LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Michele Davis

Position: Fifth Grade Inclusion Teacher
School: Lulu Ross Elementary School
School District: Milford School District
City, State: Milford, DE

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Michele Davis was nominated by her principal, Cynthia McKenzie.

Ms. Davis has worked at Lulu Ross Elementary for the past ten years. During her time, she has held several different positions within the building. Her initial placement was in a special education setting, where she serviced students with more specialized needs. She grew the program by demonstrating that the students in the ILC could be educated at the same level as their typical peers.  Ms. Davis reached out to families of the most difficult students, inviting them into her classroom and going into their homes to build relationships that have lasted over the years.

Ms. Davis also worked as a case manager for the fourth and fifth grade special education students in the building. During that time, she was named Teacher of the Year for her school, as well as the District Teacher of the Year. As a result of these honors, Ms. Davis went on to serve on the State Teacher of the Year Committee. She also served as an interim Special Education Coordinator when the other coordinator was out on maternity leave. During this timeframe, Ms. Davis became very involved with the Special Olympics Program, serving as Special Olympics Coordinator for the building, and engaging the students in physical activities throughout the year.

Her greatest accomplishments have taken place over the past five years as she transitioned into an inclusive classroom setting. During this time, she has demonstrated to the staff and her community that all students can be educated together. She differentiated her instruction to meet the needs of students with Down syndrome, autism and ADHD, as well as those who were highly gifted. Because of her daily interaction with students and their achievement, she has changed the atmosphere and thinking of the staff at her school. The teachers no longer fear having students with special needs in their classrooms, and the school prides itself on our ability to take on the most difficult students and change how they view school. Their discipline data has declined over the years, with a significant drop this year. This year, they started an Autism program, which Ms. Davis plays an important part of.

Over the past several years, Ms. Davis has engaged with the students, staff, and community in various ways. She started the Project Unify Club, which offers students the opportunity to learn about a large variety of disabilities. This club meets once or twice a month, and there are generally about 60 students. Ms. Davis serves as a lead mentor for new teachers in the district, taking on student teachers and observation students. She has demonstrated her passion for students with disabilities as an Adjunct Instructor for Wilmington University. She is also the Instructional Coach for her grade level and the Chairperson for the Community Involvement Committee. Additionally, she was the High School Head Coach for several years, and is currently the Milford School District Teacher of the Year for the second time.

"Michele goes above and beyond her daily duties each and every day," McKenzie said. "Aside from her constant differentiation and instruction, she spends every lunch break with students who choose to come back to the room to work or get some extra instruction. On a daily basis she meets with teachers seeking her advice about how to work with various students. She has been a LifeChanger for many, students, staff, and community members."

Comments (38)

Drew Brozefsky Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Davis is an amazing teacher because she is helpful and kind to her students. She makes a difference in my life because she encourages me to do better in and outside the classroom. When I get discouraged she takes the time to make sure I understand what she is teaching for the day. She takes the time to make sure my classmates and myself understand what we are leaning. Mrs. Davis makes learning fun and interesting. She sings and plays games with us to help us understand the lesson better. She is my role model! Mrs. Davis is the best teacher I have ever had!

Barbara FitzPatrick Posted over a year ago

I worked with Michele since her arrival at Ross Elementary. I retired three years ago, but during the 7 years we worked together I saw the positive difference she made to ALL of her students and even the students that were not in her classroom. Michele did a superior job of letting all of the students in the school know they were important and special. Often she was given students who were having behavioral and/or learning difficulties. She took on any challenge with a smile and positive attitude and it wasn't long before the student had the same smile and positive attitude. She was also our "Bus Girl" and in that role she led the students in an understanding of the importance of safe behavior on the buses. She expanded that role to talk about general school safety with everyone. Additionally Michele started and continues to run the Project Unify Club. Through this club she helps our students to understand that each person is unique in their own way. She gave the students experience to show that they can and should help one another and that we all grow together. As the school librarian I worked with all staff members and all students. The student's in Michele's class were always positive, knew that everyone was to be included in activities, were willing to try knew things and were always ready to help one another. It was evident that they came from a classroom that was a very nurturing environment. Michele is the kind of teacher every student should have and the kind of team player that is a great asset to Ross Elementary School.

Craig Warrington Posted over a year ago

I had the pleasure to work aside Mrs. Davis for several years back when I was at Ross. I still get to see her from time to time and have had numerous contacts with several of her past students. What strikes me is her ability to see people. By this I mean she does not judge, does not make assumptions, she just sees people as they are. I have never seen a student with any type of disability ever not be welcomed by Mrs. Davis. In fact, the word disability is not even an issue. When it comes to her ability to see people for who they are, she is always open to helping them no matter what. I have seen her work so well with the most challenging cases and come back the next day eager to do more. Her energy is amazing and contagious.

Jessie Haggerty Posted over a year ago

For over 20 years, I have had the honor of calling Michele Davis a friend. When we were in school together, Michele was energetic, hardworking, loyal and fun. Now, as a teacher, Michele uses those characteristics to push her students and fellow educators to new heights. So many times, I have heard accounts from students and parents and colleagues whose lives have been touched by Michele. Every August, I am in awe of Michele's enthusiasm for another new school year. She is excited to meet her students and start a new journey with them. Throughout the year, Michele is involved in various activities and events in the district and works tirelessly to make every year even better than the last. Whether she is dressing up as a Dr. Seuss character at the annual school carnival, or sharing her knowledge of special education and inclusion at a local university, Michele's level of dedication is immeasurable. Michele Davis is a life changer; to her students, to fellow teachers, to parents, and to me, as her friend.

Robert Croce Posted over a year ago

I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Michele Davis for over a year. It did not take me long to notice her passion and enthusiasm for teaching. Michele constantly goes well above what is considered “above and beyond” to help her students in any way she is able. She truly cares about her students and wants them to reach their full potential. Michele creates a warm, inspirational classroom environment where she stresses the importance of diversity and acceptance for all. Michele is always willing to lend a helping hand or provide support, and always does so with a smile on her face. Beyond her role as a classroom teacher, Michele is involved in countless clubs, organizations and teams. She does amazing work for Special Olympics of Delaware and works tirelessly to recruit new participants and volunteers to assist in her efforts. When I learned that Michele was nominated for a Life Changer award, I said, “That’s perfect!” Michele not only inspires students to achieve and excel, but also inspires her peers and those around her to make a true difference in the lives of others.

Kris Phillips Posted over a year ago

What is the definition of Life Changer? It is a person or event that alters a person’s life or circumstances in a substantial way. When I think of this definition, Michele Davis’ name immediately comes to my mind. Michele is a teacher, coach and leader in the Milford School District. However, her role extends far beyond our district. I have had the pleasure of working with Michele in various positions. I have been able to observe her in her myriad of roles. I worked with Michele when she was in a resource setting and also as an inclusion classroom teacher. Her ability to work with children that had a variety of needs was amazing. She made each child feel successful on a daily basis. Her classroom quickly becomes a cohesive family, where everyone is the cheerleader or champion for another. To Michele it doesn’t matter who passes through her classroom door, they become part of that family unit. The philosophy of “Different not Less” is definitely the daily mantra for Michele. She reminds us that every person is unique and shine in diverse areas. As a coach, Michele is able to push an athlete to succeed without feeling defeated in the process. Her ability to find the positive in all circumstances is contagious to all those around her. She challenges her colleagues to go the “extra mile”, to see the good and be the good, and to prove to each child they come in contact with that they are worthy of being “loved”. Whenever you see the definition of “Life Changer”, Michele Davis’ name should be attached.

Jackie Carmean Posted over a year ago

I have known Michele Davis for 25 years and have worked side by side with her in her various classroom settings for five of my eight years at Lulu Ross Elementary. In fact, Michele was instrumental in my hiring as a paraprofessional at Ross. Her profile biography and the comments made by those who know and love Michele showcase her character, many undertakings, accomplishments and devotion to her craft. Her deep commitment to people, whether it be toward students, colleagues, family, friends, or community is the driving force behind her pursuit of equality and inclusion. I love working with Michele. She is full of passion and energy. She laughs and cries. She celebrates and vents. She is always learning and searching for better ways to educate her students academically as she strives to communicate to them their value and uniqueness. Michele models and expects good conduct, manners and respect and teaches the importance of self respect and acceptance of others. Ask any of Michele's students from past to present what the most important rule in her classroom is, and I guarantee they will tell you, "Never leave anyone out." Michele is the champion of never leaving anyone out. She is a Life Changer.

Kris Phillips Posted over a year ago

I have known Michele Davis for many years and have had the pleasure of watching her grow into a distinct leader in education. Her leadership and strong moral compass reaches far beyond the classroom. She is a teacher, a coach, a mentor, a friend, but most importantly a role model!! She is a life long learner and continues to set and reach new goals each year. Every year her classroom becomes a cohesive family unit and everyone that passes through her doorway joins that family. She not only teaches, but leads by example. I admire the way she touches the heart of so many of her students. I have watched the youngest students in the school eager to give her a hug or a high five on their walk from the bus in the morning, to the oldest students coming back from high school to share their joys and accomplishments with her. I have been able to watch her help a shy, anxious, insecure student walk out of her room as a poised, self-confident, assertive individual. She has the ability to encourage and empower all those who are lucky enough to know her. She is the epitome of "Life Changer!"

Angel Mills Posted over a year ago

Several years ago, I completed an internship at Lulu Ross Elementary, in the guidance department. During this time, I had the pleasure of working with Michele. Throughout my time there, I could see Michele touching the lives of countless students, and staff. Her car was the first to arrive and the last to leave the parking lot. In the classroom, Mrs. Davis demonstrates the unique ability to meet the needs of each and every student she comes in contact with, all while making it look effortless. Within our community, I regularly hear students and parents express such enthusiasm about educational experiences they have had with Michele. She sacrifices her own personal time with friends and family to volunteer for a myriad of programs and organizations, never thinking twice about it. She currently holds the Milford School District “Teacher of the Year” title for the second time in her career, and I would love to see her accept the title again. I could not think of a better representative!

James Kucharzyk Posted over a year ago

I work with Michele at Ross Elementary as a fellow educator. I have had the pleasure of working beside her and seeing her in action with students. She is a person to admire. Her enthusiasm for learning and teaching is easily caught, not only with students but also staff. She gets involved with many events at school and always has a minute or two for some kind words or uplifting message. Michele is continually optimistic and positive. If you ever need a pep talk, she is a great person to confide. I've seen her handle difficult situations with utmost respect for others and she always seems to find the right words to keep everyone smiling. She is constantly on the move and eager to spread her sunshine to the rest of the school. I think she embodies the persona of life changer for the work she does with the students and staff at Ross.

Emily White Posted over a year ago

I was fortunate enough to have Michele as my teacher mentor at the start of my career. As a first year teacher, I could not have been luckier to have Michele's guidance. I truly believe she helped me become the teacher I am today. Michele was always available to answer questions and give advice no matter how big or small. I never felt as though I was bothering her and she was always happy to help. I learned many great teaching strategies from Michele. As a teacher, Michele is always finding new ways to engage and inspire her students. Seeing this continues to inspire me to be a better teacher every day.

Brittany Johnson Posted over a year ago

There are not many people in this world who are TRULY genuine and authentic. When that trait and teaching collide - you get Michele. To put it simply, Michele is inspiring - to students, parents, and fellow teachers. There have been countless moments where I think to myself, "I do not know how she does it all...not to mention with a smile on her face!" Michele heads up so many EXTRA activities and responsibilities on top of being a classroom teacher. She is involved with mentoring, Project Unify Club, Special Olympics, Family Involvement Committee - just to name a few. Her passion shines through everything she does and is contagious. Her effect on students and individuals is incomparable and incredible. I cannot imagine how many lives she truly HAS changed, however; it is evident that the amount of people is abundant when you see former students come back to our school just to see Mrs. Davis. It is evident when she is nominated and presented with teacher of the year - twice! It is evident when other educators approach her for advice or just a listening ear. She gives everyone a chance and encourages and cheers them on the sidelines to be the best version of themselves - if that is not life changing.... I do not know what is. I believe whole heartedly that you get back what you put in to this world and I have no doubt that Michele is in fact the Life Changer of the Year simply by watching her as a bystander of everything she has put into our world each and everyday.

Darian Mitchell Posted over a year ago

I have gotten to know Michelle while working through the new teacher mentoring program. She has always been a great help to me as a new teacher. Her teacher leader skills are to be recognized. In any task she is given, she does it and she does it well!

Lissette R Perez Posted over a year ago

When I met Mrs. Davis four years ago, she inspired me to work hard and be an inspiration. Today, I feel exactly the same...or even more inspired by her. Her passion, compassion and love is unlimited. I have seen tears in her eyes as she worried about a child's future. I have also seen tears in her eyes because a student had achieved his goals. She has a spirit of leadership and of strong commitment, which makes her the best example to follow. I am confident that if we could count the votes of the children who have passed through her classroom, she would immediately be the winner of the best human and educator title...Lifechanger of the Year!

Theresa Bloodsworth Posted over a year ago

Michele Davis continues to amaze with her limitless energy, positive attitude and dedication to the students she serves. She pours her heart into every aspect of her involvement with Special Olympics in Project Unify, the Polar Bear Plunge, all of the practices for the kids, Bus Girl, the Ross Carnival, as well as her classroom teaching. She truly exemplifies the spirit of inclusion, respect and education. I have repeatedly heard students say how much they love having her as a teacher and students who have moved on to higher education expressing how much they miss her. I have seen students that have been influenced by Michele talk about the different ways they can give back showing how her positive impact is being made on our children. .Michele is an absolute role model to all!

Courtney Lee Posted over a year ago

Life Changer truly describes the essence of Michele Davis. I think what truly makes her a Life Changer is that she changes the lives of those around her without effort. This is not to say that she doesn't put in many, many hours of work. The time she volunteers beyond her "contracted" time to make the contributions that she does is endless. When I say effortless I mean that she goes into her every day with the one goal of being her own personal best for her students, coworkers, friends, community, and family. She has high standards for herself both personal and professional. Therefore, it is natural that she inspires those around her to strive for that as well. Students that enter her room leave after breaking barriers they never thought possible, accepting each other, showing amazing growth, and having a passion for learning. Teachers that she mentors (officially and unofficially) get a renewed passion and perspective on learning through the wisdom that she shares. Families begin to see their students empowered as independent thinkers and learners. Both Michele and I are firm believers that you get out of life what you give. She gives her whole giant, kind, compassionate heart and soul into everything she does everyday. She deserves all of the amazing recognition that she has gotten thus far (such as two time District Teacher of the Year) and much more. What she does, she does for love and passion. The life changing part happens over time with each life she touches. Many times, I'd bet, without her even realizing it.

Cynthia Peterman Posted over a year ago

When I think of Michele Davis, my thought is, "Doesn't she ever get tired?" Michele works, nonstop, to help children learn. She does not only teach them academically, but she also teaches them how to think, act, and live with a positive attitude. She, herself, is never negative. She always can see something good, even in the most negative situations. She has been able to turn many students that disliked school and learning into students that never wanted to stop learning. She has a natural, loving way about her that is somewhat contagious. When you are around her, you cannot help but be happy. She truly is a "Life Changer" in my eyes. :)

Denise Heimbaugh Posted over a year ago

I've known Michele since she was a student at Milford High School, where I started teaching in 1997 and Michele was a sophomore. She was always very involved in so many activities, and had a very large circle of friends from all different "walks of life" so to was obvious even then that she was an "include" type of girl. When I started at Ross in 2009, Michele was down the hall from me in an ILC setting, and what she was able to do with those kiddos that are often part of the "forgotten" segment was quite inspirational. She made sure that we knew who they were, what they were accomplishing and that they "mattered" so much to our school population. When she moved to fifth grade, fortunately she moved into the room next to me, and it's been a great next-door neighbor relationship ever since. She's that girl I can always count on to still be here at 7:00 when I need a dollar for something from the vending machine, a listening ear on a rough day, a great giver of advice when you need it, and so many more things. So blessed to have her as a colleague, a next-door neighbor and most importantly a GAME CHANGER in our Ross community.

Bernie Knollinger Posted over a year ago

Michelle was one of the teachers at Ross when I was doing my student teaching and she always had the best welcoming attitude and willingness to help.

Traci Mills Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Michele Davis is a co-worker of mine at Lulu Ross. She is an exemplary model of what it means to be a "Life Changer". Her commitment to our special education and underserved population truly is life changing for the students she has. She not only prepares her students for middle school, she prepares them to become respectful and responsible people within our community. As a special education teacher, I am awed by her love, compassion and dedication to our special needs kiddos. My son participates in Project Unify, which Michele leads. He has learned so much from this program and his sensitivity and respect for our entire student body has grown because of Michele. My son is currently a third grader here at Ross and I can't wait for him to get to fifth grade so he can have Mrs. Davis!!

Shawn Snyder Posted over a year ago

Michelle Davis is a truly a life changing students. As a high school administrator I get to meet her former students in the high school, and without exception, these students all have stories about Mrs. Davis changing their lives. When a child in her class feels like they can't succeed, Mrs. Davis goes the extra mile to make sure that they succeed. What is most impressive is Mrs. Davis' ability to get our most challenging students to succeed. Background and ability are not predictors of student success in her classroom. Mrs. Davis' ability to work with 100 percent of her students is a model for us all. Every child deserves a teacher like Michelle.

Tina Knotts Posted over a year ago

Michele always works harder than necessary and puts everyone before herself. She helps in any way she can and tries to put a positive spin on every situation. Michele inspires me to think positive and do more each day. She leads by example and works to make her students into better people each and every day.

Jenna Dodd Posted over a year ago

Michele may be my co-worker now but Michele became a life changer for me when I was in high school. She was my high school swimming coach and not only did she push me but she always made me feel like I was good enough. Michele was the only coach I ever had who would run up and down the side of the pool, almost falling in, screaming for you. 8 years later and I am the current Milford Swimming Coach, everyday I try to instill in those swimmers exactly all of the life lessons Michele gave to me. Without having Michele as a coach I would have never pushed myself to become a coach. We work at the same school now and she always goes out of her way to check on the swim team and lend me a helping hand.

Marlee Gray Posted over a year ago

Dear Selection Committee, Mrs. Michele Davis was my fifth grade teacher. Now I'm in sixth grade and I am so delighted that my favorite teacher/person is nominated for a Life Changer award. I enjoyed being part of Project Unify that Mrs. Davis held in her classroom. We had fundraisers for different shelters and charities. The Polar Bear plunge, held as a fundraiser for Special Olympics, is a major event in which she loves to encourage others to participate. On Friday mornings, Mrs. Davis is "Bus Girl" on live announcements and talks about the students' safety in and outside of school. Mrs. Davis has shown me different paths or different options for me to take, or even follow. She has opened my eyes to new possibilities by giving me her perspective on things. Outside of school, Mrs. Davis motivated my friend and I to finish a 5K race. At school Mrs. Davis shows everyone that they are special and how to use their strengths to help others. When you think you're not capable of doing something Mrs. Davis is right there to show you, you can! Mrs. Davis is always there when you need her and even when you don't expect her to be. In conclusion, in my opinion, Mrs. Davis is an inspiration to her students, as well as a role model for future teachers. Sincerely, Marlee Gray

Anne Mahan Posted over a year ago

When I first came to Milford as a veteran teacher 5 years ago, Michele instantly welcomed me and unofficially became a mentor. Not only was Michele open to showing me the "ropes" of MSD and Ross, she was interested in learning new instructional strategies that I used at my previous school. That's what sets Michele apart, without hesitation she is willing to try new approaches, tools, and practices especially if it is in the best interest of not only her students but the student body. I truly enjoy working with Michele!

Jay Lingo Posted over a year ago

The title of this award, "LifeChanger", is the perfect description of my friend and colleague, Mrs. Michele Davis. I have known Michele since she was a STUDENT of mine while I was the elementary school counselor at Ross Elementary, and now, for the past 10 years, I have been lucky enough to be her co-worker. Michele is a motivator, a cheerleader, and a force for change in our building and in the community. She puts 110 percent effort in everything that she does, from the students in her classroom, to Project Unify, to the many committees that she heads up in our building. However, I want to share about how she changed my own child's life through her role as a swim coach several years ago. Michele coached the Milford High School swim team and my son was fortunate enough to swim for her for three seasons. The team had a moderate level of success, even winning the conference title one of the seasons, but most importantly I saw first hand what a profound impact Michele could make in someone's life. Watching her instruct and inspire those swimmers who had never been on a competitive team before with skill and patience and compassion was awe-inspiring. She worked with a range of athletes, from year-round club swimmers to those who could barely swim the length of the pool when they started. Much like the students in her classroom, there were swimmers of all abilities, and Michele was able to get the most out of each and every one of them. She also included those with special needs so that they, too, could have their moment to shine in the pool. You see, Michele's work on INCLUSION has been an ongoing theme throughout her entire career. When the swim season was officially over, Michele presented EACH student with a special award that was SPECIFIC to him or her (these were usually humorous and meaningful at the same time!) AND upon their senior year, presented EACH of them with a photo book filled with highlights from their swimming careers. Each one of these had been beautifully decorated and lovingly addressed to each graduating senior. This is one of my son's treasured mementos because SHE meant so much to him and his swimming career. Michele's leadership and positive energy, her ability to inspire greatness, and her commitment to including ALL no matter what the circumstance was the best gift that she gave my son and the others on that team. She continues to a role model of RESPECT and INCLUSION in our school and in our community, something that we need MORE THAN EVER at this point in time. Michele Davis has been, currently is, and will certainly continue to be a LIFE CHANGER to those around her. I can think of no better representative to earn this prestigious title and I truly hope that you will greatly consider her for this award.

Tania Alexander Posted over a year ago

There are not enough positive words to describe how Mrs. Michele Davis impacts lives on a daily basis. In the classroom, Mrs. Davis creates an atmosphere of genuine support, in addition, learning for all students within her classroom. The learning environment is nurturing and provides the opportunity for students to grow academically as well as socially. Mrs. Davis sets a true example for our school concerning our Vision and Mission. She is responsible for organizing the Special Olympics programs, including the Project Unify Club and “Ross Carnival “to name a few. The planning of these events takes countless hours of additional work. The result of her hard work is seen not just on a school level but at a District Level as well. Mrs. Davis was named Milford School District's Teacher of the Year twice. Mrs. Davis provides and nurtures the whole child, not just academically but she fosters and nurtures students by giving them skills and confidence to make an impact in their lives and the lives of others. Mrs. Davis exemplifies what a Life Changer is.

Kevin Dickerson Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Davis is a true professional, exceptionally-skilled as a teacher and admired throughout the Milford School District-community. She possesses a combination of student-centered instructional approaches, student advocacy and thorough content knowledge. Her pervasive leadership and instructional expertise permeates throughout the district-community and, especially, benefits LuLu Ross students and families. Mrs. Davis exhibits much pride in her work and has an intense desire for all students to learn. Mrs. Davis’ greatest attribute is her advocacy for all students. She is absolutely committed to doing what is best for all students, and is a strong voice for all students to be treated respectfully and provided every opportunity to succeed. Mrs. Davis is able to effectively teach students of varying abilities and backgrounds, including those considered at-risk or having special needs. She is exceptional in teaching and interacting with at-risk and special needs students. Utilizing an array of instructional strategies and activities, Mrs. Davis is able to engage a diverse group of students. Furthermore, Mrs. Davis’s respectful and caring interaction with her students fosters a highly positive and productive learning environment within her classroom. While immensely respected for her knowledge and expertise, she leads collaborative efforts with other educators to align curriculum, develop instructional strategies, implement assessments and utilize student assessment data. Colleagues routinely approach Mrs. Davis for advice regarding instructional practices. Mrs. Davis’ leadership and contributions are also evident as a Unity Club advisor, in which she leads a club valuing all students, and through her presence at many school and community events to support students. We are fortunate to have Mrs. Davis teaching our students in the Milford School District. Regularly, she inspires students to stretch their limits in learning and value all others. Mrs. Davis is an exceptional representative of Milford School District as our Teacher of the Year; but most importantly, she is a LifeChanger for our LuLu Ross students.

Teresa Wallace Posted over a year ago

Michele Davis is a dedicated professional who works diligently to put students and families first. Her energy, her work ethic, and her attitude that she displays every day is a testament to her beliefs. Walking into her classroom is a refreshing experience where the classroom culture sets the stage for active learning to thrive. As a leader of many programs, her efforts reach not only students in her classroom but many other students and families at Lulu Ross Elementary and the Milford School District.

Lisa McQueen Posted over a year ago

Mrs. Davis is a remarkable person, teacher, friend and team player. I don't believe there is a challenge too big or too small for her. Not only does she have a heart as big as the world, she is well rounded, loves everyone and will give you the shirt off her back. Mrs. Davis will give 110% even on a sick day. Her main focus is to educate everyone regardless of your background, race or gender. Mrs. Davis makes learning fun and the students love it. She wouldn't ask you to do anything she wouldn't do. As for being a Para in the classroom with Mrs. Davis for 3yrs, I got to see an amazing young lady sharing a gift that God blessed her with. She is the humblest person you will ever want to meet and we are proud to have her here with us at Lulu Ross Elementary.

Jon LoBiondo Posted over a year ago

I have had the pleasure of working with Michele in the past as a colleague and now on our second year as a teacher of two of my children. Throughout the last year and a half I have seen such passion and professionalism out of Michele that I am not surprised to see her nominated for this recognition. Having successive children from one family is not something new for a fantastic teacher. When you can witness and experience the amount of growth she has produced in my two diametrically opposed children, however, the picture of her abilities becomes clearer. Her constant energy devoted to education and supporting great causes shines through in her students every year. It has been a pleasure for my children to be a part of her classroom and if I had any more children I would most certainly want them to have Mrs. Davis as well.

Alison Reim Posted over a year ago

I had the pleasure of working with Michele for nine years at Lulu Ross. During that time, I witnessed a teacher that truly valued all the unique and special qualities in everyone of her students. Michele's ability to relate to not only the students, but the parents, makes her classroom environment one that nurtures, and challenges anyone who enters there. As a long time volunteer, coach and unified partner for Special Olympics, I was beyond thrilled to see an elementary school promote inclusion for all and give our younger generation a sense of compassion and purpose in helping those with disabilities achieve more than they can imagine. Michele is a tremendous educator and teacher leader, and I am so proud to call her a friend!

Kelly Dee Posted over a year ago

Michele has been a colleague of mine for several years at Lulu Ross, and also was my daughter's and son's 5th grade teacher. Michele is a phenomenal teacher, colleague, friend, mentor, and person. She goes above and beyond and teaches to the whole child. My children not only made academic strides, but they also learned so many essential life lessons when Michele was their teacher. They learned to think outside of the box, and also learned to love themselves. She truly touched their lives and made a difference. Michele is an inspiration and I consider myself blessed to have her as a colleague and a friend.

Jon Buzby Posted over a year ago

Michele has served Special Olympics Delaware (SODE) in a variety of positions for more than 10 years and currently is involved in three different capacities. Michele’s first role is as the Program Director/Head Coach of the Lulu Ross Elementary Special Olympics team. Michele oversees students with and without disabilities participating in three different Special Olympics sports that take place throughout the school year. This involves helping them learn and develop the skills needed to be successful in the sports of soccer, bowling and basketball during weekly practice sessions held during the 10 weeks leading up to each event. In addition, she ensures all necessary paperwork is completed prior to the deadlines for each event and organizes the “field trip” to the competition. Michele’s second role is as the founder and leader of the Lulu Ross Project Unify Club at her school. This club celebrates fellowship between students with and without disabilities during monthly meetings which include activities, guest speakers, and other means to promote respect for all students schoolwide. Special Olympics Delaware has not only used this club as a template for other schools in Delaware to follow, but has shared the idea during presentations made across the country. Michele’s third role is strictly as a volunteer with our organization outside of school hours during the fall, winter and spring seasons as a co-coordinator for the Milford branch of our Sussex Area Young Athletes program that involves children ages 2 – 7 who have intellectual disabilities, and often their siblings, who do not have a disability. I approached Michele about being part of this first ever Young Athletes coaching staff in Milford knowing her involvement as a respected teacher in the district and member of the community would be critical to its success. Michele has helped the program grow in terms of the number of students involved and the wide range of activities that are offered during each session. Many things have impressed me about Michele’s eagerness to be part of our Special Olympics program, but two in particular are worth mentioning. The first is how willing and enthusiastic she is to spend her “free time” during the school day and often after it ends to handle various responsibilities required to be a program director in Special Olympics. She is one of my “go to” teachers whenever I need advice on how to handle a situation, implement a new policy, or just want bounce an idea off of someone. She is always willing to listen, give advice, and assist in the implementation of a new program or idea. The second attribute that I think sets Michele apart is her desire to ensure every student, regardless of ability, finds success. She is always thinking outside the box for ways to better engage individual students into an activity that will challenge them and that they will find enjoyment from as they develop their skills. Within an hour after her first practice as a Young Athletes coach, I received a text message asking for additional equipment to better enable her to challenge a student to the next level in a certain activity. I always enjoy hearing about her favorite success stories whether it’s while visiting a practice, sitting in a meeting, or even sometimes just getting a quick text message telling me about it. The excitement she has when her students succeed in sports is contagious. Michele’s extraordinary teaching skills aside, her roles with our organization require exceptional organization and communication skills as she deals with parents of various backgrounds to ensure their child is successfully enrolled in the programs and fully participate to the best of their abilities. It is safe to say that through Michele’s efforts above and beyond the requirements of her teaching position, she has engaged countless numbers of children in our program over the years who otherwise would not have had those same opportunities anywhere else. It is with highest regards I would recommend Michele for this award.

Edward A. Huey Posted over a year ago

I have known Ms. Davis for several years now. My oldest son participated in Project Unify at the Milford School District with Mrs. Davis as the program lead. I have watched her grow this program for several years now and my oldest is now a college graduate. Now my youngest has participated in Project Unify, again with Mrs. Davis. Project Unify couples a "contemporary" student with a special needs student to act as a peer partner. I can tell you that this program not only has a positive impact on the special needs student, but just as much on the contemporary student as well, all thanks to the efforts of Michelle Davis. My children's belief that we all have "Special Needs' has been reinforced through their involvement with Mrs. Davis' mentoring of Project Unify. Additionally, Mrs. Davis's mentoring of new teachers in the district goes above and beyond what is expected of her. My friend Kevin was a student teacher under Mrs. Davis's leadership and she helped him to become very comfortable in the classroom. Furthermore, I have seen the commitment Mrs. Davis demonstrates to her profession, not only as a teacher, mentor, coach, and advisor, but to the school environment and community as well. When the PTP is attempting to raise money and sponsor an event, look around and you will see Mrs. Davis there, volunteering her time. When the community is having an event, look around and you will find Mrs. Davis there volunteering her time and her abundance of energy. When you picture someone as a life changer, Mrs. Davis is the image that flashes through your mind. It is not one individual, or specific group of people whose life she has touched, it is an entire community. And her limits do not stop there. Through her involvement with the State Department of Education's Teacher of the Year Selection Committee, her ability to touch and change the life of our Statewide residents and teachers has been expanded to our state borders. As she continues her journey to advocate for special needs children, new teachers, and educational and physical inclusion of all people in all activities, I look for her soon to be on the national stage as well. It is my honor and pleasure to know Mrs. Davis and strongly recommend her for this nomination.

Jenny Nauman Posted over a year ago

Michele Davis is an amazing teacher and student advocate who completely deserves this award based on the many lives that she has changed over the years. She has allowed students to achieve beyond their own goals and expectations and taught adults the importance of acceptance of our students with disabilities. She works tirelessly to champion and advocate for the less fortunate while quietly being a role model for those around her. I have know Michele since I was a new teacher and she was a high school intern working in the schools. Later on, I was her cooperating teacher mentor as she did her student teaching. Now, as a principal, I would hire Michele in a heartbeat for any position it my school! Michele is an inspiration of what a teacher and a person should be!!

Kate Lynch Posted over a year ago

I have had the pleasure of working with Michele Davis as a coach, a relationship that has developed into a very meaningful friendship. Her ability to motivate, and instill confidence in any and all young people (and many adults!) is beyond words. Michele sees the strengths in kids, where others may only see weaknesses. She approaches each child with the individuality that they need to be successful at any task and seems to have an endless reserve of positivity and encouragement. I have learned so many lessons about coaching, supporting, and working with students of all kinds; both in the athletic arena, and in life as a whole. She has changed the lives of countless students, but also the lives of many adults who have been fortunate enough to work along side her.

Danielle Brumbley Posted over a year ago

Michele was my teacher mentor when I first started our ILC program 3 years ago. It was my first year teaching ever. Her consult and support is a reason I continue to feel successful as a teacher, and I still go to her seeking advice all of the time. She never turns me away, no matter how busy is. I feel so proud to have her as part of our school and so blessed to say that she has become one of my great friends. She inspires me and others daily with her accomplishments!