALL kids that she came in contact with and fought valiantly to continue to do that even as her health failed her. We lost Mrs. Crowder a few years ago, but she still serves as one of my guardian angels. I say all of that to get to this.....Kym.....Mrs. Crowder loved you so much. She loved having you as her daughter-in-law, and she would be so proud of you and Michael. You have continued her legacy of changing lives. You are building CHAMPIONS.

Kristae Lawler Posted over a year ago

I had the privilege of working with Kym for many years and consider her one of my dearest friends. If you ask her students...or the parents of the students she has taught, there is one thing you'll always hear: "Mrs. Hilbert is the BEST teacher!" Everyone loves Mrs. Kym Hilbert! She has made a positive difference in the lives of so many students, co-workers, family, and friends. The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see. Mrs. Hilbert is a master at this! She leads her student on a path of discovery where they are the masters of their fate. My personal child was one of her students and I can tell you, without a doubt, that she grew tremendously the year she had Mrs. Hibert in her math skills. But what I appreciate most about Mrs. Hilbert is that my child also knew Mrs. Hilbert loved her and cared about her! She met my child where she was academically and then took her as far as possible her 6th-grade year. She is a gift to the teaching profession and this world would be a better place if we had more teachers like her!!

Shanon Melson Posted over a year ago

One of the happiest teachers I know! Kym absolutely loves her job and is extremely good at it! You don't ever see her without a huge smile on her face! She accepts any challenge and always works hard to make sure her students and colleagues are successful! She really is a great leader and knows how to lead without seeming bossy! She has a beautiful family, and they have passed the gift of love and compassion on to her.

Kimberly Perry Posted over a year ago

This is my first year working for Carrollton City Schools and Kym Hilbert was one of the first to make me feel at home! It is evident that she loves her job and her students. In the halls, I see and hear her speak to some of our most challenging students, providing them encouragement. She is truly a live changer!

Jan Davenport Posted over a year ago

My nickname for Kym Hilbert is "Sunshine". I am new to CMS and she has truly been a ray of sunshine for me. She has welcomed me and my family to Carrollton. I really enjoy her as a new friend/confidante. Her teaching is amazing. She really gets her students to think outside of the box. They have a really good time with her. She is a true Life Changer.

Tiffany Pullen Posted over a year ago

I have had the pleasure of having Kym Hilbert as a colleague in the math department at Carrollton Middle School for 5 years. I have learned a great deal from her over the years that have greatly impacted my career in education. Kym is a master of meeting students where they are academically and pushing them to achieve more and growing as math students. She does a phoenimal job of creating meaningful relationships with her students and builds up their confidence in math. Kym always makes time to help her fellow math department members in creating lesson plans that are engaging for students but also align with the state standards. Mrs. Kym Hilbert personifies the Carrollton City Schools mantra of being "All In" for our students both inside and outside the classroom. She can often be found cheering on students at their extracurricular events as a show of support.

Mercedes Hernandez Posted over a year ago

Ms. Hilbert is an extraordinary individual. Well rounded and very approachable. She goes above and beyond for her students and parents making her an asset in her profession.

Elizabeth Williams Posted over a year ago

I cannot say enough good things about Mrs. Hilbert. She is one of the most genuine and sincere people you will meet. She takes teaching her students very seriously, but also knows how to make learning fun and exciting for them. She takes time to work one on one with her students when they need extra help. Not only does Mrs. Hilbert want her students to succeed in the classroom, but she wants them to succeed as human beings. She may teach Math, but she also teaches her students important life lessons as well. She cares for her students as if they were her own children. If she feels one of them is not having all of their needs met, school related or not, she will go out of her way to make sure that child receives the right help needed. I consider Mrs. Hilbert a close friend in addition to a colleague. If you're having a bad day and you run into Kym, you are sure to walk away with a smile and quite possibly a good laugh!

Jessica Bearden Posted over a year ago

As a new member of the Carrollton Middle School staff, Mrs. Hilbert has welcomed me and answered any question I have without hesitation. I teach Social Studies on Mrs. Hilbert's team and have first hand knowledge of her commitment to her students' success not just in math but their personal success as well. She strives for excellence and the students rise to meet her expectations on a daily basis.

Marva Bell Posted over a year ago

Although Kym is a relatively young teacher, I look to her as a mentor in many aspects of teaching. Her style is calming while remaining vigorous. Her classroom management represents perfect chill and one in which students respond positively. She brings teachers together personally and professionally as well. It has been my pleasure to work with her.

Allison Akins Posted over a year ago

Kym Hilbert is an amazing teacher and person!! She is very upbeat and brings a smile to my face everytime I see her. Kym believes in her students and expects their best work everyday!! Her lessons are engaging, hands-on, and relevant to real-life math situations. Kym is also an effective and knowledgeable math team leader. She leads by involving her team in important curriculum decisions. Kym makes each person she comes into contact with feel special and important!! I am so thankful to have the opportunity to teach with Kym Hilbert.

Michael Hilbert Posted over a year ago

I have had the privilege of knowing this beautiful woman most of my life. She is truly a life changer, of young and old. My life has changed since the day I said “I do.” Her positive energy and smile makes you want to give your best in all that you do. She loves all of her students and they love her back. She builds relationships with the kids in her class that last beyond graduation. She does all this while being a great mother, wife, daughter, sister, and many more hats that she wears all in a days time. Kym loves what she does and it shows through her students. Each year I hear stories from her about how students enter the year not enjoying math but by the end of the year they love it. Kym Hilbert = Life Changer

Adam bills Posted over a year ago

I have worked as tech support for the last three years a CMS. I have to go into a lot of teachers rooms while they are teaching and interacting with their kids. I can say that Mrs. Hilbert is the real deal. She loves teaching and finding ways to get kids into learning. She is not afraid to do anything if it helps her kids get involved in learning. She makes sure that every student in her class learns the curriculum. She does this by teaching the curiculum different ways because she knows not every student can learn it just one way. Mrs. Hilbert goes above just teaching math. She makes sure her students have a positive and memorable school experience by helping with PBIS and other rewards. You can tell she truly cares for the kids because they care for her and it shows.

Ryan Scroggin Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Hilbert is one of the most positive and dedicated I have ever met. I have had the honor to work with her as her co-teacher and as the counselor of her grade-level. She has taken on many roles during her time at Carrollton Middle. In my opinion, her greatest asset is being an advocate for at-risk kids. Never have I seen her given up on a kid no matter the circumstances. She is a great nominee for Life Changer of the Year!!

Kisha Pinkard Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Hilbert is more than a math teacher. She gives her students the ability to think beyond the numbers and teaches them life skills that will prepare them for the journey ahead. I am grateful that my daughter had a teacher that made her light shine and be noticed.

Rosie Grubbs Posted over a year ago

I have had the privilege and pleasure of working with Kym Hilbert for 5 years at CJHS and CMS. She is an amazing teacher, coach, colleague, and friend. She has changed the lives of many of our students. She always pushes them to do their best. This year I am teaching 10th grade World Literature at CHS. One of my students wrote her laws of life essay about how Mrs. Hilbert changed her life and her attitude about math. I teach language arts so I think we can both agree this is an amazing feat. Our kids know that she loves them, and she wants to help them reach their full potential. Not only that, she will also make it a fun experience because you can’t be around Kym without laughing nonstop. Everyday is a fun adventure. Kym, thank you for pouring into the lives of our students, my children, and me! We love you!!!

Morgan Whipple Posted over a year ago

Prior to the school year officially beginning there was an open house for students to meet their new teachers. Not knowing Mrs. Hilbert before, we weren’t sure what to expect. When we got to her classroom though and were going through the typical forms and paperwork, we couldn’t help but notice that every few minutes, without fail, a former student would come in just give her a big hug and say hi. That felt so promising that to us that she was a fantastic person and my daughter would be in great hands! Sure enough, she helped my daughter gain confidence in everything she did and truly had, and continues to have, a positive impact on her life. Thank you, Coach Hilbert!

Nicole Freeman Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Hilbert is definitely a life changer. I had the privilege of meeting her 6 years ago when my son got her as his teacher. After 2 (not so great) years at CMS for my son, Kym assured me that he was in good hands and that he would have an amazing year. That year my son made straight A’s for the first time and I owe it all to Kym. She believed in him when nobody else did and for that I will be forever grateful. Kym deserves to be chosen as life changer of the year because she changed my sons life.

Kati Baker Posted over a year ago

Kym taught my daughter how to be confident in math. Before 6th grade my daughter struggled. As soon as she got in kym's class, Kym jumped to my daughter and taught her in away that she had never been taught before. Kym made my daughter a better student all around just by her caring and love she has for her students. I am forever grateful that my daughter had the opportunity to be in Kym's class. She was definitely a life changer for my daughter!!

Amy Hunter Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Hilbert is the best thing to happen to our son since moving to Carrollton in 2013. Our son has always struggled with math. He dreaded the class & homework was a huge task for the entire family each night. Traditional methods of helping him have never worked. This year, Mrs. Hilbert has gone above & beyond to Help Henry understand. He no longer dreads math & looks forward to learning more. Words can't express the gratitude my family has for Mrs. Hilbert's teaching methods to help our son.

Beth Sims Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Hilbert has taught both of my children and did an outstanding job! I know she made a difference for my children and has for many others! She has our vote!

Debbie Thigpen Posted over a year ago

As a newcomer to Carrollton Middle School, Mrs. Hilbert has welcomed me and made me feel like a part of the Trojan Family. I’m in awe of her ability to build relationships with the students, and of course, her teaching abilities. She is Gold!

Brittney Dinning Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Hilbert has been a great teacher for my daughter! This is the first year my daughter has truly excelled in math and says math is now her favorite subject! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds for her classes (and my daughter’s grades!) I only hope Mrs. Hilbert is still teaching when my other two children make it to her grade!

Ramona Smith Posted over a year ago

Kym is loved by students and parents because she is so genuine. She teaches so that students believe that they can excel. When my daughter started in Kym’s class she was not confident in her math abilities. But before long she was leading group activities like a pro. That is what happens Kym Hilbert is your math teacher.

Kym Hilbert Posted over a year ago

Thank you

Amy Cousin Posted over a year ago

Kym loves all of her students, and they all love her. She is like a second mother to every child that walks through her classroom doors. She tries to find innovative ways to teach her students and does her best to make sure that no student is ever left behind. In addition to being an excellent teacher, she also puts a smile on everyone’s face. There is nobody that deserves the lifechanger nominee more than Kym!

Dana Denney Posted over a year ago

Kim is the most incredible teacher I have had the privilege of working with. She literally changed lives every day!

Emma Cook Posted over a year ago

I am one of Mrs.Hilbert’s students,and I am glad to say that she is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had.She works hard to make sure everyone understands the math we are being taught,and gives us the help we need.I have no idea where I would be without Mrs.Hilbert.

Courtney Cook Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Hilbert is currently my daughter’s math teacher. Math as always been the subject Emma has struggled with the most. She has made great strides this year under Mrs. Hilbert’s Instruction. She now completes math well beyond grade level. Mrs. Hilbert truly appreciates each students individuality and works tireless to meet the needs of all her students. We all value Mrs. Hilbert more than she will ever know.

Jennifer Schelp Posted over a year ago

Ms. Hilbert is an honest-to-God good person! She puts a smile on everyone’s face and is an amazing teacher who truly cares about all kids!

Emmanuel Reddish Posted over a year ago

Kym Hilbert is the best example that I know of a life changer! Her students absolutely adore her and it's not only because of her caring, unconditionally loving personality / spirit. She has a gift for reaching her students with her sound and passionate delivery of her content. Students leave her class each year with a love of math and creative ways of doing it due to her teaching style. She positively changes lives each and every day!!

LaShenda Wood Posted over a year ago

Kym is great! She not only inspires students, but she inspires other math teachers like me to be the best and think outside the box. All students can learn in their own way.

DarcyDale Drummond Posted over a year ago

God bless you??

Regina Hytower Posted over a year ago

Kym is definitely a life changer for lots of kids. Whenever I ask my kids to tell me about a teacher who has made a difference in their lives, her name is always amongst them. Congratulations Kym! You deserve this nomination.