LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Dina Cashin

Position: Primary Teacher
School: Ernest J. Finizio Elementary School
School District: Roselle Park Public Schools
City, State: Roselle Park, NJ

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Dina Cashin was nominated by an anonymous member of the community. 

Ms. Cashin is a superb teacher who personifies what it means to be a LifeChanger. Her lucky students jump out of bed each school morning because they cannot wait to see what fun learning activities await them in her classroom. Ms. Cashin is the kind of teacher every child dreams about having, even if it's only once in their entire school career. She is also the kind of teacher parents are eternally grateful for; they know their child will be nurtured, loved, and masterfully taught daily in a safe environment free from bullying or harassment.

Ms. Cashin is a source of positivity and joy for all who encounter her during school. She greets her eager young students with a smile and then involves them in meaningful, curriculum-based learning episodes that promote success for every student at their level. She differentiates instruction, so her students typically soar under her guidance. Reluctant learners become enthusiastic and confident and look forward to their time with their beloved teacher. In short, she is a fantastic teacher, and her students thrive with her!

Her classroom is a "safe place" and a vibrant, colorful, print-rich environment that encourages literacy skills and exploration. Even before the term was coined, Ms. Cashin was doing SEL (social and emotional learning), as she has always cared about nurturing the whole child and encouraging positive student interactions. Her students celebrate holidays and special days 'in her classroom, and she skillfully uses them as opportunities for student learning and growth. Her students come from a wonderfully diverse community, and the diversity is celebrated and respected. Many of her students also come from economically fragile homes. She often personally ensures that they have everything they need at school or home, and she does this in secret and without fanfare. But she is well known by all for reaching into her pocket to ensure her students have everything they need.

Ms. Cashin is at the heart of her school community and represents the very best qualities of a professional. She maintains close and open communication with her students' parents, who hold her in high regard. Parents often maintain contact long after their child moves to the next grade. She is a respected member of the professional learning community and has been selected as Teacher of the Year for her many important qualities.

She mentors young and aspiring educators who look to her as a role model. She draws upon her rich educational formation at Seton Hall University, where she studied undergraduate and then earned a Master's Degree in Instructional Design and Technology, graduating Summa Cum Laude. She willingly volunteers for committees and added responsibilities because that is the kind of person she is. She serves on the Curriculum Council and the Character Education Committee, among others. She is pursuing studies to become a supervisor at the K-12 level. Her presence enriches the extended school community and is of the highest character.

Maya Angelou wrote, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'" Ms. Cashin's students will never forget that she made them feel loved, safe, meaningful, and like they had tremendous potential, which is what all great educators should do.

"Dina Cashin is a master teacher who has forever made a positive difference for her students and all school community members. She advocates for her students; every child leaves her classroom knowing they are cared about and have bright futures. Her enthusiasm, dedication, professionalism, initiative, kindness, and devotion to her students is unsurpassed. She makes a positive impact. She deserves to be selected as LifeChanger of the Year for all these reasons and more," said the nominator.

Comments (2)

Joy Posted 3 months ago

Ms. Dina Cashin is a role model for students, professionals and everyone she meets. She personifies excellence and goes above and beyond for her students every single day! She shows them that she cares for them and plans wonderful learning activities which they enjoy. They do their very best for her because they feel safe with her and know she will respond positively even if the answer is "wrong." She is also a role model for the professional learning community and has served as a mentor---formal and informal---for many. I LOVE the Maya Angelou quote that the person who nominated Ms. Cashin chose to celebrate her. These words apply so much to Ms. Cashin as she makes EVERYONE feel better just by knowing her. I truly hope DIna Cashin is selected for this award as she truly changes lives for the better every single day.

Angela Posted 3 months ago

The Lifechanger of the Year Award is supposed to go to someone who makes a "significant difference in the lives of students by exemplifying excellence, positive influence and leadership." Dina Cashin is a superb teacher who personifies all of these qualities and so much more! I can honestly say I have never encountered her without a smile on her face and a kind word for her students and anyone who could use an encouraging word. She exudes positive energy which is contagious. She accepts her students as they are and strives to help them be the very best they can be. She has high standards for herself and never takes the easy way to get a job done. Because of this, she is a model of excellence for all and inspires others to also do their best. The world is a better place because of her and she truly deserves this award!