LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Ruby Shaffer

Position: Fourth Grade Math Teacher
School: Brown Elementary
School District: Clayton County Public Schools
City, State: Jonesboro, GA

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Ruby Shaffer was nominated by a family member, Brenda Taylor.

Ms. Shaffer loves to teach, and her heart's desire is for every child to read and understand all that they read. She created the "Read To Me Rap" several years ago, which caused thousands of parents to begin reading to their children in her community, as well as other school districts. She's on a mission to help children from all walks of life reach their fullest potential. Ms. Shaffer purchases coats and school supplies, and she makes sure all children can go on field trips, even when their parents cannot afford to send them.

College graduates come back to thank her for instilling in them the importance of reading. Some are now teachers, judges and parents, but one thing is for sure. Because of Ms. Shaffer, current and former students alike know the Read To Me Rap: Read to me, read to me, open up my mind and read to me, challenge my thinking and read to me.

Comments (7)

Jeanette Norman Posted over a year ago

Congratulations Ms. Shaffer! I wish you the best and I see the hard work and dedication you share with your students.

Rosabel Posted over a year ago

That's 2 clever by half and 2x2 clever 4 me. Thksan!

Brenda Shaffer-Taylor Posted over a year ago

Best Teacher Ever.

Bernice Shaffer Parmeley Posted over a year ago

R E A D to me, you've got to R E A D to me (chorus) I KNOW I'M CUTE AND THAT'S A FACT BUT REMEMBER MOM AND DAD I NEED MORE THAN THAT,,, (verse) The words of this song "READ TO ME" rang through out the Elementary School where I once taught for a few years as a substitute music teacher in one of the St Louis pubic schools years ago. Unfortunately, (keeping it real) a lot of the students could not read or write on the grade level they were in which was very disturbing to me. So, I decided to combined some academics along with teaching them music. I expressed to the students that reading is something they will do their entire life and how important it is for them to learn now. One of the teaching tools I used was Ms. Ruby Shaffer's CD, the "Read To Me Rap". The children LOVED IT! Since I had every child in the building every child heard this rap and learned every word and started telling their parents about the "Read To Me Rap Song" and the importance of reading. The school had an assembly one day and the moment the students heard the first note to the song, every student began to sing to their parents the "Read To Me Rap Song". I know for those students and parents that were there on that day got the message through the rap the "importance of reading". The desire as a teacher to help children read has been in your heart Ms. Ruby Shaffer, for a very long time. which is why I believe God downloaded in you, to create the reading rap and more, that is why I nominate you.

Lester Long Posted over a year ago

Ruby Shaffer is very caring and passionate when it comes to the youth. Ruby has always been very influential in my life as well in reference to reading, writing, and education. Ruby started "Read To Me America" years ago as campaign for the world to recognize that parents should read to their kids! Reading doesn't start in the classroom but at home. Ruby's lifelong goal has been to reach / educate as many children and family's as she can. Ruby is also currently working on releasing a children's book as well. As you can see, education is her passion and Ruby definitely deserves an award for her outstanding work!

Juanita Shaffer Posted over a year ago

Ruby Shaffer is very passionate about teaching "her" children. She actually cares about what they learn in her classroom, and how they will use the information in their daily lives outside of the school walls. Ruby speaks often about "her" children and their achievements. She is a rare individual who takes her job responsibilities seriously. I nominate Ruby Shaffer, not just because she is my sister, but because I can't think of a more deserving educator to win this award. Bravo, Ruby, for a job well done!

Mona Long Posted over a year ago

Ms. Shaffer has been an influential role model in my life. First as an educator by teaching me and others the phonics/joy of learning; most importantly, the benefits of having an education with creiditials that demonstrate capable skill sets. Secondly she has been influential by being an advocate, mentor and supporter in my personal and professional endeavors. She provides advice that yields positive outcomes. Ms.Shaffer truly cares. She works around the clock to develop and enhance learning best practices, which will enable children to reach higher learning potential. I have never met a teacher with as much passion and dedication as Ms.Shaffer. I am looking forward to her next book release.