LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Kristine Douglas

Position: English Teacher
School: Waterfront Elementary School
School District: Buffalo Public Schools
City, State: Buffalo, NY

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Kristine Douglas was nominated by a student, Sashell Heard.

"Mrs. Douglas has been a LifeChanger for thousands of students and our families. There are many instances where Mrs. Douglas has made it her life's mission daily to help every student and connect with our parents. I had a friend whose mother passed away in fifth grade, and when she got to McKinley High School, Mrs. Douglas took on the role of teacher, mentor, and mother. Mrs. Douglas helped us set up bank accounts and was the advisor for the drill team. She helped us raise money and donated so much of her own money for our uniforms and competitions. Mrs. Douglas talked to us while expecting the highest standards in her English class. She made us create an English binder that carried us through and prepared us for AP courses, college courses, college term papers, and state exams. Although she was an amazing teacher, she made learning fun and connected what we learned in class to our real lives so we could understand why we were in school. Mrs. Douglas took the time to learn about everyone," said Heard.

"She supported our businesses and created a classroom where we felt love. We're still connected to her and feel loved by her. Mrs. Douglas comes by our houses, helps us tutor our children, and goes beyond the call of duty to help in any way possible. Mrs. Douglas ensured students were accepted to college and had colleges come to her English classes. She made it so we could fill out our applications for free, talked to counselors and apprentice programs, and helped some students who had lost a parent due to death or jail fill out FAFSAs, job applications, and housing forms. Mrs. Douglas is a one-stop shop who had referrals for programs, helped us get jobs, and danced with us at our senior prom," said Heard.

"Mrs. Douglas continues to share her love for teaching, holding her annual writing camps. She also employs her old students to work at the camp as she uses English as a tool and basis for the camp. We write proposals for our business and contracts; Mrs. Douglas looks them over with us and reviews our business plans. She then connects us to businesses in the community and other professionals who can also help us. Mrs. Douglas helps with corrections and then approves us along with funding for our small businesses," said Heard. "She makes sure her students use the camp as a form of writing across life skills, writing for exams, newspapers, social media blogs, and how to write movie and film reviews. I have never had a teacher who uses their life to improve everyone else's lives. She uses her own money and time to come to our homes and make friends with our parents, including my mom. Mrs. D. is a remarkable person. She set up camp tents in her classroom and around the school to hold her annual writing camp. Although the camp appears to be fun - she has fresh pancakes, juice, and all-you-can-eat breakfast and lunch - the work that must be completed is so stringent and difficult that it becomes more school than camp. However, because it’s so much fun learning, writing camp is worth it." 

"Mrs. Douglas took her eighth-grade class go-carting and supported one of her students who owned a spa and needed business to the spa. Mrs. Douglas rented a limousine and took every girl in her class to receive free manicures courtesy of Mrs. Douglas. I admire how she teaches us how to use our words and voices and speak with conviction, intelligence, and confidence, demanding we learn how to read and write business plans, simple contracts, and even store receipts. Everything is a learning experience," said Heard.

"Mrs. Douglas has done so many acts of kindness; there are too many to write. I love how she always gave out candy on the way out of the classroom on Fridays. At first, I thought it was just candy, but to every student, she would say, 'Thank you for allowing me to teach you. It is truly an honor.' Once I understood she was honoring our abilities and willingness to learn, it made me want to be a better student and person. Mrs. Douglas is truly loved, admired, and appreciated by the thousands of students whose lives she has touched. She is amazing. Although Mrs. Douglas is certified to be a building principal, she wants to stay in the classroom as she feels obligated to have a closer approach to her students. Mrs. Douglas always shares how we use education to create a better society and find our purpose, gifts, and paths. Mrs. Douglas has been the class advisor and held leadership positions within the school and in the community," said Heard.

"Mrs. Douglas is not always games but full of fun, even when demanding the hardest part of digging deep academically, insisting we use Socratic Seminars, Peer Mediation, and intellectual discourse to facilitate classroom activities and lessons. She is animated in having us sing our pronouns and adverbs, clapping and allowing the process of learning to be obtainable through her lighthearted instructional manner. Mrs. Douglas’ strict teaching methods opted into an environment of high expectations and achievement. As a record of excellence in professionalism, she modeled success and taught what excellence looked like and how it should be exhibited in class and out. Mrs. Douglas isn't just an English teacher; she is a selfless teacher who related our street lives and real lives to education, learning, and how to rise to the next levels in all parts of life," said Heard. "Our English cohort, and those before and under us, continuously exhibited almost a total cohort passing group in her English class and on the state regents exams."

"Mrs. Douglas has always exhibited the highest moral and ethical standards as she would charge us twenty-five cents for a curse word the first time we used a word; after that, it was fifty cents for the second offense and then one dollar after the fourth offense. We always paid as she has a way to get students to comply. At the end of the week, Mrs. Douglas would hand over the envelope with the money collected to a student who hadn't cursed all week. What I loved most was how she taught us to speak and behave in public. Mrs. Douglas taught us that code-switching is a necessary life changer for everyone. She modeled this as she taught us how to practice talking to each other and write and transform our speech into well-crafted essays that did not reflect our childish speech or inappropriate words. Mrs. Douglas taught us how to respect ourselves, how to speak well to receive respect, and how to demand others treat us with respect," said Heard. "Mrs. Douglas is someone anyone can call at almost any time of the day, and she will answer the call for whatever anyone needs. Mrs. Douglas is a mother, a mentor, and a teacher. I call her about my children. She buys books and leapfrog reading skills pads, and is there to help me advocate for my children. When I was out of work, she helped me financially and emotionally and inspired me to keep going. I opened a small business, and she always supports me. She is one of my biggest cheerleaders, encouraging me to keep working diligently and not give up. Mrs. Douglas also helped another student I know to manage her beauty salon, connecting her to financial and business resources. These are just a few of the many people she helps. What we love about her is that after she gives you money and helps you, she says, 'Now don't tell anyone. This is between you, your parents, and me, that's it.' We all laugh! She helps everyone-- we love her and laugh with kindness behind her back as she is so sweet and amazing."

Comments (14)

Eddie Hoover Posted 4 months ago

I have know Ms. Douglas since she was in high school and attended one of my mentoring programs at the SUNY-Buffalo School of MedicineI have been working with her over the past decade trying to establish a special charter school for inner city youths bound for both college and the job market with life enriching skills for both. It has been during this toime that I realized the depth of her knowledge of and how to integrate "best practices" for our young people embracing their backgrounds, special skills/needs and their inherent intrinsic value to society that brings out the best in those not in the "talented tenth." Motivating them to overcome their myriad of obstables emanating from their socioeconomic status at home, fragmented family structure, lack of basic resources, IT equipment, Internet access ,etc., requires innovation and the practical application thereof, that best describes her mind for teaching and her zeal/enthusiasm to help students. Oftentimes when we have been engaged in a profession for a number of years, change becomes quite difficult and innovation gives way to "the old tried and true stills works for me" concept, and students are negatively impacted. She does not accept the oft-stated comment that "these students cannot learn", and has written programs for these students that have been implemented by other teachers/schools with great success. She is quite good at procuring goods, services and money for those things her students need that are not supplied by the system. Ms. Douiglas would the teacher of choice for my children. Thank you for your time and attention. Eddie L. Hoover, MD, FACS

Joseph Nwaogwugwu Posted 5 months ago

Kristin, you deserve whatever award(s) that come your way. Your caring attitude and your sense of belongings put you in a unique situation as a teacher. Congratulations and God's blessings that come with it. Keep it rolling and remain blessed.

Pash Nxn Posted 5 months ago

Long before the age of social influencers, educators had a much more primary direct and indirect role when it came to shaping our ideas and expectations of ourselves and others as adults. This enriching real world experience can be summed up through one word that is synonymous with Mrs. Douglas and the content of her character as an educator. IMPACTFUL. Through conscious and considerate actions Mrs. Douglas has made having an enriching impact on her students and art form. I have witnessed on many occasions the short and long term effects of this. From things such as, ensuring that students have what they need to make it through one of our harsh Buffalo winters to things such as providing tailored learning methods for all the different styles of retention and application of students. Through thoughtful planning and thought-provoking activities Mrs. Douglas has impacted and shaped the minds and hearts of her students. Continuing daily to help create productive, strong, empathetic and hungry members of society. The act of enriching students through impactive actions isn't something that can it's immediate value quantified through clicks or have its long-term results measured through likes. Having a meaningful impact on us is something that could only be accomplished through selfless acts of sincere generosity and compassion, of which Mrs. Douglas has an abundance. Having the type of impact she has had over the years I know is enough for her because true impactfulness comes when one does not seek reciprocity and this is of the utmost true of Mrs Douglas. I am overjoyed that her efforts and character are being recognized in this manner because she is worthy of this and so much more. Thank you Mrs. Douglas for all that you have done and still continue to do for all us students young and old. You are loved and appreciated more than we could ever show!

Shade Perry Posted 6 months ago

Mrs. Douglas is as wonderful of a teacher as she is a person and vice versa. As someone I’ve known my entire life, I can say that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, she is truly an awe-inspiring teacher, mentor, confidante, parental figure and member of the community. For as long as I can remember, Mrs. Douglas has moved mountains to help her students thrive, sacrificing so much emotionally as well as financially in the process. Even still, she does so much for her students. Mrs. Douglas makes sure that every interaction with her students as well as the people around her, is one that promotes learning and positive growth. Her lessons often go beyond the classroom. Although her lessons are structured so that they’re digestible within the classroom and contribute to the curriculum, the manner in which she teaches the lessons make the content more relatable and easy to understand and apply both in and outside of the classroom. Mrs. Douglas dedicates herself to creating members of society who thrive and seek to be the best they can be. Every student I’ve ever heard coming in contact with Mrs. Douglas has only had the best to say about her teaching, her character, her compassion, and her understanding, myself included. Mrs. Douglas does everything with purpose, even if it’s just having fun. She exemplifies what teaching looks like when it’s done by someone who truly cares and wants to see those around her succeed in life, regardless of where you come from. As far as standards go, Mrs. Douglas is the bar. She has been the guiding light in the lives of so many in the community. She makes those around her want to be a better version of themselves and have the same effect on those they come in contact with. I’m truly grateful that I’ve had the honor of both witnessing and experiencing the kind of teacher she is. To refer to her as a life changer, in my humble opinion, is simply not enough. Mrs. Douglas is not only a life-changer, but a life-saver. She is certainly deserving of this award. I’m truly thankful for all of who she is and what she does for our community. Her impact continues to reach beyond, anchoring a butterfly effect in the absolute best ways.

Alicia Lacey Posted 6 months ago

Mrs. Douglas is one of the most fantastic human beings on the face of this earth. Mrs. Douglas buys the students clothes, does everything for the students to learn and be successful in class. She teachers with her heart, and with every thing she has in her. She comes to work sick, and many times tired as she is dedicated to the students here at The Waterfront Elementary School. She host festivals, is the Junior High Student Council Advisor and buys everything the council needs out of her pocket and barely gets her money back. Mrs. Douglas hosted a TED talk with the students and allowed all of the students to have the experience. She also allowed students from different faiths who do not celebrate Valentines Day to have a Friendship Festival and invited the 6th 7th and 8th grades combined. The festival was for all students to become friends as many religions have different rules about who can celebrate what. This activity allowed all students to participate and have fun. Of course this was paid for by Mrs. Douglas as she has a heart of gold. there is nothing she wont do for her students from accommodating religious rules, to feminine hygiene products, to dietary needs to their social emotional needs, to stopping the kids from disagreements she is there for everything. Mrs. Douglas is an amazing lady and deserves any and all awards that should be given to her. She is so sweet, humble and always has time for anyone and everyone who needs her. I am glad to have Mrs. Douglas as a person who I can also turn and talk to as a teacher, colleague and friend. She sets the standards for what a teacher should be like, sound like and defines excellence in the classroom.

Winstongabriel Douglas Posted 6 months ago

Amazing teacher who has always gone out of her way to help, speak with, mentor and care fornher students with full effort. From hosting holiday events for the students to working with them and their families if they've ever been in need or have a need for assistance. Amazing teacher who gives her all to every class she has.

Dj Posted 6 months ago

Amazing teacher who has always gone out of her way to help, speak with, mentor and care fornher students with full effort. From hosting holiday events for the students to working with them and their families if they've ever been in need or have a need for assistance. Amazing teacher who gives her all to every class she has.

.aryRuth Kapsiak Posted 7 months ago

Most deserving for an awesome teacher and leader!!

Lisa Maria Moye Posted 8 months ago

Mrs. Douglas is truly a Life Changer. I have known her for more than 25 years and can honestly say she keeps getting better with time. You can tell that Mrs. Douglas loves what she does, she is an exemplary teacher who has a wonderful rapport with her students, their parents, and her co-workers. Her connection with her students is admirable. The bar is set high and she encourages her students to work hard and be the best version of themselves that they can be. A lifelong learner, Mrs. Douglas believes there is no end to learning and this is demonstrated through her continuing to go to school to educate herself. The students are sometimes surprised to learn that she is taking a class or in school, but she is showing them that there is always more to learn and that you are never too old to learn something new. Mrs. Douglas also attends professional development classes to continue to stay current with her skills, but she also conducts professional development classes. As a mentor to her students, this role does not end when the school year is over. You can go back to Mrs. Douglas for advice or help at any time. Helping others is innate for her. An excellent writer, she is also excellent at teaching writing. A mentor to many, she has worked with my daughter and helped her to become a better writer over the years. She can express her thoughts more vividly now. These skills have been used for her to write short stories and poetry as a hobby. Going above and beyond to help students find resources to alleviate the stress they feel when they are applying to school is what she does. Her mentorship and guidance are greatly appreciated as she played a role in helping my daughter with college applications and now she is halfway through medical school. Mrs. Douglas is a true example of what a Life Changer is. She has helped students not only dream but believe that with hard work, they can make their dreams a reality. It is an honor to know Mrs. Douglas and for the many students including my daughter that she has taught and worked with throughout her years in education, they have been fortunate to have her.

Siti Halda Posted 8 months ago

Mrs. Douglas is really is an incredible teacher she ensures that we all succeed. Despite being busy with her responsibilities, she always finds or manage a way to make time to have fun with her students. One thing that stands out to me is that before sharing information she takes the time to thoroughly investigate and ensure that the information she will share is accurate. Not only that, but she finds great websites that helps me and other students with inspirations and with other things that improves our ability's. She is filled with dedication and love in her heart and in her teaching she reminds everyone to be respectful no matter who you are which make her classroom an even more fun, educational, and welcoming space for all. Me and so many people are so proud to have such a dedicated and caring teacher like Mrs. Douglas.

saima latif Posted 8 months ago

MRS. DOUGLAS IS LITERALLY THE BEST TEACHERRR. I love her so much, and im glad that i have her has my teacher. Im so thankful for her, and how she does everything for her students. shes truly a blessingg. she deserves this title, and everything good in life.

Saima Azad Posted 8 months ago

Mrs. Douglas has changed the lives of me and my classmates. She showed us how school doesn't always have to be boring. While teaching us a lot she showed us how fun learning could be. I think she deserves this award a lot, because she provided so many opportunities for all of us. She truly deserves it.

Kira Posted 8 months ago

Thanks to Mrs. Douglas, we've had a lot of opportunities as a class. Many great opportunities, allowing us to see her classroom as a safe space which most teachers struggle with providing.

Mei Kaldel Posted 8 months ago

Kristine Douglas is an amazing teacher and tutor. She has become a valued part of our family as she not only tutored our children, she helped and nurtured, as well followed them on their educational journey. There is not enough words to express or say about her as my family and I have benefited immensely from her being in our lives. We are truly thankful and grateful to have Kristine in our lives. Please honor her with this award as she is more than well deserving.