Rev. James Davis
Position: Bus Driver
School: Ware Shoals Schools
School District: Ware Shoals School District 51
City, State: Ware Shoals, SC
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Rev. James Davis was nominated by his superintendent, Dr. Fay Sprouse.
On Friday, February 23rd, 2018, we surprised Mr. Davis at a Black History Month school assembly in his district to alert him of his status as a 2017-18 Grand Prize Finalist! He received $5,000 to be split between a $2,500 individual cash award and a $2,500 donation to his district. Additionally, he will be attending our National Awards Ceremony in Bermuda in mid-May, where the Grand Prize Winner will be revealed.
On top of his work as a school bus driver and student mentor for Ware Shoals School District 51, Rev. Davis serves as the pastor of Dunn Creek Baptist Church in Ware Shoals. After graduating from South Carolina State University, Rev. Davis served as Lieutenant in the United States Army for 11 years. Following his military service, he worked as an addictions counselor for the Greenville County Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse for 11 years. In 1982, he answered his call into the ministry. Rev. Davis is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry at Anderson University
While Rev. Davis’s work as a minister, counselor, and community servant has always provided valuable assistance to at-risk youth, he became aggressively involved in dropout prevention after attending a district-wide meeting of educators and community leaders on the issue in 2013. Rev. Davis made school success and high school graduation the theme of his church’s youth ministry. He invites school and community leaders to church youth events to encourage school success. The annual Back to School Bash provides school supplies for students in need of help. “Rev. Davis is an influential leader who communicates the stay-in-school message," Sprouse said. “He mentors at-risk youth in the district, maintaining contact with them even after their graduation."
Rev. Davis creatively spreads the message of school success beyond his ministry at Dunn Creek Baptist Church. He leads a group of church and community members who regularly attend local school board meetings. Additionally, he provides support and assistance to school system leadership to improve graduation rates. As a school bus driver, Rev. Davis drives Bus #8, and all his young passengers know and chant his bus motto each day, “You ride Bus Eight, be Good, be Great, and you will graduate!” He even wears a cap with his bus motto, "8GGG," emblazoned on it.
The graduation rate of Ware Shoals School District 51 has shown significant improvement that results from the schools and community working together.
“Our efforts are paying off, and that is in large part due to the dedication and creativity of Rev. Davis,” Sprouse said.
Rev. Davis was recognized nationally as the 2016 recipient of the Governor and Mrs. Richard W. Riley Award for Excellence in Dropout Prevention by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network. He also leads adults and students in the district's mission - DESTINATION GRADUATION.
“He is helping get students across that finish line so that they can be productive, contributing, and successful members of society. Now that's a Life Changer!” Sprouse said.
James Davis in the News:
Ware Shoals life-changer honored for his work with students
The Reverend of Bus 8: James Davis inspires a generation
Watch Rev. Davis' vignette:
Pastor Davis is amazing man of God. He has been both an inspiration as well as a blessing to me and my family. He is truly a compassionate man of God. He displays the true meaning of love.
Rev. James F Davis 3rd, A true man of God whom pratices what he preach.He is one that will eill help you in any way that he possibly can, he knows no stangers, He's dedicated to servicing his purpise according to Gods Will. A pastor, a preacher,a teacher,a musician, a family man and indeed a great friend.He is one that will be there whenever you call on him if at all possible. It is indeed a blessing to know such a wonderful, outstanding person a true man of God.
A true man of God whom will go out of his way to do whatever he can to help anyone in any way that he can. Rev. James F Davis 3rd is dedicated to servicing his purpose as the Lord has Willed him to do. A Preacher, Teacher, Musician, Loving Father, Dedicated to serving the people through his ministry.
Rev. Davis is a source of strength and a beacon of hope and light for many at the local, state and national level in both the spiritual and secular sphere. He has a unique ability to identify and resolve to address one's needs despite the daily unforeseen changes and challenges. I am eternally grateful for how he walks life's journey with many even though he is miles away. It is my hope that Rev. Davis (an unsung hero) will be recognized nationally for his unconditional commitment to serving the needs of others.
Rev Davis was the pastor of my family church Holly Springs Baptist Church. Rev Davis performed my wedding. And Rev Davis performed my husbands funeral. Today he is my mentor,friend,and encourages me weekly. He is a honorable man of GOD.
Christina Bryant 12-31-17
We love Rev. Davis. He gives out good recipes for feeding your spiritual soul. May God continue to lead and guide him.
Rev. James F. Davis, III is an outstanding community leader and family man. His devotion, dedication and deeds to the community, church and family is exceptional. His hard work and commitment and work ethnic surely qualify him to be lifechanger of the year...!!! He is an outstanding preacher of the Gospel and his words of encouragement to others is not only inspirational but lifechanging. Rev. Davis is truely a change agent who deserves to be Lifechanger of the year...!!!
I have known Rev Davis for more than 40 years and know him to be a dedicated compassionate, goal oriented person with a personality to match. I applaud Rev Davis for all he does at the school district and believe he is most deserving of this recognition.
Rev. Davis is an amazing pastor.
Rev. Davis is a great preacher and gives great lessons with the things he teaches us.
Rev. James F. Davis lll, Is a great motivator and encourager. He enjoys what he does.
Rev. Davis is a great Pastor, leader, teacher and friend. Thanks for all you are doing with-in the church and community!
For the past 23 years, Rev. Davis has been a blessing to me and my family. He is faithful in helping anyone that is in need. He is always willing to help you in solving any problems. I am very inspired by all of the scriptures that I receive from him, and may God continue to bless him in everything that he does.
Rev.Davis a very caring and passionate person. He cares about the kids well being and loves his church family there’s nothing Rev. Davis wouldn’t do for you. He’s a humble man and don’t mind stepping in.
Rev. Davis is a great inspiration to all ages. He always has a positive attitude and always steers you in the right direction. He is truly a man of God.
Rev. James Davis is a great man, very kind and a wonderful speaker. I have family in the Ware Shoals area that often speak extremely highly of him,
I am most honored to have Rev. Davis as my pastor. He always conducts himself as a positive leader and role model, no matter where he is or the situation. He always stresses the importance of sharing what you have with others. Thats' exactly what he does not just on Sundays but everyday of the year. He is always willing and eager to assist others on obtaining and or changing their direction in life. He offers assistance with the truth and kind words. Rev.Davis is always always on call to whoever is need of a friend, counselor, parent, teacher or preacher. I definitely agree that my pastor, Rev. Davis should be the LifeChanger of the Year 2017-18. Resting is definitely not on his agenda. Whenever there is an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life Rev.Davis is always there.
Rev.James Davis is very instrumental to the community. He has made me and my family very welcomed in his church Dunn Creek. My granddaughters Jada and Jazmin really enjoy his church. He is a blessing to us all.
If you have been around Ware Shoals for any amount of time, then you have definitely met or at least heard of Rev. Davis, and if you have had the pleasure of meeting him, then you know how lucky Ware Shoals is to have him. Through a short conversation, he makes everyone he comes in contact with feel important and driven to do better. Many of my students and athletes have stories about Rev. Davis and no matter what the story is, it always ends with a smile. I coach volleyball, basketball, and soccer at Ware Shoals, and it is hard to find someone that likes all three. However, Rev. Davis always asks me about players and games, and although he has all types of prayer groups, Bible studies, and other requirements, he finds a way to come to a lot of the games, no matter the sport. When he is there, you cannot miss him. He is one of our biggest supporters. He is always cheering and encouraging individual players and the team, and you will see the players smile as he shouts various lines or phrases. His voice carries throughout the gym and over the field, and even as a coach, it is a good feeling knowing you have people that are so supportive and dedicated the the kids and community. I obviously do not know all the other candidates on the list, but I can guarantee that it would be hard to find anyone that puts as much time and love into their community, school system, or young people as he does. Even though he would never ask for or admit it, he deserves all the recognition he gets. I cannot thank him enough for what he has done for me and my students.
I've known Rev.Davis all of my adult life,and I can't think of a better time for Rev.Davis to receive this special earthly award. Why? Because he's truly worthy of it. He is a man of God!! His solicitude has always been shown by the fact that he gives him self unconditionally to change lives of, women, men, boy's, and girls unconditionally. Thank You Rev.Davis we love you!!!
Rev James Floyd Davis III
Is one that is truly a servant to mankind. He is the brother that God placed in my life many years ago.We have worked together in many different areas of Ministry within the local church, associations, and state level of christian education.God has gifted him with teaching that is second to none when he enters into the classroom.He has the heart of a true servant of God,not just in the church arena but also in the community and his family. I Thank God for my brother whom I'm very proud of and the opportunity for nominee of this award.I see him as in the following:
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! - Rudyard Kipling
It is with great pleasure to write about James Davis III having known him for approximately 30 years. He is a man with integrity, willing to go the extra mile for others. James wants the most out of life, and he desires that the students he comes into contact with get as much out of life as they can too. What better way for a student to start off the day with a greeting from James smiling and sharing some encouraging word, for we do not know what the student encountered at home before coming to school. That encouraging word, or challenge, or expectation for students on his route could be the difference in the day the students have at school. And, not only is he the first person the student sees to start their day off well, but is the last school official the student has contact with at the end of the day. Whatever the day was for the student, Rev. Davis is there for encouragement and support at the end. It is incredible how students respond when they know someone is on their side as James is. It is not just his words of wisdom that positively impacts the children, but the role model he is. He is a student himself and continue to strive to improve himself. Mr. Davis and the students can relate to each other about the challenges that comes with education, and the reward that can be achieved. He is even a mentor to me, and I am older than he is. Mr. James has a thirst for knowledge, and the desire to share all he has. It seems as though James has involved himself in almost every facet of the education process in Ware Shoals to impact students in a positive way. He is tireless, caring, and generous and is deserving of recognition in being a blessing to the citizens and students of Ware Shoals.
Wonderful role model for the students of Ware Shoals School District 51. Whether you meet Rev. Davis in the hallway, in the classroom, the playground, or at the bus stop he always has a smile and words of encouragement. Not only is he involved with school activities he is involved with community activities as well. Students that ride his bus know his motto well "you ride bus eight, be good, be great and you will graduate!" I know of no one that deserves this award more than Rev. James Davis and it is my honor to cast my vote for him.
Rev.James F. Davis 111 is a good man. Our pastor is truly worthy of this life Changer award. From the pulpit, to wherever. His mission is to change life's.
Pastor Davis is an awesome man of God whose commitment to his family, church and community speak for itself. We are blessed at Dunn Creek Baptist Church to have such a wonderful man of God leading our flock.
Never met a man more considerate of the feelings and Home life of a student. He makes a point to tell everyone hello, and give a word of encouragement, before moving along. He deserves the recognition outside of our little district because he cares more about these students than they even care about themselves.
I too along with others are glad to express why our pastor,Rev. James Floyd David,111 should be awarded " Life Changer" awarde of the year. Rev. David is a man that exhibit his God giver talents to whomever, and wherever encouragement is needed. He speaks often about doing things" to no purpose" ( In Vain). Rev. Davis leadership comes directly from the heart. At times we can see how tired he is, but for the love of others and the will of God, he hunches his shoulders up and keep on keeping on trying his best not to leave anyone behind. Oh yes!! Rev. David is a Life Changer, he gives of his time and doesn't limit his interest to just a handful of people. He drives his bus, his car, and put shoes on the ground at any given day.Rev. Davis use his voice for kindness, his ears for compassion. His kindness towards other creates confidence. Rev. James F. Davis really deserve this award, because he does change lives.
Reverend Davis is a wonderful and dedicated pastor in my eyes and has been a very big inspiration in my life. I believe he deserves this award!!!
Mr. Rev Davis is more than deserving of the Life Changer of the Year award. As a graduate of Ware Shoals High School in 2016, I have known Rev Davis since I started there in 1st grade! I was lucky enough to be a passenger of bus 8 until I was old enough to drive. Even though I stopped riding the bus, he never stopped caring for my sister and I. He greets everyone with the biggest smile and always has the kindest, most uplifting words to say to someone! I can’t think of anyone else that deserves this award more than Mr. Rev Davis!
Rev. James F Davis III has been a great inspiration in my life. He became pastor of Dunn Creek Baptist Church when I was six years old. Throughout his 20 plus years of service at Dunn Creek Baptist Church, he has watched me transition through life. He has always been a great spiritual leader and supporter for me and my family. Not only does he demonstrate leadership in the Church, but in the Ware Shoals community as well. Reverend Davis is a humble servant of God.
This is my vote.
Rev.Davis is a truly kind hearted man and inspirational to many. And is a kind and caring person. Everyone in the room lights up when he is seen.
This man is a inspiration to all people and lits up a room when he walks in !!
Rev Davis is a man who knows no boundaries when it comes to his tireless and dedicated work in this community and his church. His amazing sacrifice to give of himself to others is endless. He is admirable, honorable, and an excellent role model. Thank you Rev Davis for bringing Jesus Christ to life and teaching me what is truth and just, you are a definite Life Changer in our eye's. We are so proud of you , may God continue to have his blessings upon you...
Rev Davis is an Exceptional Man of God who leads by example. He is the Perfect Candidate gor this award!
Reverend Davis has been a godsend for the Dunn Creek Church family. During his tenure as Pastor with us, he has brought many to Christ. Personally as for myself, I found my way to the Lord through Reverend Davis' influence. His constant communication aids me in staying on course.
There so much more I can say about Reverend James F. Davis, III, however the above piece covers him quite well.
Twenty three years ago our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, blessed the Dunn Creek Baptist Church Family with one of His finest Shepherds/Pastors, to spiritually guide His flock through the transitional period we were experiencing at that time. To God be the glory for providing us with Pastor James F. Davis, III who has taught, fed and led us up Zion’s Highway.
During the embryonic period of Pastor Davis’ leadership I observed him closely. I listened attentively, not only in our church but observed him at other churches in the community as we accompanied him to numerous revivals and other programs. I also realized that not only did he teach the Word of God but he practiced what he preached. He has proved himself a “Mighty Man of God” a thousand times over.
I was amazed at the unique way children were attracted to him, not only at our church but in the school and community. They love him as a pastor, friend and counselor and his guidance is very important to them. He is actively involved in the education system in Ware Shoals, SC and is a mentor to many of the young people who seek him out. Their behaviors have improved for the better because of his counsel. Pastor Davis serves as a teacher in the Time Out Bible Study, and also works as a School Bus Driver. He is indeed a man with many talents.
Pastor Davis came to the community with the heart to make a difference. He has been able to contribute to the blending of the different cultures in the community. He is a member of the Ware Shoals Ministerial Ministry as well as other organizations that contribute to positive racial relationships in the community.
“Can’t come out to the Game”, a quote from Pastor Davis. He used this game analysis as a Pastor’s responsibility to his members as well as the community. The Pastor/Preacher has many request for his time and service , such as sickness, death, counseling, home visitation, prayers, teaching, preaching, etc., that his flock and community have need of him. Whereas in the athletic games there are members that can substitute for each other to give a breather to another member. Not the case with the Pastor. In times of trials and tribulations members want to see their Pastor, not the Asistant Pastor, deacon or trustee. There is no substitute for the Pastor, the pastor plays the entire game. From experience, during the illness and death of my wife, Pastor Davis was there for me everyday with his presence or calls. What a wonderful feeling and comfort it gave to me and my family.
We, as members, thank God for sending Pastor James F. Davis, III to the Dunn Creek Baptist Church Family. Children love him, his pairs respect him, his family adores and depends on him and we the members of Dunn Creek Baptist Church cherish and love him.
Yes, Pastor Davis is more than deserving to receive the honor of being awarded “Life Changer of the Year”.
Raymond Perkins
I have known Rev. Davis for over 20 years and he has always had a positive attitude. He creates a great environment where ever he goes.
Pillar of the Ware Shoals community. True shepherd of his flock @ Dunn Creek Bapt. Church. Preacher/ dynamic speaker. Active member of Ware Shoals Ministerial Assoc. holding numerous positions to include past president. Volunteer of Release Time Christian Education Program as his schedule permits. Volunteer and school bus driver @ W. S. School Dist.#51. Positive influence to everyone especially youth. Don't think he has ever met a stranger. A true friend to all but most of all a Christian and demonstrates his love for the Lord.
Good evening. I am writing this message on the behalf of my good friend and mentor Reverend James F. Davis. Reverend Davis is a God-fearing man who loves all people of various cultures and ethnic background. He is a man of integrity and strong faith in the Lord. Rev. Davis cares a great deal about children and is constantly involved in the life of young people. He is an awesome teacher of the word of God and I myself have learned so much under his teaching. I always love to see him as we meet on occasions passing by each other on the school bus (as I am a school bus driver as well) Rev. Davis always has a smile and warm greeting that makes my day. Lastly, Reverend Davis is a inspirational man of God. He has the gift to inspire others to be the very best that they can be. He offers hope and encouragement to those who might otherwise give up and give in. T
I would like to congratulate Reverend Davis for his nomination for this prestigious award .Not only is he A tireless worker in the community,he is also an excellent pastor. My first encounter with reverend, Davis,was when my wife passed on. He came to my house A stranger and left as A friend. Again kudos to you reverend Davis and may God continue to bless you.
Rev. James Davis is truly a servant leader. He is consistently a shining example to all who cross his path each day. I have known Rev. Davis as one of the bus drivers from Ware Shoals, faithfully bringing students to the G. Frank Russell Technology Center each day. He arrives with a smile and is always willing to stop and chat with those around. His kind spirit is obvious as he seeks to reach out to others. A positive role model, mentor, friend, pastor, and leader are just a few of the roles that this gentle man exhibits on a daily basis. We all wish him the best as he seeks to truly be a life changer in our community. Thank you, Rev. Davis, for all that you do and all that you are! May God continue to bless you in your life and in your ministry.
My Vote for Rev. James F. Davis,III for the Life Changer Award
Twenty three years ago our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, blessed the Dunn Creek Baptist Church Family with one of His finest Shepherds/Pastors, to spiritually guide His flock through the transitional period we were experiencing at that time. To God be the glory for providing us with Pastor James F. Davis, III who has taught, fed and led us up Zion’s Highway.
During the embryonic period of Pastor Davis’ leadership I observed him closely. I listened attentively, not only in our church but observed him at other churches in the community as we accompanied him to numerous revivals and other programs. I also realized that not only did he teach the Word of God but he practiced what he preached. He has proved himself a “Mighty Man of God” a thousand times over.
I was amazed at the unique way children were attracted to him, not only at our church but in the school and community. They love him as a pastor, friend and counselor and his guidance is very important to them. He is actively involved in the education system in Ware Shoals, SC and is a mentor to many of the young people who seek him out. Their behaviors have improved for the better because of his counsel. Pastor Davis serves as a teacher in the Time Out Bible Study, and also works as a School Bus Driver. He is indeed a man with many talents.
Pastor Davis came to the community with the heart to make a difference. The birth of Dunn Creek Baptist Church came from the womb of Turkey Creek Baptist Church. He has been able to contribute to the blending of the different cultures in the community. He is a member of the Ware Shoals Ministerial Ministry as well as other organizations that contribute to positive racial relationships in the community.
“Can’t come out to the Game”, a quote from Pastor Davis. He used this game analysis as a Pastor’s responsibility to his members as well as the community. The Pastor/Preacher has many request for his time and service , such as sickness, death, counseling, home visitation, prayers, teaching, preaching, etc., that his flock and community have need of him. Whereas in the athletic games there are members that can substitute for each other to give a breather to another member. Not the case with the Pastor. In times of trials and tribulations members want to see their Pastor, not the Asistant Pastor, deacon or trustee. There is no substitute for the Pastor, the pastor can't come out of the game! During the illness and death of my wife, Pastor Davis was there for me everyday with his presence or calls. What a wonderful feeling and comfort it gave to me and my family.
We thank God for sending Pastor James F. Davis, III to the Dunn Creek Baptist Church Family. Children love him, his pairs respect him, his family adores and depend on him and we the members of Dunn Creek Baptist Church love him and his family.
Yes, Pastor Davis is more than deserving to receive the honor of being awarded “Life Changer of the Year”.
He is so much to so many.
Deacon Raymond Perkins
It is a privilege and a great pleasure that Rev.James Davis has been nominated for this reward! Rev James Davis touches life's everywhere he goes ,he has touched my life and inspires me and encourages me every time I see him, he will take time out to meet a need,he'll give words of wisdom, to anyone in need! Rev.James Davis is a leader & a bright star that shines to us as a light in the dark! A Awesome Man Of God! That reaches All of Ware Shoals all the way to Greenville South Carolina! Thank you Life Charger for making Rev.James Davis the Winner, All Glory & Honor to Our Lord Jesus Christ
Rev. Davis is a man any community would be lucky to have. Yes he is very supportive of school activities and does a lot in the town. But there is a LOT of people in different towns that do that. Reason we are so lucky is his personality. The man loves God. And loves people. Always with a happy face and willing to talk to anyone. In today's world that is rare to find. Good luck rev. Win or loose we are fortunate to have you
Rev James F. Davis, III is certainly a life changer. He serves as a grief counselor for Holloway's Funeral Home and Foggie-Holloway's Funeral Home. I am pleased to nominate Rev James F. Davis, III for the Life Changer of the Year Award. I have known and worked with Rev James F. Davis, III for many years and have always found him dependable, efficient, and unfailingly punctual. In fact, I have never worked with a person who gives as much attention to detail as he does. Also, his willingness to take on difficult situations like the Death and Grief counseling has shown how much he is dedicated to the work of God that he is called to do.
His skills do not end with his ministerial work. He also projects a warm, cheerful attitude to people, especially the youth. I have seen him resolve conflicts and handle other difficult situations with remarkable patience and admirable tact. In the community he goes out of his way to help people in need by organizing charity drives and mentoring. He loves people, works hard, and always tries to lift the spirits of those around him. I believe these characteristics represent all that is good in our community, and I am pleased to nominate him for the honor of Life Changer of the Year.
Rev. Davis always has a positive attitude towards everything and he is a good influence on others.
he is a great bus driver, very caring, makes a good impact on others. if anybody gets it, he should. very loving caring man. great preacher. if you havent heard him you need to!! he believes in what's right!! he deserves this Life Changer of the year. very great guy!! and an awesome bus driver! blessing to the community and also been a blessing to us. good luck!!!!!
Rev. Davis has a "servant's heart".
What an outstanding dedicated individual who loves and cares about others more than himself.
Look no further, I know many others will qualify but no one else is more deserving than Rev.James Davis for the major impact he makes each day upon others.
Proud of you!
Though only having known Reverend Davis for a few short years, every time I have the opportunity to interact with him my life is impacted and made better because of these encounters. I first met Reverend Davis while working at the G. Frank Russell Technology Center. As is in his bio, he drove a bus, this one shuttled students from Ware Shoals to Greenwood, and he would stay at the center until the period ended and students would go back to Ware Shoals High School.
I've not met many strangers, nor has he, and we struck up a conversation one day outside of my office. The strange thing about it was, that conversation and the hundreds of others that have followed never lacked a topic to discuss. We discussed our jobs, our families, our interests and what became very clear the most important thing he wanted me to know about him was his Faith. I could go on and on about our discussions, but know that he puts God first in all of his decisions and in his daily walk.
I also think this steadfast honoring of his Faith has allowed him to impact the children he serves each and every day. He has taken the Great Commission of spreading the gospel and Christ's love and more times than not, he hasn't had to say a word. He "walks the walk." James Davis is husband, father, grandfather, worker, mentor and community leader who strives each and everyday to live his life so that people will ask him, "why are you so happy?" and he can share his good news!
I have been in the education field for 25 years and the Reverend James Davis would be in my Top 5 Hall of Famer's! He a special man who loves people and wants to see "all" of his students and all people he has the chance to impact be the greatest they can be!
Rev. Davis is my pastor and I can tell you that he not only talks the talk but he walks the walk. He is down to earth and shares his testimony wherever he goes. He reaches the broken as well as the saved.
A true man of God working for the people of God.
Mr. Davis has great inspiration on other. I wish him good luck.
I'm so thankful that God has brought up and raising up such a well-purpose driven servant/son/pastor such as your self Rev.Davis! I'm praying always that God will give you the knowledge of His will with all wisdom and spiritual understanding! You earn my vote! Thanks for the oil that flows from the Head!!
Rev.Davis was my girls bus driver for a few years..I also knew that they were safe with him..there was once when my oldest was having some issues and Rev. Davis knew something was wrong..he pulled over had my other child call me to tell me he was going to call 911..I was able to get to her before ambulance arrived, but Rev Davis kept her safe the entire time. Rev. Davis is ALWAYS smiling, waves when he sees you and always has a positive word. He takes time out to attend the young peoples sports to show them support. He is truly a blessing to so many people in our community.
Rev. Davis definitely have our vote. As much as I love children I understand your role and I back you 100%. Children need to see more male figures on a daily basis. May God continue to bless you and your family Pastor Davis.
I've had the pleasure of knowing Rev. Davis most of my life. He is the true definition of a Man of God! He is one of my sons favorite people. Congratulations on your nomination! We love you!
Mr. Rev. Davis i can't thank him enough, he is an inspiration to me and others he has made a big impact in my life and i hope he has in other. he is so caring and he will be there for you as long as you reach out to him. every day he there with a smile on his face even when he has his own bad day. i have rode his bus since day the first grade. i feel honored every day he is there; i love to thank him for all he has done.
I rode Rev. Davis bus 8 for a few years. I always enjoyed getting on his bus every morning because he ALWAYS knows how to make my day better. If I was having a bad day, he always knew what to say to make it better. He is the most caregiving guy I have ever met and he should be the Life Changer of The Year. He is the BEST!!! Love love him!!!
Mr. Rev. Davis is a true blessing and so deserving of this award. Keep up the great work Rev. Davis!!
Pastor Davis is true friend of mine. I have worked with him nearly 20 years in church ministry and he has always had education next to salvation. He know that of can't read you wouldn't be able to understand God word for yourself. He has a way with not only young people but all people all together. The thing about Reverend Davis is that he really cares. That what makes the difference between folk that do a job and those that love there opportunity. He deserve to have this awesome award. Ride bus 8 and you'll be great and you will graduate!!
Pastor Peppers
Rev. Davis is a joy to be around. He is so positive and happy. He truly cares for his students and his goal is to encourage all students to graduate. He is such a wonderful role model for not only the students that ride his bus - but all students. He is also one of the proudest "GRANDDADDY'S" that you will ever meet! I feel blessed to be his co-worker and his friend.
Rev. Davis is a true blessing for our District. There is not one person in our whole town or district that doesn't know Rev. Davis. He is a very present and encouraging figure in our town and schools. He is a role model for not only our students but for all the adults as well. He is always so positive and his love for the students is so evident. He loves, encourages, and prays everyday for not only the students but the staff as well. He has made a huge impact on our school and community! I don't know of anyone more deserving of this award.
Rev. Davis is an AWESOME man of God! He is a wonderful pillar to our community. The children loves him and listens when he speaks. Rev. Davis will not tell you anything wrong and he speaks with positivity. He is a great man and I pray that he receives this award. He deserves it!!!
Dear Selection Committee Members:
I am honored to have the opportunity to write this letter recommending Rev. James Davis, III for the "National Life Changer of the Year" Award.
Rev. Davis is a dedicated, enthusiastic and resourceful person who serves as a model for others in the community. Rev. Davis and I have known each other for more than ten years through our work in the Little River Missionary Baptist Association and the G. Frank Russell Technology Center where I served as Director. He is totally committed to making a positive impact in the lives of adults as well as students. While maintaining high expectations for all students, he is creative and gives freely of his time and talents for the benefit of others.
Rev. Davis is a supportive, optimistic, caring and very influential individual. He is an encouraging leader who models what he teaches and practices what he preaches - love for others.
Rev. Davis is an asset to the school and community. I Highly recommend Rev. Davis be considered for the National Life Changer of the Year Award.
Respectively Yours,
Rev. Davis has been an incredible inspiration to my students and me. I see him impact many students' lives by mentoring them. He will come join in my science class and the students love it! He connects with the students by listening to them when they need a caring ear or he may give them an inspirational talk. It is truly amazing to see God's work through him.
Rev. Davis is the kind of person that you can trust with your money and your children. He is truly a man of God.
Rev. Davis is truly a great man. He never meets a stranger. He always has a warm smile for children and adults alike.
Rev. Davis is a wonderful resource for our youth. He influences the students of our district in so many positive ways. I welcome him every time he comes to sit in on my math classes. The kids love and respect him. Rev. Davis is a great blessing to us.
Rev. James Davis has made an impact on my life, as well as my son's life. I never had to worry about my child being safely carried to school and back home, over a 5 year time span. This man genuinely cares about all of the children on his bus, and never hesitated to give me a call with any concerns, thoughts or insights that he had. This Pastor on wheels has prayed with me and for me and my child, weekly and daily at some low points in those years, and continues to send the love and encouragement of the Lord, as an example of his deep commitment to producing a nurturing atmosphere in the lives of children he safely transports, and the parents who love them. Rev. James Davis is a positive influence on the children of Ware Shoals, demonstrating daily what leadership and excellence looks like, as well as high moral standards, by respecting and loving them individually. Mr Rev James Davis truly is a Lifechanger!!!
Pastor James F Davis III is a man after God own heart and is committed to serving all God people. He is one that shows love and compassion unto all he meets without regards to ethnicity.
Rev. Davis is such an inspiration to all mankind. Not only is he a Pastor he is a mentor, an educator, bus driver, a wonderful father, brother, husband, and the list goes on and on. Rev. Davis has taught many seminars, preached many sermons, and led many souls to Christ. He is a great supporter of his church family; he attends school events as well as dedicating as much of his time to his family. I am so honored to know Pastor Davis he has truly been an inspiration in my life. Waking up every morning to the wonderful inspirational thoughts he sends, just carries me throughout the day. I cannot think of a more deserving person to be nominated for this prestigious award. If you cannot remember no other "Life Changer", please remember Rev. James F. Davis III (please don't forget the III). Now that's good news!! To God Be The Glory!
Reverend Davis is such an inspiration to so many individuals! He is one of the most caring and respectful individuals who I have a great pleasure in knowing! Whenever he sees you, he always gives a word of encouragement! Be assured that your spirit will be lifted after you receive his encouraging words! He has a positive influence on anyone he comes in contact with and leaves a lasting impression on them!
Reverend Davis is SO much deserving of this award!!
I have been fortunate to have known Rev. Davis for over 20 years. He became my Pastor when I was in high school and has been a motivator and influencer in my life since that time. He is constantly working in many communities to bridge the gap and bring many people together. Rev. Davis is a great role model to the students in upstate South Carolina. He constantly has an uplifting spirit and provides you will the tools to be productive in society. He has changed my life and many others who interact with him on a daily basis. I cannot think of a better person to be honored with the Life Changer Of the Year award.
Kept me from getting write ups every week.
Makes riding the bus fun, while educating us on life things.
Best bus driver I have ever had.
Dear: Rev. James Davis
You are the best bus driver in the world and you are good at helping us if needed you do the very best that you can and you are always trying to make us go for all of our goals and you make everybody so proud of you. I think that you should be recognized for the life changer of the year award. I hope you win the award good luck.????????
My children have had the pleasure of Rev. Davis driving them to and from school. I have never met a more child oriented person. Every morning he would greet my children with heart felt "good mornings", He would ask them what was special going on at school. He would drop them off in the afternoon wishing them a good night or a positive comment for whatever activity they had planned. He always had a moment for a quick hello or have a great night to the parents.
One day, one of my children was out with an injury, he actually called me wishing her a speedy recovery, and to offer his prayers for her. I was touched at his thoughtfulness. My children who already thought he was pretty great, became even bigger fans of his. My children can be a handful, Rev. Davis never had problems with them. He receives respect because he earns it. He expects the children in his care to be well behaved, and because of his method of speaking to and with them, the kids are well behaved.
Rev. James Davis is one of the finest people that I know. He's always striving to help make this world a better place for our young people. I've known Rev. Davis for quite sometime and I have never seen him turn his back on a child in need.
Rev. James F. Davis III is without a doubt one off the most edifying honorable men I have eaver known.
He is a real Man of God It Can be seen in his everyday life.
He will win.
Rev. Davis is an awesome, positive influence on not only our students but our entire community!! We are blessed to have him!
I’m very appreciative to have Rev. Davis in my life. He without a doubt deserves this award because he does so much for the community. He has been helping me with life ever since the time I met him in Elementary school. I’m 22 years of age and he still motivates me. Everyday he sends me words of encouragement and bible verses that always help me get through my day. He has touch so many lives and is a positive role model for people to look up too. Thank you Rev. Davis for everything you’ve done for us. Much love!
I am blessed by having this man the bus driver for all three of my children: one being graduated, another a senior, and last a 1st grader. This man has a radiance about him that just shines in all he does from the bus to his ministries. He greets all the children with his high fives where ever they may be. I have even run into him in the grocery store and he made his way over to talk to us all. He doesn't stop learning nor giving all of himself to anything he does even on the his bus routes. Thank you Rev. Davis for all that you do, you are a wonderful man!
Rev. Davis makes such an impact on so many lives. I have been riding his bus for years and everyday he never fails to greet you with a smile and a high five and always saying his slogan before school "Be good, Be great, and you'll graduate" as we get off the bus to start our day. He is such an inspiration to me and others. Hes always there for you and is always there if you need someone to talk to. Rev. Davis is the perfect nominee for this award and deserves to be the recipient of this award for all his hard work and dedication to all the students and lives he has impacted. You go Rev. Davis.
I became acquainted with Rev. Davis a few years ago when I pastored Zion Assembly Church of God in Richy Ln. in Ware Shoals. It was a pleasure working with him in community church events. His radiant demeanor has won him friendships and respect everywhere he goes! Congratulations Rev. Davis. May God’s blessings go with you as you inspire the youth to be everything God wants them to be in this world.
There is nobody else more deserving of this award ! Rev Davis is one of a kind and has changed many lives and put smiles on many faces . I hope you get what you have earned and deserve brother !
When I first met Rev Davis. I could see he had a servant heart who truly love the people. The description of him confirms it. He is a role model not only to the children but adults as well. Our children are our future. We must continue to inspire them in righteousness as he is doing. I thank God for Rev James Davis.
This man is a ray of sunshine the
Rev Davis is very deserving of this award. He not only serves the community of Ware Shoals, he has reached out through social media daily to bring the "Good News" of our Lord. On a personal note he has been there as God's Shepherd I needed to bring family members home for final rest, providing the closure, peace and comfort needed.
I'm proud of you, Brother James. There are so many kids that you've impacted.
Rev. Davis is a shining example of who God is! He has a compassion for the people he serves and he serves with genuine joy and excitement. He really deserves this award for all he does not only in Ware Shoals but in the State of SC. He is an amazing instructor for the South Carolina Baptist Congress. Thank you Dr Davis, for being a man after God’s own heart! Congratulations on your nomination!! #sodeserving
Reverend Davis is truly a man after Gods own heart,he is an inspiration to many people and truly an example of how Gods child look like The love he shows for others is pure! It has been my pleasure to call him my brother in Christ these last 22 years! I love you my brother!!
Rev. Davis is a true supporter of the students in the Ware Shoals school district. He encourages them to do their best and I truly believe he makes a difference. The students who ride his bus are lucky to have someone like Rev. Davis who gives them great advice and sends them into school with positive thoughts and inspiration. He is a great role model!
Awesome MAN of God! No only changing students live he is also changing couples. He doing a awesome job teaching "Ministering to Marriage in the Church " at the Little River Missionary Baptist Association School of Method this week.
He is an awesome guy and leader in the community.
Rev. Davis is a blessing for all that he does in helping with whatever is needed. He is dedicated and deserves this award.
I am Blessed to know Rev. James Davis all my life as he is my first cousin. He is a true Man of Distinction and Honor. A man who is competent, dependable, responsible and professional in whatever task he takes on. Rev. Davis has always been an enthusiastic encourager who has an excellent rapport with people of all ages. This is due to his positive and caring attitude. He is an impressive, loving family man as well as an active and valued citizen within his community. He is a strong spiritual leader at his Church and is well loved by his congregation. Rev. Davis’ stamina is truly to be admired. It is nice to know that with all his wonderful traits, he still humbles himself to help his fellow man. It is with great pleasure that I recommend Rev. James Davis for this honorable award.
Rev. Davis is such a blessing to the town of Ware Shoals. He is a wonderful role model and inspiration for all of our students!
You could not make a better choice. I have known this young
man for more than 40 years. He has represented well and surely will continue to do so.
I have known Rev. Davis all of his life! He has always been a passionate,caring & honest person! His humorous and happy qualities will lift anyone's spirit ! It is my belief that this award recipient the Rev. James Floyd Davis III is definitely a "Life Changer!"
I just recently met this man. He walked up to me, shook my hand and introduced himself. He had such a positive flow of energy. You could immediately tell it was genuine. We could all strive to be like him !
rev davis is the best man i know!!!!!! he is honest compassionate ad caring. he is not only a bus driver. he is a real leader and friend. he always makes me feel better about myself and helps me learn t forgive. i love being able to talk with him. and once you graduate or not ride his bus it doesnt matter ho you are! he will come up and speak and joke and tell you he loves you. the best thing to me about him is ive nevr seen him upset or down. i dont think that anyone has ever seen him without that huge kind smile across his face. he is alays so joyful and always tells you the positive to something. i love him!!!!!! and each and every person he encounters runs across he talks with them because he creates this kind of boond ad relationship with others and he has never forgotten a name!!!! he truly is the best man all around! he is great beyod a bus driver or teacher or anything. i know if i needed anything even just a friendly face to tell me be good be great and youll graduate, he is there and always says it and thats the most up lifting and the most motivation i have ever gotten just those three little words. thanks to all that you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you rev!
Rev. James Davis is an inspiration to our small community. He's a Pastor and a man that keeps it real. I'm proud that he continues to mentor to the youth. Many respect him and I am proud to call him a dear friend. Keep doing what you do Rev. Davis.
Rev Davis is a very caring person and a good listener. Thanks for always putting a smile on my face.
Rev. Davis deserves this without a doubt. My two sons rode his bus for 2 years before they changed the bus route and they adored him. He truly cared about them. Such a great man all around.
I met Rev Davis while we were students at South Carolina State College where we were band members. He always exhibited character as well as compassion and leadership. It came as no shock that he accepted a calling into the ministry. He has a positive impact on people and lately I look forward to his daily message on facebook for inspiration. He has and always will be committed to anything he puts his hands on and heart into. Rev Davis is so very deserving of this honor. Congratulations my friend and thanks for all you do for your students to guide them into the next phase of their lives!
Rev. Davis is encouraging to young and old alike. He toots the horn at my 89 year old mother's house every day when he passes. He tells me I'm always "diligently" working and to keep up the good work. His hats and t-shirts are conversation pieces. And the student shake his hand, give him five, or dap as they go forth
Will not find no one no better
If I can help somebody as I pass along, if I can cheer somebody with a word or song, if I can show somebody he's traveling wrong, then my living will not be in vain.
This is my Pastor and I appreciate his guidance, leadership and sincere love for all. May God continue to bless you that you may keep being a blessing to others.
Way to go please keep up the good work
Rev. James Davis is one of the kindest, most unselfish people that I know. He is always willing to help anyone that he can. He loves driving his school bus and the children all love him. He pours his life into his family, church and the children that he ministers to on the bus! I consider it a privilege to call him a friend!
REV Davis became pastor of Dunn Creek Baptist Church while I was away my mother told me a lot about him and when I finally come and head him give the word of GOD it played a big part of me Turing my life around and he has touch so many lives some we no about and some we don't he is surely one of GODS ANGELS .I just want to say Thank you and we LOVE YOU
Even when we met back in College, Rev Davis exhibited himself as a leader and a caring person. He makes time to help anyone in need. He just recently helped me with a situation and we had not seen or spoken to each other for years. His immediate concern was that I needed help and that he pointed in the right direction. He is a very dedicated man of God and he carries himself day to day the way we all should. If there was/is a picture of a Role Model, he would definitely be the face of it. The award belongs to him hands down as his attitude and caring exemplifies all aspect of it!!!
No!! He is not your ordinary bus driver. Rev. Davis is much more than that to students of Ware Shoals. He always has a smile and words of encouragement. In our world today we need people like him!! He makes a difference in a positive way!! A great role model for students and teachers!!!
Rev.Davis more than deserves this award. He is a very kind hearted man and a true man of God. He is someone that cares for everyone and is always there with a kind word of encouragement or advice. There could not have been a better choice.
Rev. Davis is such a treasure!
Rev. Davis is truly a caring man of God. He is patient and a great listener. He also connects with every child and he always makes a way to do so. He is someone that students can confide in and someone that they can truly go to when they need someone to talk to. Thanks Rev. Davis!
Very personable! Always smiling.
Rev. Davis really has made an immpression on my 3 sons. Thank you for all you do for our children in our district!
Our school and community are blessed to have Rev. Davis serve not only as a bus driver, but a mentor and friend. As a classroom teacher I am privileged to have the opportunity to work with him as he mentors the young men and women of our school. He shows the students that learning is never done and that the sky is the limit! In the words of Rev. Davis, “there is no such thing as no homework, there is always something we can work on!.” I can only hope that I make an impact on my students as Rev. Davis does on our whole community each and every day.
Ware Shoals students are fortunate to have Rev. Davis encouraging and leading them. His positive attitude is contagious.
Rev. Davis is a wonderful and inspirational person and my family and I are so blessed by his kindness and thoughtfulness.
Pastor James F. Davis, III is one of the most dedicated, competent and impacting man of God that I have served with in over 37 years of ministry. His life is a testimony of selfless service to all, regardless of their race, creed, ethnic background or social level. The write up on him from his school district superintendent, Dr. Fay Sprouse, witnesses to the fact that he is a transformer and motivator to the kids in that school district and provides life-changing guidance, instructions and encouragement to all of the kids that he contacts in diverse ways from day to day. His unique ability to combine the spiritual tenets and principles of the Bible, with the foundational moral lessons and instructional rules of principled righteousness, enables him to provide the school kids and professional staff members of the Ware Shoals school district an unparalleled standard of excellence that creates a healthy and safe environment for growing and shaping the precious lives of the children in that district. I can think of no one who is more deserving of such a prestigious and honorable award than Pastor James F. Davis, III. His position and occupation says "Bus Driver." However, anyone and everyone who has had the privilege of being in his presence for more than a moment knows that he is more than a "Bus Driver." As Dr. Sprouse so befittingly and accurately described him, Pastor James F. Davis, III is "A Life Changer!" It is my distinct honor to recommend him to your selection board as a worthy candidate for your distinguished award. If selected, you will know that you picked the right person and he will prove that he is a wise choice! Please feel free to contact me via phone at (706) 951-0345 if you desire to speak with me concerning this recommendation.
Pastor Kenny GAINOUS
Christian City of Praise, Inc.
Augusta, GA
I like Rev. Davis he is a very kind man. I think he's doing a fine job with the school kids and the community.Keep up the good work I think u are very Deserveant for the forthcoming May God keep blessing you !
Rev. Davis is a great leader.
He is a wonderful man, he has poured his life out to help others. It has been several years since he drove my son on a special bus route.He still gives a cheerful hello and wave whenever he sees my son.
Been know Rev since I was twelve. He is a true man of God. He shown me nothing but love and truth. I appreciate that. Love ya Rev
Rev. Davis is the bus driver for my grandkids. They didn’t have him at the beginning of the school year and was very upset about it. When they found out he was going to be the driver again they lit up like lights on a Christmas Tree. He is always giving them inspiring words as they get off the bus. He never hesitates to speak to anyone. Especially a child. He not only deserved to be nominated but also to win
Rev. Davis is an inspiration and a great role model for both of my children! Thank you for your dedication and support in our community.
I don't even know where to begin with Rev.Davis! He has always been supportive and encouraging! He is always checking up on my boys and I! If I need him just to listen...for advice...or for spiritual and life counseling, I know that he is only a phone call away! He supports all of the youth in every way that he can! A great man of God who I am blessed to call my friend!
HE is a wonderful man and he is a good Christian man. He deserves this award.
I finished school in 1962...before the days of Rev. Davis but I have worked with him within programs for the school kids. He is a fantastic person and a devoted Christian. If anyone deserves this award it is Rev. Davis.
I have known Rev Davis for a short time now, but it seems as if I have known him all my life. I knew from the first time I heard him preached I wanted him as my Pastor. He is a kind man and only wants what is best for everyone.
Since joining the small town of Ware Shoals, Rev. Davis has worked tirelessly with both the children and the adults in the area. He seems to call each child by name and you can see the effect that has on the child. He has a special hand shake greeting for the children and they beam with pride at the completion of the greeting because it's special and they are too because they know it. He makes a decided effort to attend their events no matter what or where just because... why does he do these and many other similar acts? Because I believe he wants them to feel that they matter. Furthermore, they have worth. They are loved and he for one loves them. He believes in them and he expects them to succeed. If you can convey these things to a child to the point that they believe these things for themself, they will try to do everything that they can to make you proud. Now that you have their attention, you can influence them make good choices such as stating in school, going to college, making good friends,and etc. which is all in a days work for him. Rev. Davis has been and still is a shining star in our school, community and church.
I have been attending Dunn Creeks Baptist Church for the last six months under Rev, Davis. I have known of him for many years. Since I have been under the sound of his voice I have gained an even greater insight for my Christian journey. Rev Davis is a man of a gentle sprit that encourages joy and laughter and the will to be stronger in oneself as well as bringing all who comes to him closer to our Lord and Savior.
I met Jame Davis III for the first time in May 2017 at a doctoral seminar at Anderson University. I found him to be a very kind and caring person. Also I believe him to be a person of good moral character as well as integrity. I congratulate him on this nomination and applaud him for his involvement in the community he serves as both pastor and bus driver for the local school system.
James Davis inspires confidence in one's self. While my interaction with him has been more limited due to time and distance, I have been blessed by his demeanor, dedication, and creativity. It is always a treat to see him and to hear stories about the legendary Bus 8!
This is the story of a man that will leave a Legacy !
His community and friends are very proud to call him "Friend" God Bless him and his good works??
Rev. Davis is dedicated to the Good News of Jesus Christ and to good works. He has the ability and wisdom to thrive in any environment he's place. The comments that are made concerning him are true and proven by the life that he lives. Any person that has had the opportunity to be around or work with Rev. Davis will agree with me...........He is sincere!
Father David, as I call him, was a positive instrument in my life. Since being a high schooler, I remember him always pouring words of wisdom & encouragemencouragement into my life. I've really enjoyed knowing him. I've never met such a selfless person.
James F Davis the 3rd has is a wonderful man who has made a fantastic impact on the people in and out of his community. He has been known to be a very outgoing man who loves Jesus and strives to know him better everyday.
Bus Driver? More like Life Coach, that is who Rev. James F. Davis III is. Imagine a school bus where all the students respect one another and the driver. Imagine a school bus being driven by someone you look up to. That is James Davis. I would be surprised if there is another bus in the nation where you could ride to school and be able to learn from someone who has had the life experience of James Davis. He also involves himself in the lives of his students. He is at band and chorus concerts, athletic events and he is known far and wide. He lives life with them and while he does, he helps them see the value of good choices. There is no telling how many students have graduated or on track or back on track to graduating because of his influence. He is friendly, lovable, personable. He inspires students to respect others and themselves. He brings hope to the hopeless. His story is how you can overcome obstacles and still be victorious. James is an excellent communicator to young and old and connects with everyone. He is a deep thinker and a life long student. James loves his students, but puts his family first, which is is part of what makes him such an excellent role model. Meet him, and he will impress you. Get to know him, and you will love and respect him. Become friends with him, and you will have a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Rev Davis is a kind and patient man. He always makes time for students and anyone else who has a need. He is the kind of role model that is so needed in today's society. Everyone who works with Rev. Davis is blessed by his presence and his dedicated to our school and community.
Rev is a leader, a preacher, a mentor but most of all a friend. We have worked together for approximately 8 years. We have prayed together and laughed together!! He puts God first in everything he does! His students love him and he guides them through words and actions! He is so worthy of this award!!
What a truly extraordinary person. Here is a man with his doctorate, and he drives a bus because of his passion for the students. Watching them interact with him was a special moment. If anyone deserves to be honored it is this man who selflessly gives his heart and his time driving these kids around, keeping them focused on school, spirit and community.
Rev. Davis is an inspiration to everyone. He has touched so many lives all around him from the kids on his bus to the staff and parents at WS. He uplifts you every time you are around him! Thank you Rev. Davis for all you do for the WS community!
Rev Davis is truly the definition of “the hands and feet of Christ”. He loves and serves the children of Ware Shoals and I’ve never seen him without a smile on his face! We need that in the world we live in today and I thank God for his loving gracious sweet spirit and pray the richest blessings on he and his family!! Thanks for all you do to change the world and further God’s kingdom one smile, wave, bus ride, sermon at a time! :)
Rev. Davis is so deservant of this award. He is a great man of God and so caring of others. He is awesome! Thanks for all you do and continue to do Rev, Davis!
Rev. Davis has always had a caring heart and wanting to make sure our children stay in school and get the best education they can!! He cares about wanting them to also know the Lord and put him first in their lives to make sure they put him first to guide them to do his work and live their lives to the fullest!!
I'm elated for Rev. Davis; as well as all other nominees. However, I don't the other nominees; but this one I do know! And - what I know about this nominee is that changing lives is not only what he does - it's who he is! Changing and impacting lives is his vocation! It's a calling! It's who he is! So - he does what he does! And - he's been doing it all his life! This life-Changer has been changing lives all his life; as a student at South Carolina State University; a military officer - as a community Pastor - mentor - and even from the seat of a school bus! A life-changer changes lives no matter their place or position in life! This sums up Rev. Davis for me! Congrats to all nominees! But - I lend my voice in support of Rev. Davis!
Wonderful man,that's says alot. So helpful with anything you might need. He has been there for us on numerous occasions. You won't find a better person. He is the best candidate for this award. He has done so much for my kids,I can't explain it all. Super guy,and excellent bus driver!! U go Rev. Davis!!
Mr.Davis drives my three sons school bus and from my dealings with him he is exactly what kids these days need in there life.A mentor ,a role model and a man of Christ.He has served his country and still feels the need to reach out to students young and old to help them be better students as well as adults and for this I appaude him and feel there is nobody more deserving of this award and for all his services me and my children Daniel,Joseph,and Christopher McAuliff and myself Dennis McAuliff say Thank you and you are very much appreciated.Thank you Mr.Rev.James Davis 3rd
Mr.Davis drives my three sons school bus and from my dealings with him he is exactly what kids these days need in there life.A mentor ,a role model and a man of Christ.He has served his country and still feels the need to reach out to students young and old to help them be better students as well as adults and for this I appaude him and feel there is nobody more deserving of this award and for all his services me and my children Daniel,Joseph,and Christopher McAuliff and myself Dennis McAuliff say Thank you and you are very much appreciated.Thank you Mr.Rev.James Davis 3rd
I think he should because I'm on his bus and he helps me get the right attitude to get ready for school and helps me through some rough times, so yeah i think he should.
We appreciate him for the things that he do
Too many to name. Rev. Pastor. Friend
Bus Driver. Community Leader
Thank you for making Ware Shoals a better place
To live
Rev. Davis is a blessing to our school district and our community. He impacts students lives everyday by motivating and encouraging them to be the best that they can be. As he walks down the hallways of the school that I am employer at the students all have a smile on their face and are eager to greet him. He always provides a positive outlook and words of encouragement. Every morning as I drink my coffee I look forward to reading a daily devotional that he post on Facebook before starting his bus route. I know the students that ride his bus are met each morning with positivity that they can build on as they enter school. I am truly thankful to have met a person such as Rev. Davis in my life. As a teacher I look up to him as a great role model. I can only hope that I can make the impact on students lives that he has.
Rev Davis is the best bus driver. He make sure the kids are safe on the bus. He keeps them encourage to stay in school. He really do deserve this Award!!!
James Davis is a great servant and leader. He would be well deserving of this reward.
Rev. Davis has over 20 years and from day one he has tried to be there for not only the church but the hole town the young people are a passion to him for he knows that if you start a child off right he or she has a head start on life as the song goes reach out and touch somebodies hand that him that's him a caring giving person who does not know the meaning of giving up.his motto 8GGG=8 A new beginning G=Go G= Grow G= Glow
Rev. Davis is a friend, a mentor, a model, an encourager. He is sunshine on a rainy day, a man who lifts the spirits of others when they are down. He is a leader in his church, community, and the school in which he serves. Rev. Davis is a man of integrity, a man of his word, a true and faithful friend. Rev. Davis relates well to young and old alike. Adults and children feel love and accepted in his presence.
A life-changer? Absolutely!! In word and deed Rev. Davis is making a difference in our school and community.
Rev. Davis is a life changer for sure, not only for the students but for parents and teachers as well. I have never seen him without a smile on his face and he always has an uplifting word for those who cross his path. In the world that we live in today, Rev. Davis is a rare gem. I'm so thanful that God has put him in Ware Shoals School District 51 to help make young lives better.
Rev. Davis is the definition of a life changer! WS is blessed to have him as part of our schools and community. He is a true inspiration to not only the students, but also the staff and the community. Thank you Rev. for all you have done and continue to do to make Ware Shoals a better place to live.
I couldn't think of a more deserving person than Rev.Davis.He is one of the nicest and most friendly person I know.He is a great example for our young people.Every time I've seen him he still the same.I have great respect for him.
Rev. Davis is a great man and he is always so positive.
My daughter graduated last year from WS. She rode Rev. Davis bus to the career center everyday and always looked forward to their talks and his popular phrase.. be great and you will graduate. I have witnessed him touch a lot of young children's lives. I am honored to call him my friend.
Rev. Davis
Is a great role model and never meets a stranger. Always smiling and waving.
James F Davis, the Third! He says his name like he plays the drums with a sound that rumbles. His voice and words affect you. A man of God, a man of the people. My uncle. He gives of himself freely on a daily basis to serve, deliver the message and to influence. He is someone that you can count on to make a positive impact. Once you encounter him, he leaves a lifelong mark and you want to do better. He wants the best for you and inspires you to be your best at all times. He is someone you know you can always depend upon no matter what. Rev. Davis is more than deserving to be recognized by this organization as Life Changer of the Year however for those of us who know him, love and respect him, the title Life Changer has already been bestowed upon him.
James F Davis, the Third! He says his name like he plays the drums with a sound that rumbles. His voice and words affect you. A man of God, a man of the people. My uncle. He gives of himself freely on a daily basis to serve, deliver the message and to influence. He is someone that you can count on to make a positive impact. Once you encounter him, he leaves a lifelong mark and you want to do better. He wants the best for you and inspires you to be your best at all times. He is someone you know you can always depend upon no matter what. Rev. Davis is more than deserving to be recognized by this organization as Life Changer of the Year however for those of us who know him, love and respect him, the title Life Changer has already been bestowed upon him.
Rev. James Davis is a great leader, rather than a good leader. Great leaders make other leaders and this is what Rev. Davis is doing with the students that ride his bus. He is making a lasting impression on their hearts. When those students are living successful lives in their adult years, they will always remember his passion, wisdom, and joy that he shared with them. Rev. Davis is an extraordinary man, forging the path of what a true role model is in today's society. In all trueness, these descriptions of Rev. Davis portray only what the mind is able to picture. Meeting him face-to-face is when you really get to understand how incredibly wonderful he is as a person. Being in his presence allows you to be exposed to his calm demeanor, infectious personality, and joyous spirit. He is what I would call a tender warrior. One who is able to kind and loving but also one who is a fighter and go-getter. Rev. Davis is one that everyone wants on their team.
Rev. Davis has been my pastor since I was 8 years old. Throughout grade school, high school, college and my adult life he has always kept up with me and encouraged me. He's truly a blessing to anyone that he meets. So proud of him and all of his accomplishments! Keep being you and teaching people about the love of Jesus!
Rev. Davis is a terrific role model for all of our students and all he meets. We are very blessed to have him serve our community each day.
Rev Davis is a great leader and teacher. His words are always positive and so inspiring to me and my family.
Pastor Davis has been a great influence in my life and the life of my family. He has been my pastor for the past twenty three years. And has been a tremendous blessing to Dunn Creek Baptist Church in Ware Shoals. He is not not only a blessing to DCBC but is active at the state level of our denomination.
He loves driving that bus! The children love him and greet him even when they see him outside of work. He often has to give them "the talk" and some tough love. They end up respecting him for it. The parents appreciate his positive influence on the children also.
Pastor Davis is a well rounded man. He loves his family. So whether at home, work, or church he gives his best. His positive attitude, appreciation for education and his laugh are contagious.
Pastor Davis has a heart for people. That is his greatest quality. And of course, his laugh. He has been influential in my life and in the life of my daughter and her family. He not only helps in the school system but the local and surrounding communities. He is well known and well respected, even by people he doesn't know (but they know him). He loves driving that bus.The kids love him, even those to whom he has to give tough love to! They end up respecting him for it.
Our church family loves and respect him for the work he does in and for the church. He not only serves Dunn Creek Baptist Church in Ware Shoals but is well known at the state level in our denomination.
He loves his family. He is a well rounded man in: family, church and work. And uses his influence to positively effect all. And he is so smart.
He is great example to our students and the community. He is always the same no matter where he is.
Great man, great speaker. Respected by all who meet him.
Rev. Davis is a great man and shows how much he loves working with the kids. He loves them all and they all love him! He is very faithful in the Ware Shoals community and to God. When we are at the football games each kid that walks by he yells their name and the kids return a huge smile at him, he gives the kids the motivation they need!
Rev Davis is a Wonderful man of God who has inspired a whole town. He has a giving and loving heart twards everyone that comes in contact with him. If anyone needs an example of what a Man is they need only look at Rev James F Davis.
Congratulations Rev. Davis on your nomination and thank you so much for being in the right place at the right time - continue the great work at Ware Shoals High and the community ...
1973 - Ware Shoals High graduate - GO HORNETS !!!
Rev. Davis not only have a wonderful heart, He is a great leader, motivator and a true child of God. He never meets a stranger and always address the people that he come in contact with as "My Good People" which speaks volumes of how he truly feels about all people. He encourages others by engaging on the same level, meaning he never places himself above those that may appear or feel down. If you ever sit under Rev. Davis word it will definitely change your life. The Lord always bless him in a mighty way in order for him to bless others. He is a well respected man in our community, schools and church who has earned the Life Changer of the Year award.
A positive man with a positive proven message that will help others succeed. He is making a difference
Rev. Davis Thank you for always being a great example to me, to the church, to the community, and most of all to our children. May God continue to bless you and dwell inside you.
I have heard nothing but great things about Rev. Davis and how much he dedicates himself to his congregation as well as his community. To be able to minister to our youth today and have them listen is a Life Changer by itself!
Pastor Davis is an all around stand up type of person. He loves everyone and goes over and beyond when it come down to ALL children. From being a great Pastor at Dunn’s Creek Baptist Church, to being a mentor and bus driver for the school district, to being a friend to ALL people in the community, he deserves such an outstanding award! Good Luck Pastor Davis!
Rev. Davis is great leader and mentor to me. He has a big heart and love for the people. He spends countless hours in teaching and equipping himself to teach others. He is a great pastor that has made himself available to all people who seek his counsel. He is loaded with golden nuggets of wisdom that will carry you to make wise decisions. But he is unselfish and more importantly he loves Jesus. And it is displayed by his interaction with others and their response to him. This award is exemplifying the great leader he is along with an amazing character.
A mighty man of God with a pure heart. A excellent example of a role model & mentor. Congratulations!! Keep up the good work!
He is truly a inspiration everyday whether it be school,community ,and church family!
Ware Shoals High has a heartbeat... and its name is James F. Davis. You will not find a more encouraging, supportive and child-centered man than Rev, Davis. His influence reaches and impacts not on the students of Ware Shoals High School but the entire Ware Shoals Community. His infectious personality and love for people is truly genuine and heartfelt. We are a better people, school and community for having Rev. Davis in our midst.
James F. Davis has a heart for people. His love of God is an ever present source in every thing he does. He has a special passion for the youth,he encourages them to always give their best and to never give up on their dream. Rev. Davis takes advantage of every opportunity he has to spread God's love, he listens to and addresses the needs of others.The students have a deep respect for him and some have even came to visit him for sunday church service. He is a man that wears many hat's and they all fit well.
This man has been instrumental in the development of hundreds of lives, including mine. Over the years, I have seen him relentlessly dedicate his life to the service of helping others. From a drug counselor to pastor, he rarely turned down an opportunity to help other people. There is no one more deserving of this award! My father tells stories of how he helps others on a daily basis. The beautiful thing about it is that the community he serves, serves him just as much!
Rev. Davis is a man that want the best for everyone he meet and have a heart for the young people, so much he encourage them to be the best they can be in life, by doing their best you in school, When Rev. Davis have a conversation with you, he leave a mark on you and is one you will not forget a positive roll modal for all.
Rev. James Davis, in my opinion is an everyday life changer. He has been such an impact in several lives with his cheerful, loving,God-fearing spirit. He's smile and laughter fills the presence with joy... He has been such an inspiration to my life with daily devotions, influential sermons, he encouraging words. He is truly a wonderful pastor, teacher, father, husband, and friend. And forever he will have my vote for being who he is everyday... Continue your journey and I Pray that you are nominated because he truly deserve everything that God has to offer.... Love you Rev. Davis and wishes you the very best...
Rev. James Davis is a very well known leader in the community. He is an inspiration to me and others that have observed his qualities, his style and his character from a distance. His life speaks for him. He is a success story to those who have given up on their goals, and motivation to those who have grown stagnant with their vision and dreams. He is a man of integrity, honesty, compassion and Humility. May he continue to touch the lives of those persons who cross path with him, and may they never be the same after meeting him.
Rev. Davis truly is a wonderful great man of God. The great commission comands us to go out into the world and spread the gospel ( Good news) mostly every morning Rev. Davis post a spiritual message that encourages ME to stay on the right path of life towards good will to my fellow man. We need more positive people like Rev. James Davis
Congrats on this amazing season in your life! It's a true honor to call you my "Brother" yes that's right my brother! Rev. Dravis you have always seen every person your life as your family. My children look forward to seeing you each day and you have impacketed not only my family but also the community. Thank you for carring so much that you dedicated your life to help the students and staff of Ware Shoals school district and community!
I don't know where to begin, This man is more than a life changer in my eyes he's my brother, my friend, my mentor, my ad visor, on any giving day if any of us at the bus lot is struggling with something in our life hes always there to hold our hands and get us through it. He's not just the man that sits beside many hospital beds and comforts people he follows up and visits families through there time of need. There's been many days that we have that child that makes us question why we do what we do and drive a bus, hes always there to give that word of comfort that makes it all make sense. No his life hasn't always been great hes had struggles to, but after fighting cancer and other demands in his life hes made it through with a smile on his face. Hes touched so many kids at our school district that no mater if I'm driving my route or in a store and run across a child they always ask where he is and mention how hes changed them, If I pass him in the road the students recognize his bus and start yelling there goes Mr. Rev. Davis. He's such a great inspiration for our children. If he ever leaves our district I know it will be good for the new people he meets but we wont be able to replace him and all he does. I could go on and on but not to keep you reading all day I will say If this world had more like him it would be a better place. I love you Mr. Rev. Davis and I really feel that you deserve this award for all you've done and your mission is not over yet!!!
He is truly a inspiration everyday whether it be school,community ,and church family!
As a former District 50 CATE Counselor, I had the privilege of working with Rev. Davis for four years.I believe that we create our destination in life. GOD gives us every opportunity to allow Him to share with us. Accepting any challenge is easy. Actually doing the work thst is attached to p that is a very different undertaking.
Rev Davis is a doer. If every church and every community had a dedicated individual and an inspirational leader such as Rev. Davis, our homes, community , school's, and each life would be more positive. Failure would be nearly non-existent in the lives of all children upon encountering Rev. Davis.
He is the true definition of servant leader.
great motivator! Godspeed !!
Thank you for being such an AWESOME Pastor. You go above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks for all that you do within the church and community.
Rev.Davis is the most encouraging person I have ever known. He took the time out of a very busy schedule to stop and pray for a complete stranger, me. God has his hands on him and he is truly a man on fire for Jesus with the Holy Spirit. He still takes time almost every day to send an encouraging word that the Holy Spirit puts on his heart that day to encourage me and my entire family. These devotions that he sends are incredible, they always come from his heart. He is indeed a very kind, generous man that has truly been a life changer for me, and my family. Because of his unselfish prayers, I am able to be here today to talk about this wonderful Soul God has blessed this earth with. He has a way of making every person he meets feel special and feel the bright light and Love of Jesus Christ! He is the most deserving man I know to be titled a True Life Changer. I thank God for him every day.
Rev. Davis is sunshine to my soul! When you see this man, you automatically see a true man of God. If your day is going not so good and you run into him, he will pray with you on the spot and fill your soul with uplifting words that are true from the heart. I feel blessed to have worked with him for years. We are truely blessed to have him in our town and involved in our district. He is a great blessing to us all and to our children! Absolutely love this man!
Rev. Davis is a true inspiration to all of us. Thank you for all you do for the students, staff and community of Ware Shoals!
A generous,gentle spirit, a true love and devotion for all students and a genuine desire to encourage individuals to succeed. These characteristics certainly portray the character and essence of the Reverend James Davis. He is a beloved member of our school community that has made the phrases "Everybody on Bus 8 Graduates!" and " Be Good,Be Great, and you will Graduate!", Famous!
His enthusiasm and encouragement is not just contained to students! we are all recipients of that spontaneous encouragement and affection. His love for those around him alters a bad mood, convinces those that rarely believe they can succeed that they can, and demonstrates that a smile always makes you feel better. Can there be a better life changer than that? I think not. There could not be a better recipient for this award ! We are all the richer because of him!
Rev. Davis is one of the most positive people I know. Each student that rides his bus gets a word of encouragement everyday. He is very comical and well received here on our campus. I've never heard him say a bad word about anybody. When he comes to the Technology Center, we are always greeted with a smile and a firm hand shake. Rev. Davis has had a very positive influence in my life. I have discussed many issues with him and he will always find something good to say about the situation. Rev. Davis is devoted to making the sun shine in the lives of others. My wife and I look forward to the devotions that Rev. Davis sends us every morning to get our day started. He is a blessing to us. I look forward to seeing him everyday!
My day is not complete if I having seen the smiling face of The Dr. Rev. Davis. I call Rev. Davis doctor and he calls me The "Superintendent". I may or may never ever become a superintendent but I appreciate the words of encouragement that speaks from the mouth of Dr. Davis (he will soon have that distinction as he is working towards his doctorate degree). What he says to me as an assistant director, he also speaks life and encouragement into the life of the students and others he interacts with on a daily bases. He is always encouraging others to run on to see what the end will be and I am so grateful to know him and I know many of the individuals that have been nominated for this award are all so deserving. However, I know without a shadow of a doubt that Rev. Davis personifies exactly what this award says, "Life Changer"! He is a walking example everyday of an individual dedicated to being a life changer!!!
I have only known Rev. Davis for about three years. I met him at a school I work to, where he transport students. However, when I first started working at this school, some of the employees told me about his kindness, professionalism, and his love and respect for everyone. That, I have found to be true. He is definitely a person that love all, and most importantly want to see the students excel. Rev. Davis takes the time out every morning, sometimes as early as 5:30 am, to send a powerful devotion out to help many start their day off on a positive note! The last count he mentioned was over 40 followers, and growing!! Because of his modestly, there's probably one thing most may not know about him, is that he can "Act" His acting debut is coming soon!!
The ongoing challenges of life unquestionably dictate and demand that each of us in our own work, profession, or vocation, pause from time to time and reflect upon the support system operating in our lives that enables us to attain certain goals and accomplishments. To this end, it is therefore fitting and proper that we submit a statement of commendation in support of the nomination of Reverend James F. Davis, III, the Pastor of Dunn Creek Baptist Church, Ware Shoals, SC as recipient of the Life Changer of the Year Award for school year 2017-2018.
As we are aware of the fact that Reverend Davis' accomplishments are far beyond that of which our inadequate words can express, we do however want him to know that we appreciate all of the fine things he does in the way of bringing to us a program worthy of any people. He preaches to us "Glad tidings", which is "Good-news." He is busy caring for the sick, both in body and mind, and in so doing, magnifies the Lord. He is instrumental and helpful in all phases of the church ministries and activities.
The community at large benefits from Pastor Davis' service and participation. It is noted that the medical doctor cares for the sick body, the lawyer takes care of legal matters, teachers and other school personnel help develop the learning capabilities of children but the preacher pastor ministers to the whole of man, in that he plays the greatest role on earth. We therefore pride ourselves because of the high calling and high standard Reverend James F. Davis , IIII has set for us and the community. The loving and affable way in which he meets and deals with persons makes us glad to call him our pastor.
Rev James. Davis is a awesome
man the Children in the community ,church,,an school love him he is a very motivational person he aslo keep us adult going in the right direction he have change my life with God using him .he is very inspiring
Hey Reverend Davis, Russell Davis here. I remember calling you to come speak at our Jr. High FCA meeting. You came in and just sat by the door, maybe even a little nervous. As I led the kids in prayer request and prayer, along with some music, you just kinda sat and took it all in. Well, I didn't know if you were going to stay around and speak or bolt towards the door and run. LOL Well you did stick around and I did my introduction and introduced you as Reverend Davis(this is the 1st time you and I had met.) After being introduced, you slowly and cautiously approached the podium.I kind of hung around as I usually did to kind of warm things up, keep things moving, etc for our first time guest. Well as you began, I could tell this was going to be no ordinary devotion, and if you were nervous that left in a Flash. I just want to say you turned it to full throttle and never backed off. Leaders and students alike, were all in full listening mode. Not once did I ever have to direct a student to pay attention or to behave, you fully took care of that through your message. That morning we got to hear your testimony, how powerful. May I say it touched us all and I can personally say that I've had to draw from it during some down times. You are the one who was an example to me to let God do his work through you no matter the circumstances. When looking to a "person" to lean on, I had made up my mind that Church was a Social Club for Saints and had left the buisness of being a Sanctuary for Sinners. Through our conversations though, I get it, sometimes hard, but I see that we have to be responsible for ourselves and no matter how true, refrain from judgement to others. Through the grinding, the doubt, and the wondering, and why me thinking, you learn a very and probably the most important lesson and that is faith. So Reverend Davis you taught me more than anybody ever about faith and for that I truly thank you and I congratulate you on your nomination. The platform for your teaching I hope continues to grow. As for the inspiration you've been to me, I owe you more than I would ever be able to repay. Please get in touch and keep the faith! Your friend, ex-colleague, and most importantly, your brother in Christ,
Russell Davis
Reverend Davis is certainly an inspiration to many. He is a tremendous role model for our children. He is especially important to our young men who live in homes without father figures. He is a pillar of this community and speaks highly of the people who live here. He is a motivator and a doer. If there is something that needs to be done, he steps in and does it. His dedication to our school, students, school district, and community does not go unnoticed.
Congrats Rev. Davis working with the kids, and mami g a different in there lives
This could not happen to a better person. Rev. Davis is truly a life changer. I've only known him for a few years. However, his message is always the same. He's truly an encourager to all that He meet. May God continuously bless you.
Congratulations Rev. Davis and thank you for caring enough to do what you do. May God continue to bless you.
Congratulations, Rev. Davis. Well deserved for a man of destiny and faith.
Rev. Davis is a blessing to all that know him. I count myself blessed to calll him my friend. He is so deserving of this award.
Congratulations to Rev. Davis!! This man always put a smile on my face when he graced the halls of Ware Shoals Jr. High! Every school district/community needs a person like this!! ????????
Thank you Pastor Davis for all of your hard work and concern for the students of District 51 i always knew that you would make a difference in the lives of the people there in W.S. May God continue to Bless You and Heaven smile upon you and your Ministry
Well deserved for a great man and role model!
Congratulations, Reverend Davis! You truly deserve the title "Lifechanger" as you have changed my life and the life of my daughter! Riding the bus as a four year old can be very scary, but you always made her feel safe through the relationship you established with her. She loved getting on the bus and showing you her shoes so that you would tell her how fancy they were. I found comfort in knowing that a driver who took the time to notice a little girl's shoes would definitely care for her safety. Thank you so much for your love for this community. It is an honor to know you!
Our student's know that Rev. Davis cares about them and their families. Rev, Davis encourages the children in our school district and those that have graduated to be all they can be.. He is always looking for the positive in every situation. Rev. Davis is a pleasure to work with and example for all of us to follow, helping to change one life at a time..
When someone volunteers to work in your class, you jump! Just last week, Rev. Davis got in on the "fun". He played a review computer game with the students to prepare them for their next day's test. It may seem insignificant to some, but to my students it meant the world!