LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Martha Ramirez

Position: Guidance Counselor
School: James A. Garfield High School
School District: Los Angeles Unified School District
City, State: Los Angeles, CA

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Martha Ramirez was nominated by a colleague.

"Ms. Ramirez is one of the best counselors I have worked with in my 20-year career as an educator," said the nominator. "She goes above and beyond what is asked of her job description and really puts the needs of every one of her students first. Aside from programming them and ensuring they are on track to graduate, she takes the time to get to know each student, give them individualized attention, and ensure they are prepared post post-graduation. The environment she provides for her students is inviting, and they know they can go to her for the guidance they need. She is the reason many of them don't give up and graduate."
