LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Jim Ferland

Position: Assistant Principal
School: Spaulding High School
School District: Barre Supervisory Union
City, State: Barre, VT

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Music that Describes Jim

Jim Ferland was nominated by an anonymous colleague.

Mr. Ferland, better known as "The Captain," is a LifeChanger for so many. Mr. Ferland is one of two assistant principals at Spaulding High School. He goes above and beyond to boost morale, positively add to his school's atmosphere, and put the students first. Spaulding is located in Barre, Vermont and faces many challenges, from working from a small budget, to teaching and caring for the children of the opioid crisis, and so much more.

Mr. Ferland instills positivity and school spirit. His booming, loving voice roars over the intercom each morning, welcoming students and singing Spaulding's school song, "Glory to Spaulding." He is a part of student-run clubs and emcees the student assemblies. He even pledged to get the Tide Pride tattoo if the senior class could raise $5,000 to donate to Make a Wish - the tattoo can be seen in his profile picture!

Mr. Ferland began a student, athlete and teacher of the week program, as well as a class spirit competition among grade levels. He also starting a weekly Friday afternoon gathering for faculty and staff at a local establishment. These are just a few examples of how Mr. Ferland boosts staff and student morale as well as the atmosphere of his school and community.

With the role of Assistant Principal also comes having to deal with the discipline of students and more undesirable jobs in the school. Mr. Ferland takes the time to get to know each student that crosses his path. He meets them where they are at and takes care of their needs above all. Mr. Ferland works very closely with the school counselors to fundraise, collect donations or purchase items for students in need out of his own pocket.

Recently, a freshman English class was asked to write on a note card one thing they wished for for Christmas. One particular note card stood out to the teacher, who brought it to the attention of Mr. Ferland. Without hesitation, Mr. Ferland begins making phone calls to make this student's wish a Christmas reality. While it won't be completed until spring, it is a Christmas blessing to the student, her guardians and family.

Comments (68)

Kyle Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has been an unstoppable force of positivity for not only our school, but our town as well. For him to be absent from a single meeting, or sports event is nearly unheard of. He is constantly involving students with the community and encouraging participation in the student body. His positive energy extends to local sports events as well, from talking to student athletes about their most recent games, to appearing and cheering on the school's teams. He is a well respected figure in the community as a voice for positive changes, especially for the youth of the community. He can find a way to put a smile on the face of anyone in town, and he takes pride in his role in the community.

Caity Bryant Posted over a year ago

Jim deserves this award for myriad reasons. He is an engaged listener and an insightful problem-solver. He is the driving force behind the positive morale shifts in our community. Put simply, Spaulding High School is a better place because of him. The respect I have for this man (both personally and professionally) continues to grow each day.

Sam Posted over a year ago

Jim Ferland's mission was to bring more school spirit to our community and every day he keeps wowing us with his dedication to this goal. From free pizza to tattoos, Jim is very supportive of any idea that will raise school moral. I know he has changed the lives of our students as he has spent numerous hours planning events and organizing committees that support school spirit and highlight individual student achievements. He helped organize student, staff, and athlete of the week, weekly spirit days, the Spaulding Crimson Cup challenge, and is always getting more people to support our sports teams with games and prizes. Spaulding High school is so lucky to have JIM!

Zoe Macdonald Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland for as long as I have known him has been dedicated to making Spaulding a place we are all proud of. Before he became our Vice Principal, we didn't have much school spirit and we were stuck in our beliefs that Spaulding's reputation couldn't be changed. With him as our Vice Principal, he changed all of this. He got students involved in a Crimson Crazies club which boosted our schools pride, came up with incentives to get students at sporting events, and he started up the race for the Crimson Cup. Now all of us feel recognized and we feel united. Our school may not be perfect, but we now celebrate the successes we have and take pride in those successes. This is all because of Mr. Ferland's passion and efforts.

Kyle Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has been an outstanding member of Spaulding High School. Through past years when Mr. Ferlnad was not here, I felt like the togetherness of Spaulding and having Tide Pride wasn't really a thing. But through him, he has gotten our attention and motivated us to have pride in Spaulding and change the reputation that it once had. He always makes time for any student and gives them his best shot at helping in any way possible. Spaulding wouldn't be the same without him.

Camden Simpson Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland is an amazing guy! In my short time of being a student at Spaulding High School, he's made me feel more welcome than ever! He's selfless, kind, funny, and of course the captain! He'd help me out of a bulling situation and make me feel safe. And I can't forget the spirit of Mr. Ferland. He brightens up everybody's day when he says "Good Morning Tide Nation, This Is The Captain Speaking!" He helps with school fundraisers and even participates in some too! I've never seen anyone like it. Its awesome. If anyone deserves to win the award for Life Changer Of The Year, its Mr. Ferland!

Tara Posted over a year ago

As a parent of a freshman, we are still finding our way and settling in. In the short time we’ve had, we’ve already crossed paths with Mr. Ferland. I can honestly say it feels really good as a parent- knowing he is in the building everyday supporting, caring for, and looking out for our kids!

Teka Posted over a year ago

Jim, has the biggest heart. He is willing to challenge is as students to really do our best and give our best effort.

Lia Rubel Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has transformed the school atmosphere from the moment he arrived. His genuine care for students and staff, bubbly personality, and school spirit is contagious and I am so grateful for all he has done. Throughout high school, I have wanted to help increase school pride and school spirit at Spaulding High School, and Mr. Ferland has helped me achieve everything I want to do. He is a change-maker and it is amazing to see how a single person can impact an entire school in such a positive way.

Aiden Posted over a year ago

Jim Ferland has been a huge motivater for our school including me. His morning announcments after the bell rings help start the day cause they are so energetic and he always seems so proud that our school is doing so well.

Jacob Allen Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has no doubt changed the lives of everyone at Spaulding High School. His amazing spirit and upbeat personality has created a great atmosphere here at Spaulding. As one of Spaulding’s students, I can confidently say that Mr. Ferland has brightened the eyes of my classmates with his creative and positive outlook in both our school and the community. I look forward to not only experiencing the next idea he brings to Spaulding, but also to living the contagious spirit he spreads throughout Spaulding every day.

Camden Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland is extremely selfless. He really does try to make school into a good experience, always encouraging school spirit and promoting positivity. It's clear that he has made, and will continue to make, our school a better place.

Emily Graham Posted over a year ago

Always available, an easy to talk to leader, I find it so easy to work with Jim. I can count on getting things done with his advice and direction. His genuine positive energy has truly changed this school. Personally, his creative school spirit-enhancing program has encouraged me to feel especially proud and happy to be part of this school. I have liked all his initiatives, especially all the motivational quotes he posts on the walls in school; so far my favorite spirit event is the We Are The World video teachers produced with Jim's help. That idea and the work to perform was quite inspiring to me. JIm Ferland is certainly a life changer for me and he deserves recognition!

Anna Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has definitely made a huge impact on our school community. He is not only our principle but he is someone that we see as our support. He goes above and beyond to make everyone happy and his positive attitude is contagious.

Lee Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland is an amazing source of school spirit and energy for our school, and nobody loves Spaulding quite as much as he does. He has the power to instill school spirit in all of us, even when we're down. He's certainly devoted to Spaulding and it's students and it's amazing.

Kirstin Reilly Posted over a year ago

Jim Ferland takes the time and energy to develop a greater sense of community within Spaulding High School. He provides positive, encouraging words in the morning and throughout the day. He is and inspiration to the students, faculty and staff here.

MJ Chouinard Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland is such a huge part of the school community, always working to make the high school environment more welcoming, friendly, and positive. Since he has been here, he has increased school spirit tenfold and has made Spaulding a place I am proud to cheer for during any events. Without hesitation, I can certainly say he is deserving of this award, and that I hope he wins.

Ella Hilton-VanOsdall Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has had such a positive impact on our school. Since he has been here, it has become a much better place. He is incredibly supportive of the students, and does so much work to raise school spirit. I am able to say with certainty that he is deserving of this award.

Jesse Carpenter Posted over a year ago

Jim has been an outstanding addition to our school. Jim arrived day one, on a mission to support a change in climate and school culture that the students and faculty could be proud of, and it is well underway. Mr. Ferland's energy and enthusiasm is contagious and brings a smile to everyone's face whenever they encounter him. Jim is also a great listener, whenever I've approached him with an idea or a concern, Jim has welcomed the discussion and helps to move things forward without hesitation. The environment in our building has changed drastically over these past few years and a lot of that can be attributed to Jim authentic interest in seeing Spaulding be the best it can be and that it be recognized as the great school that it is.

George Posted over a year ago

Jim is an incredible force of positivity and school spirit for the Spaulding High School. His actions motivate students and teachers to get involved and he does everything with sincere enthusiasm that shows true love for the school. Of course, getting a tattoo of the school logo is out of this world, but one of my biggest "wow" moments was when he made an announcement in the middle of the day - just simply thanking the student body and showing appreciation for the students that show up each day. Jim is a true life-changer!

Linda Senecal Posted over a year ago

Jim Ferland is a good leader. He is actively involved in the student body activities, cheering kids on at their sport games and corralling some to attend them also. He is seen throughout our school building and is often smiling and very upbeat. While on a school field trip, the students took it upon themselves to sing the school song while being videotaped to dedicate to their VP Mr. Ferland. During our school assemblies it is always fun to watch Jim interact with the students because usually he gets the other students involved.

Lola Posted over a year ago

Jim has done a lot to raise school spirit and bring true meaning to Tide Pride. As "the Captain", he is interested in having students and staff proud of being part of the Tide Nation community. He is always coming up with new ideas to keep enthusiasm growing. Getting the tattoo on his arm of Tide Nation when challenged by a student as a fund raising goal is hard to beat! He is so deserving of this award.

Beth Nishball-Williams Posted over a year ago

Jim "The Captain" Ferland is amazing!! The amount of student involvement has increased tenfold since he joined our community. He has facilitated and instituted numerous things (class competitions, singing of the school song, charity name a few ) that have changed the climate of the's beautiful!! Jim Ferland rocks!!

Hayley Posted over a year ago

Jim's presence has altered the overall culture of our school. He has brought back pride and community in so many ways. I love how involved he is in the lives of our know that Mr.Ferland will be there at the plays and events, or cheering on our students on the field. He leads with heart, and is a wonderful support to not just our students but the whole school community.

Sandra Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland is positive, motivating, and just plain "real." He's genuine, not simply a "go through the motions" guy. He can laugh at himself and cry with you if you need it. He never stops creating ways to involve every student in something - a quirky contest, a fundraising challenge, an essay contest, or a special rally around a sports event, every student is encouraged, their input honored, and their actions acknowledged with sincere appreciation. He helps people recognize that their efforts make a difference, that they make a difference. His ideas and actions lift people up and empower them to not just participate, but challenge their comfort zone, and to lead with confidence. Mr. Ferland's endless efforts to lift the spirit of students and staff is creating a place we all enjoy coming to and developing a community we all want to be part of - he's amazing - it's that simple!

Angie Saldi Posted over a year ago

As a Spaulding graduate and a teacher here for the past 13 years, I can say without reservation that Jim's infectious spirit and enthusiasm are unmatched! I'm especially impressed by the range of his impact--from working with a single student or club on a fundraising project, to getting the whole student body involved in weekly spirit days. In years past, I lamented the lack of school spirit compared to what I recall from my own days as a student here, but that's all changed, thanks to the Captain. I think it's safe to say the Tide Pride and positive energy here now far surpass anything I experienced as a student. There are so many fine examples in the comments others have made, but the one that stands out for me as the moment I knew something had changed, was the day one table in the cafeteria busted out singing the school song and were quickly joined by everyone else in the cafeteria.

Barbara Strong Posted over a year ago

Our school community is undergoing an amazing transformation.....we are looking at the positive side of school, activities and our day-to-day life. Jim Ferland,"our Captain", is The Transformer. His amazing enthusiasm, positive energy, and genuine interest and love for our community is infectious. He does not hesitate to take risks in order to boost the morale and highlight what is great about our high school community. At the same time, he is a strong leader, mentor and support to both staff and students. "Our Captain" is unilaterally loved by the staff as well as the student body here at Spaulding High School!!!

Peggy Roy Portelance Posted over a year ago

Jim is an ideal administrator for both students and faculty. He holds an enthusiasm for his work that is contagious, inspiring faculty to perform at their personal best without taking themselves too seriously, and motivating students to find purpose in their education and a sense of enjoyment in the process. He is highly respected by both his students and his educational peers. He is a visible presence in our school. He is approachable, equitable, and caring all while maintaining a sense of humor. He is sincere in his interactions and has promoted a culture of change, school spirit and healthy pride in our school community.

Barbara Strong Posted over a year ago

Our school community is undergoing an amazing transformation.....we are looking at the positive side of school, activities and our day-to-day life. Jim Ferland,"our Captain", is The Transformer. His amazing enthusiasm, positive energy, and genuine interest and love for our community is infectious. He does not hesitate to take risks in order to boost the morale and highlight what is great about our high school community. At the same time, he is a strong leader, mentor and support to both staff and students. "Our Captain" is unilaterally loved by the staff as well as the student body here at Spaulding High School!!!

Sam Posted over a year ago

Jim Ferland has been an integral part of the my experience as a new teacher at Spaulding High School. Jim has welcomed me and made himself available to me for any questions or concerns I have. In a rather large school, I see Jim every single day; whether it is in the hallway greeting students in the morning, in the cafeteria socializing with students, or stopping by my classroom to follow up with a previous discussion. Mr. Ferland is an example of leadership in education and I can't imagine our school without him.

Chris Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland's infectious spirit can be seen and heard in the echos of many more students expressing positive school community feelings than I have experienced before.

Katie Posted over a year ago

Jim has such great energy, and has done really wonderful work with improving school spirit. His enthusiasm, dedication, and sense of humor have made a noticeable different in our school's climate. My class looks forward to his announcements, and we look forward to seeing each week's Spirit Theme. Besides, how many other administrators have school mascot tattoos? He very much deserves to win this award.

Laurie E Berryman Posted over a year ago

I have worked in many high schools in Vermont and I have had the pleasure of working with Jim at another high school before SHS. Jim is committed to students and to changing school culture. Many of the students on my caseload as a school counselor struggle with coming to school and following rules and regulations and I find Jim to be fair and compassionate in his role as Assistant Principal. If a student is struggling and has outside issues impacting their ability to focus and access their education, he is the first person I speak to about how to best support the student and how we can take away some barriers that may be present for a particular student. Jim is full of energy and a cheerleader for changing the perception of what it means to attend a high school in Barre. He wants to change the perception that Barre is "scary" and he encourages students to engage with their learning and take pride in their school. I appreciate the enthusiasm and commitment he brings every day. Thank you Jim!!

Nealee Posted over a year ago

Jim Ferland, or The Captain, is one of a kind. He goes above and beyond for ALL faculty, staff and most importantly students. I have worked at Spaulding for two years now and some of the ways he has changed students' lives, as well as the employees working here and the larger community, is just remarkable and heart warming - and to think he does this out of the kindness of his heart and often his own pocket is what puts him above the rest. There is no incentive for him other than to improve our community, make the best of our days together and improve the lives of every student that enters this building from small gestures to rather large. Whether Jim wins the National competition or not he is a Local Life Changer here in Barre. Way to go Captain!!! Your actions don't go unnoticed!!!

Alexis Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland is always willing to help others. One time when I was feeling really down and upset he had a long conversation with me in the lunch room about everything that I was feeling anxious about. He seems to always be so busy and yet makes so much time for everyone that needs help.

Alicia Tosi Posted over a year ago

Jim's positive energy and school spirit are infectious. He is always looking for ways to celebrate the faculty and students at our school.

Zack Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has continuously brought the Spaulding community his loud cheer and enthusiasm since the day he first began working as an assistant principal. He is always seen around the school with a huge smile on his face and a positive attitude. Our school sporting events and assemblies would not be the same without Mr. Ferland's presence. He is most certainly deserving of the LifeChanger of the Year award!

Sarah Posted over a year ago

I didn't know Mr. Ferland that personally during high school, but I knew of things he did for other students. He really cares and he is a truly kind man who does so much for others. I've seen some of what he has done and heard other things, but not once has he bragged about doing these things; he is humble and down to earth and is truly deserving of this honor.

Cassidy Posted over a year ago

When I was at Spaulding, Mr. Ferland brought enthusiasm to the school every single day. He is a very genuine person; you can tell he really cares about the well-being of every person in the community. He has brought so much positive change to Spaulding in only a few years, and I’m excited to see what else he does in the future. I’m very thankful for people like Mr. Ferland - people like him inspire others to be better, creating an overall better environment.

Claudia Mackenzie Posted over a year ago

Jim Ferland is a true attribute to Spaulding High School! He has a true interest in all of the students at the high school and always puts their needs first. He's very kind, caring and respectful; while trying to instill moral, academic and personal responsibility. In my opinion, he is a very worthy candidate! Good Luck, Jim!

Maddy Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has definitely changed our school for the better in the few years he’s been assistant principle. He came into the school and immediately started to make changes that positively affected the environment of Spaulding. He is a great person and is very passionate about what he does. He is more than deserving of this award.

Michelle Posted over a year ago

As I read through the comments, especially of the students, Jim eminates what a Principle and a mentor should be. Congratulations on your nomination and Thank you for your support in our community and at Spaulding High School.

Erin Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland is someone who can always put a smile on your face, he is truly a kind person who cares so much for Spaulding and the community. He is someone who I know would always be there for me and any student or facilitator that needs him, I can’t think of anyone more deserving for this award!

Jeff Roy Posted over a year ago

I’ve known Jim almost my entire life. He’s my best friend’s father and therefore I have experienced first hand what type of role model Jim has been not only for his own kids, but for the people in his community. I graduated from Spaulding before Jim took the Assistant Principal position. When I found out he was going to be working at Spaulding, I immediately thought about how well he would connect with the young men and women and how he would truly do his best to make their time at Spaulding special. From everything I’ve been hearing around the community, especially from students, he has exceeded my expectations and most definitely deserves this recognition more than anyone. Roll Tide!

Josh Posted over a year ago

Jim is an absolute legend. He is more than deserving of this award.

Cellan Posted over a year ago

As a student, having a principal know not just you by name but the entire student body is amazing. Mr.Ferland truly loves our school and does everything he can to better it. From helping 5,000 dollars to make a wish, getting a tide pride tattoo, to creating a club dedicated to recognizing students,athletes,and staff members doing great things.

Molly Posted over a year ago

Ferland is definitely the face of Spauldings Tide Pride. Ferland is not afraid to go out there and show everyone a good time. Him and I are currently working on a fundraiser together and I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else. He has an open mind to anything and doesn’t mind making bets with students so that we can reach our goals. Ferland has kept the school at a maximum of pride, especially on Monday mornings when we listen to our tide song over the intercom. He has and currently is playing a huge role in all of the students lives at Spaulding high school. We all appreciate Ferland so much!

Bob Nelson Posted over a year ago

Well deserved Jim! You’re already a winner in the hearts and minds of your community!

Ben Moore Posted over a year ago

Since Jim has been at SHS I have noticed a distinctive difference in the atmosphere and operation of our school. His influence and energy has made Spaulding a much more positive, welcoming and enjoyable place to work. His initiatives and ideas have improved the lives of both students and staff. He is always thinking and proposing new ideas that are in the best interest of students and is always striving to build the community aspect of our school. He has greatly succeeded in building the Spaulding community and I hope that he continues to do so!

Donald Singer Posted over a year ago

The two biggest changes that I've seen since Mr Ferland arrived at Spaulding is improvements in our information flow and the huge increase in school spirit. Beginning each day with "The Captain's" enthusiastic announcements is critical to keep students informed and involved. They also play a huge roll in the school spirit improvement. Without the announcements, we wouldn't have the participation of many of the school's events. Of course, one of the most important parts of the morning announcements is the singing of "Glory to Spaulding." The revival of the school song has been huge. I didn't even know we had a school song, and less than a year later, students are singing it all over the place. My XC team sang it on the bus after every meet, at a XC meet, and in a McDonalds. In addition, the school assemblies have improved.

Abigail Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland is definitely a huge role model of what kind of person you want to be when you grow up. He is the type of person who you can joke around with, yet have a serious conversation with. He will never take your problems lightly when it come to his job, he is always there to help all of his students. It’s always good to see him walking about smiling saying “hi” to almost every student by name. He is definitely a life changer to most students in our little Tide community!!

Ana Posted over a year ago

Always keeps the levels of sprit and positivity the highest they can be. Without Ferland’s ideas and thoughtful actions, the community at Spaulding wouldn’t be as close as they are.

Whitney Renaud Posted over a year ago

As a previous student at the high school, I have nothing but positive things to say about Mr. Ferland! He truly came into the school, saw what we were struggling with as a student body and faculty, and committed 110% to making things better. He is constantly making an effort to increase spirit at the school and highlight all students. During my junior year, he worked with me, another student, and one teacher to fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. He helped us to create a community luminary display and raise $2500. He helped us in any way we asked and beyond. He even led the event with an impactful speech that left the audience in silence, and donated a great amount to the fundraiser. He has truly changed the lives of many students at the high school and is dedicated to making a larger difference in the world.

Anthony Amaral Posted over a year ago

Jim has increased the morale of the students and staff with his positive outlook on a daily basis.

Brianna Posted over a year ago

He has done so much for the school and really gets everyone pumped up! He has so much spirit and makes the school a better and more fun place!

Carm Posted over a year ago

He’s been a great assistant principal and he’s done so much for so many people and done so much to raise school spirit in Spaulding no matter how low the students feel. He’s so kind and generous and always willing to do anything to help a student, even getting a tattoo to raise money!!

Sarah Chap Posted over a year ago

I work with Jim as a teacher at Spaulding High School. Jim has single-handedly shifted the morale of the working environment within the building with his infectious personality, his willingness to act like a fool for a laugh, and his organization of recognition programs and social events. Among student, Jim is known fondly as "The Captain." The students see him as a constant support, a valuable characteristic for the many, many students in our school who have tumultuous and trauma-filled lives. Jim is consistent and fair in his interactions with students, he believes in building relationships and does so beautifully, and is the biggest cheerleader for each and every student. Not only did he commit and follow through with permanently marking his "Tide Pride" with a tattoo to encourage a student-body fundraising effort, he uses his personal money for incentives such as prizes with his own money for student recognition awards or pizza for the student section of home basketball games. He goes above and beyond the role of assistant principal. He is so deserving of this recognition! He embodies the title of lifechanger every day and we are lucky to have him here in the Barre community.

Ashley Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has turned our whole school community around in such an amazing and positive way. Coming together with school spirit makes coming to school everyday something to look forward to.

Faith Posted over a year ago

Truly the most high spirited principal out there! Ferland does everything in his power to keep the school at maximum tide pride potential and create a positive environment.

Jamie Evans Posted over a year ago

Jim's positive energy and enthusiasm is fantastic! Every school, business, government or any kind of organization could benefit from Jim's positive aura! Especially in today's world, we all need more Jim Ferland's in the world!

Lisa Fredette Posted over a year ago

I have taught at Spaulding for the past 2 years, and Jim has shown me invaluable support. He has made me feel welcome and helped me through the minutiae of transitioning to teach at a new school. I frequently turn to him for advice with behavioral issues in my classroom. He works with me and the students to bring about positive resolutions for all involved. He really works on getting to the heart of the matter - why the behavior is happening - so that we can resolve the issue from the source instead of just treating the symptom.

Ella McCarthy Posted over a year ago

As a student at Spaulding High School, I can say that I see first hand how incredible Mr. Ferland is as an educator and a person. In the time he has been at SHS he has worked continuously to increase school spirit. Not only does he listen to the ideas of the students, but also commits to then 100%. I was able to experience this at the beginning of my senior year when I had the idea to have a Walk-A-Thon to raise money for Make-A-Wish Vermont. Mr. Ferland helped me with all the planning, and even pledged to get a "crimson crazie" themed tattoo if our school was able to raise $5,000.00! With stakes like this, the student body knew they needed to complete the challenge Mr. Ferland had given to us. And of course, we were able to raise the money, (as you can see from his profile picture) but I can promise you that Mr. Ferland agreed to get the tattoo not because he wanted one, but because he believes in what Spaulding High School has to offer, and believed that with the right encouragement, we could all come together and create great change within our local community. Through working closely with him, I can say that he is the perfect representation of someone who changes lives. He works tirelessly to make our school the best it can be, and I am so lucky to have a teacher/admin personel that believes in every single student that walks the halls.

Sue Brennan Posted over a year ago

Our high school has become a whole different world since Jim Ferland joined us. We already had an incredibly caring, dedicated faculty, but Jim took it upon himself to improve the school culture by reaching out to staff and students alike. No request is too big for Jim, provided it doesn’t put anyone into a bad position. He has become the go-to person for any idea that might support our students and staff, either as a whole, or individually. You know that Jim will hear you out, no matter how big or how small the request, and he will move mountains to try to make your idea a reality if it will make our school a better place in any way. I recently went to him with an unusual and large request for a student in need, and within 24 hours, he had reached out to members of the community and completely taken care of something I imagined would require time and fundraising. The last day before our recent break, Jim gathered a large portion of the faculty together to perform “We Are the World” for our students. It had been a taxing week, maybe more so than the typical week leading to a holiday break, and yet, when Jim and his crew took the stage, and then had a little technical glitch, the students waited patiently and respectfully. They knew that if this was something Jim was behind, that it would be worth waiting for. The music started and there was a lot of laughter and cheering. One by one students brought out their smartphones to display their lights, and within seconds the auditorium was filled with swaying “candles” in support of the performing adults. It was such a heartwarming sight, and so indicative of the culture Jim has tapped into here. I could list more examples, but I am sure that other people will want opportunities to share their favorite “Captain” story. We are so lucky to have him here, and we all know it.

Christel Cross Posted over a year ago

Mr. Ferland has done so much for our school community. He is a very hard worker and always acts in the students' best interest. His positive attitude and enthusiasm have definitely changed the school spirit. Mr. Ferland, also known as The Captain, is a true LifeChanger!

Michelle LaFrancis Posted over a year ago

As an alum and colleague, I am so proud of Jim Ferland and the work he has accomplished. He is bleeds crimson and inspires not only our students, but our colleagues. We are so fortunate to have our Captain lead the ship, M

David H. Buzzi Posted over a year ago

Such a huge heart!

Lauren Buck Posted over a year ago

Jim has made the atmosphere so much more positive and spirited! Students look forward to the challenges each week and love getting into Friday Spirit Days.

Katie Saint Raymond Posted over a year ago

A wonderful, energetic boss and one of the kindest people in the Barre community. Mr. Ferland takes the time to listen to the students AND the staff, and makes sure that everyone feels supported.