LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Tarence Wheeler

Position: Director Of Corporate & Community Affairs
School: River Rouge Schools
School District: River Rouge Schools
City, State: River Rouge, MI

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Tarence Wheeler was nominated by Dr. Shawny Deberry

Mr. Wheeler has demonstrated a proven ability to make a life-changing difference in the lives of students. He is relentless and unapologetic about his commitment to students, not only in his school district, but in the community. This passion comes from a vow he made as a child to always pour into other young people the way his coaches, mentors, and other educators poured into him.

Mr. Wheeler joined the River Rouge School District over five years ago. Prior to his joining the team, the focus of the district was primarily to increase student population, reduce the deficit, and simply keep the doors open. Although the district was successful in accomplishing those things, Mr. Wheeler added an additional foresight that had not yet been explored. He was able to recognize the non-academic barriers to education. This was a result of his own personal childhood challenges. He has a direct understanding that if children are hungry, it’s hard for them to concentrate. As a child, he experienced not being able to do homework because of no electricity in the house. He knew that coming to school without a coat or having a coat that was heavily worn could incite ridicule from other students. All of these things and more are what fueled his passion for wanting to positively change the atmosphere at River Rouge School District.

The following demonstrates his leadership, commitment to producing a nurturing atmosphere, and his record of excellent performance in making a difference in the lives of the students:

He and a group of celebrities come together each year to pass out over 5,000 turkey baskets to needy families during the Thanksgiving season. The impact of this effort is great because of the immediate need that is being addressed. It gives regular, everyday people the opportunity to engage with highly visible people who care.

His commitment knows no boundaries. He understands that having utilities shut off could have a negative impact on students’ grades, and ultimately lead to chronic absenteeism. He forged a partnership with DTE Energy to provide utility assistance to low-income families. As a result, he has facilitated over $5.2 million to assist needy students and their families.

He organized an expungement clinic for parents with felonies. He was able to assist parents in getting their records expunged. As a result, families were helped, and the stigma of having a felony on their record was eliminated, thereby increasing their chances of having gainful employment and providing for the students.

He organized a Feminine Hygiene Program. One day, he noticed a female student crying in despair. He approached her to determine the problem. She informed him that her menstrual cycle had begun and she didn’t have any sanitary napkins. This disturbed him because this simple everyday item could also be considered a non-academic barrier to succeeding in school. He created a campaign to collect 1,000 maxi pads & panty liners to help ensure that female students wouldn’t have to feel isolated or berated because of this lack. The program has now collected over 3,500 pads and panty liners.

He organized the Lunch with Law Enforcement Series. This is designed to educate young black men on how to properly engage with law enforcement; have a platform to discuss career opportunities in law enforcement; help to facilitate a positive relationship with law enforcement; and give law enforcement an opportunity to hear the sides of young black children.

He created a Leadership Forum. This forum is designed to expose students to the most powerful leaders in the region and the state, provide opportunities for one-on-one conversations with policy makers, and to pique the students’ interest in public service that can lead to internships.

Mr. Wheeler operates with high moral and ethical standards. He prides himself on being transparent with the students. He is often seen telling them what’s right and what’s real. He believes in meeting the students where they are to take them where they need to go. Mr. Wheeler has firsthand knowledge of their raw emotions because he was once that kid growing up.

“I am in the life saving business," he has said many times. "I have dedicated my life to helping young people achieve their dreams. If I can go from the dope house to the white house, so can my students. The grace and mercy that has been bestowed upon me will not be in vain.”

Mr. Wheeler is determined to leave this earth on empty because he will continually pour into the lives of young people. He will always seek to alleviate all barriers to education. He often says, “Barriers belong on the freeway, not in education.”

Comments (125)

Norma Ballard Posted over a year ago

U r truly a blessing for the students n helped a lot of the the parents I have a question that I would like to ask u but would not like it on Facebook at this time please contact at my Gmail n may God be with on your trip n watch over you

Cornelius Cooper Posted over a year ago

Thanks for all your efforts and accomplishments you have provided for the Children and Families of River Rouge School District! Truly a Blessing

Antoinette Georger Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler it sounds like when a problem arises you have the solution. You have brought awareness in so many facets. You have mentored your students in a positive manner. The school district flourishes with your commitment. May God Bless you in your journey to serve.

janice berry Posted over a year ago

I have known Tarence Wheeler over 10 years. I first encountered him as he was directing a neighborhood city hall in the city of Detroit. He had a presence in the community and a desire to serve which heretofore had been unprecedented in my experience. Throughout the past 10 years I have continually "run into" Tarence as he worked with youth and in service to the community at large. Albeit, Tarence's community service is extensive, he seems to have found his niche and passion in his current position at the River Rouge School District. It is remarkable how he has managed to rally his constituents ( some of whom are nationally renowned) to support the District and engage that community. Any recognition bestowed upon him for his community leadership and dedication is truly deserved.

Regina Hammonds Posted over a year ago

I'm so proud of you.

Cornelius Cooper Posted over a year ago

Mr.T. Wheeler has been a asset to our District and Community since coming aboard to River Rouge School District!

Tomeka Mattison Posted over a year ago

I first meet Mr.Wheeler at the lions tailgate party. That I was attending that my cousins Troy Benford have every home game. He told us about Terrance fundraiser so I purchased a Tshirts to support. My son attend River Rouge one day I was volunteering with the football team. I over heard some other parent talking about the pads and panty liner drive. The following week I returned with 15 packages to help out! Congratulations Terrance Wheeler and for being a positive role model for the community.

Dorthanal Leonard Jr Posted over a year ago

Tarence wheeler has been an outstanding pillar of the community for years. Tarence has dedicated his personal and professional life to changing the lives of the less fortunate in unimaginable ways. Tarence wheeler and The Home Depot have had a strong partnership within the community. Tarence and The Home Depot have partnered together for numerous events. Whether it's a Turkey giveaway, a kids workshop or hiring event for seniors, one thing is certain, he does not shy away from investing moral values and confidence in young adults and preparing them for the real world. the partnership between Tarence and The Home Depot aimed at teaching students who are entering adulthood, life skills to be better prepared for the journey ahead.

Aaron Dawson Posted over a year ago

A lot of people just talk about the problems. Tarence is about action and is in the field exuding the change he wants to see in world. I see him pour into youth and our community everyday through his passion, mentorship and love. Proud of you brother. Keeping inspiring.

Perry Watson Posted over a year ago

I am so proud of Tarence Wheeler. He has consistently demonstrated a commitment for our youth, their families and the community. He gets it! It certainly takes a Village. Tarence motivates and inspires others to get involved in serving our youth and the community. Tarence is eminently the hands down "Life Changer of The Year"!! I had the pleasure of coaching, mentoring and supporting Tarence at Southwestern High School. His determination, skill set and work ethic made him a great player. However, Tarence did not just simply rest on those laurels. He continued to grind, grow and develop into not only a collegiate star at Arizona State University, but also graduated with a mission to give back. Tarence is the type of Man that all educators and coaches hope their students become. He is my shining example of the success that is possible when we encourage our youth to dream and achieve. Coach Perry Watson

Jason Williams Posted over a year ago

I've been knowing Tarence Wheeler going on 4 years and he's always been Great person. He's always been about helping people especially our youth and community. I know it's alot of people out trying to help with communities and our youth, but Tarence always been a MAN of his word and does what he sets out to do for our youth and Communities. He's a real detroiter that loves to help our young people.

Deborah Edwards Posted over a year ago

It brings me immense joy to support the nomination of Tarence Wheeler for LifeChanger of the Year. Of the ten plus years I have known Tarence, he has had a single goal – to effect change in our youth. God at His best work, positioned Tarence to personally experience challenges as a youth. Through his firsthand knowledge, Tarence is positioned for the role he embraces so passionately today. He has created unique programs to target specific needs of the youth – for their advancement. Tarence is also creative in how he uses his resources to maximize the reach of his programs. Tarence has had opportunities that would have taken him on a different path, yet he chose to be a public servant, philanthropist and an advocate for our youth. His motto, “if not us, then who?” challenges others with resources to do more - to give money, time, goods and/or services. I speak from first-hand experience; I support Tarence in his efforts - I see the change from his charitable deeds. Tarence is living his testimony – he has and continues to devote his adult life to changing the lives of our youth – to sowing seeds. Tarence Wheeler, congratulations on the nomination – you are a LifeChanger!

Tonya Touchstone Posted over a year ago

Terence Wheeler has dedicated his life to helping others in need. His focus and dedication encourages others to step up and give of their time, money, and effort to help with the work that he does on a daily bases. I am proud of him and he is definitely a LIFECHANGER!!!

Joshua Morris Posted over a year ago

It has truly been a pleasure of mine to work with Terrance wheeler over these last few years. Giving back to the city I grew up in and more importantly the school that gave me so much has been one of my finest moments. His passion and strength to hold river rouge school district up on his shoulders has been amazing to see! While there are many of us who assist we could not make the impact we do without his leadership. Im proud to nominate Terrance for this award and even prouder to call him my friend!

Lorenzo Robinson Posted over a year ago

I heard about Tarence Wheeler, the basketball standout as a young man. I later met Tarence in person at the gym. I soon there after had the opportunity to work with him through a partnership with his organization. I've worked with a lot of people in my professional career and I tell you Tarence is one of the most genuine, honest and committed men I know. His work is compassionate and consistantly exceeding expectations. I salute you Tarence, and the constant giving of yourself!

Brian Arnold Posted over a year ago

I've known Terrence Wheeler over 30 plus years, I met this ambitious young man as a promising student athlete while in middle school, he decided to make the choice that would continue to change his life by attending Southwestern High School where he would play for my mentor and soon to be his, Coach Perry Watson. I watched Terrence, under the guidance of all the Southwestern family grow into a fantastic student athlete who would leave his mark on the annals of Detroit Public School league basketball. Terrance would go on to play basketball at the highest level (division I, and professionally). I observed Terrance make connections with people from all walks of life and treat everyone from the CEO to the high school janitor with the respect that his favorite lady, his Grandmother taught him. I watched his unapologetic passion for helping students succeed no matter the expense. Terrance has made his life ministry about those who need him the most (our youth). His motto, if not us than who, is the perfect testimony of a young man who was raised by the village and lives this truth! Life changer of the Year , Mr. Terrance Wheeler!

Maria Sanchez Posted over a year ago

I have known Terrence for many years, He has truly inspired me and so many others to become more involved in the community, Spread love & reach out to those who are not as privileged as ourselves, and share our talents with those around us in order to make a positive change in our community and our world. I am merely one of the many lives that he has influenced throughout his daily life. He is a inspiration to us all, always smiling spreading love and cheer ????proud to call him a my friend and one of my role models.

Rhonda Kennedy Posted over a year ago

I've had the pleasure of knowing Tarence Wheeler for the past several years. We've collaborated on many community events, in conjunction with the Detroit Division FBI's community outreach program. You won't find a more committed person, as it relates to molding the lives of our youth of today. His compassion and commitment is demonstrated and everything he does. It is my distinct pleasure to support his nomination for being life changer of the year.

Khiry Christian Posted over a year ago

Big inspiration to city and the state need more people like him in the world

Crystal Howard Posted over a year ago

I am thrilled to support the nomination of my friend Tarence Wheeler for Life Changer of the Year! #LCOY I truly have never met someone more passionate about and dedicated to the advancement and protections of young people than Tarence. From the first moment we met 15 years ago, he has always worn his dedication on his sleeve. Whether through modeling behavior by advancing his own academic achievements to developing and executing amazing youth-focused programming or leveraging strongly cultivated relationships to elevate and expose these interests on the national level for the benefit of local youth - Tarence demonstrates an unparalleled level of youth mindedness/focus. Tarence Wheeler IS a Life-changer, every year!

Marilyn Berry aka Mrs. P Posted over a year ago

I met Tarence at ASU where I was involved in the men’s basketball program during the late eighties. Looking back, I can see that this journey Tarence has undertaken is not only his choice, but I believe it is, and always has been, his destiny. Whether it was at the gym, on game road trips, or team dinners at our house (totally legal!), he was such a charmer, always polite, and completely engaged. He became a leader on and off the court where his work ethic and dedication to excellence garnered respect from his teammates as well as his coaches. He demonstrated such confidence when launching his killer jump shot, but he also displayed such grace in handling a devastating knee injury during an important ASU vs CAL game. Perhaps my most heartwarming memory was watching an exhausted Tarence, after a long and grueling practice, take the time to play “horse” with my two young sons…and sometimes letting them win! All these years later, it is so exciting to see what Tarence is doing with his life! His work embodies the empathy and compassion that is necessary to make a difference on such a grand scale. He not only is altering the immediate circumstances of the young people in his community in a positive way, but he also is literally changing lives while giving hope and direction for the futures of so many. When I think of Tarence, a uniquely relevant quote belonging to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. comes to mind. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?’” There is no doubt in my mind that the mission Tarence has chosen for his life is the perfect answer to Dr. King’s question. Tarence, your work and your legacy will live on in the lives of the people you touch each and every day. I am so proud of you!

David Forney Posted over a year ago

First let me say I am so proud of Tarence Wheeler and the work he is doing with the young people in the City of Detroit. There is no more valuable asset than our children as they are our future. What a fitting award for him to be nominated for as he truly has been changing lives. Although I am born and raise in Detroit I didn't meet T Wheel until he got to Arizona State University. Tarence was a naturally leader then and has grow not only as a naturally leader but as a servant leader in the community. Continue to show the young people what can be and that people do really do care. For whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. May God Bless you Tarence and all your work and everything you put your hands to. I am honor to be able to call you friend and to offer my support.

LaNetra Kellar Posted over a year ago

I have worked closely with youth in varying capacities for over 18 years. I know first hand the challenges they face both in and out of school. It is refreshing to see the impactful work Tarence does everyday to remove non academic barriers to student's success. His work focuses on the whole child, and helps to shift the trajectory of their lives, and for that Tarence Wheeler is A LIFE CHANGER.

Steve Koehler Posted over a year ago

I first met Tarence at Arizona State University in 1988 when I tried out for the ASU basketball team. I quickly learned why Tarence was a team Captain. The skills he had as a Leader on and off the court were evident as a Student-Athlete and you just knew those would translate into his adult life. The drive and passion that he had then has become even more powerful with the changes he has made for children and adults alike in the Detroit area is phenomenal. I can only watch it from afar, but I am sure his presence in that community has changed many lives throughout the years. There is no one more deserving of this LifeChanger of the Year award then Tarence Wheeler. Keep doing what you do T-Wheels.

Rob Hendrian Posted over a year ago

Terry has created an event that truly speaks to who he is as a person. I’ve rarely met anyone as giving and thoughtful about others as him. Being an unsung hero in the community is a calling and he’s truly answered. I brought the family with me to the Thanksgiving giveback to pitch in and help give out food. I had no idea how moved I would be by the people coming in for assistance. I found it was me receiving far more than we gave back. I was humbled by the gratitude and sheer joy that many brought with them when they had little else to give. Thank you to Terry for being a true uniter and for teaching what community really means!

Yatta Posted over a year ago

I'm proud to call Tarence Wheeler a friend. His work to help others and encourage others is just one of many reason. There are people who lives are touched and changed for better off of him caring. We need more like him for the kids of the future. Congrats and keep up the great work.

Aaron J. Thornton Posted over a year ago

I'm a photojournalist / photographer. I met Tarence Wheeler covering one of his annual giveback events and saw first hand his giving nature from the start. I've come across many philanthropists and great people in my work. But Tarence is different. He doesn't just have the passion and will to do what's right, he has the personality and positive spirit that naturally connects people. He is a doer and makes things happen! He's respected by those older than him, as well those in the younger generation, seen from how the kids at River Rouge High School look up to and interact with him. Since meeting Tarence a few years ago, I've had the chance to be around him on several other occasions and his drive and determination has never wavered. Tarence, congrats on your nomination for Life Changer of the Year! It doesn't surprise me and is much deserved due to all your hard work and dedication for making a difference in the school, community, and world. Keep up the great work! The world needs more role models and leaders like yourself.

Roshon brown Posted over a year ago

Your work is the manifestation of greatness on earth. Not only with yourself but your ability to bring the best out of those who see no good at all. I appreciate the inspiration you are and the work ethic it takes to move the world. Thanks for helping me in my past situation as I will also be able to lead and help those from the imprints of your footsteps.

Chautay Smith Posted over a year ago

Tarence Wheeler is a special man who has always been a leader. His number one priority is to make sure our youth have a fighting chance. I am proud to say that I have known T-Wheel for over 40 years and I have watched this caring boy grow into a phenomenon man. He has always cared about and attempted to uplift anyone that he came in contact with. This is a characteristic that he had as a kid even though he grew up poor and did not have a lot. Whatever he had he shared it with others. Tarence is well deserving of this Life Changer Award. You are a Rock Star to me and I am one of your biggest fans. I will always support your efforts to help others. You truly live by the words " If Not Us, Then Who".

DeMarco Moore Posted over a year ago

It all started when our daughters were in elementary school. Mr. Wheeler’s oldest daughter was the smartest student in the school. In the midst of many parent teachers conferences and various other activities our daughters were engaged in Mr Wheeler and I struck up a friendship when we exchanged business cards. What stands out in my mind about that exchange was the words he said “ If you ever need anything give me a call!” And many times I have needed him and have him “a call” and there’s never been a time he didn’t come through. In fact he’s been coming through for his family and friend and the company large for years. All one has to do is watch the local news or perhaps read the paper maybe even check the White House, Mr Wheeler has been there representing those that are in need and challenging everyone to contribute what they can to help change lifes particularly that of our youth. So whether it’s the Annual All Star Give Back with the Turkey Drive on to Back to school supplies or more recently making sure female students have all the feminine hygiene products... in my humble opinion this man Mr Wheeler most certainly deserves the award for life changer of the year.

Sandra Ware Posted over a year ago

Tarence Wheeler is truly a MAN ON A MISSION! His level of commitment and dedication to empowering children is inspiring. He works tirelessly to impact the lives of students and parents in the City of Detroit and beyond. He serves as a voice for those who are not at the table. I remain in awe of his work and dedication. Not only is he a Lifechanger..he's a Gamechanger!

Katrina McCree Posted over a year ago

In my role as a hospital administrator, I have partnered with Tarence Wheeler on many initiatives designed to aid patients and their families with the basic necessities needed to survive. His mantra to live his life by giving to others is admirable. He has single handidly made a tremendous impact on this community and beyond which has left an indelible mark on the lives of many.

Tasha Thomas Posted over a year ago

Mr.Wheeler, funny calling him that because we are of the same decade. I went to school with Mr. Wheeler( TWheel) always been a nice guy and friend... My son started going to River Rouge High for two years, when Me.Wheeler found out my son was going there he told me he will look out for him and make sure he walks across that stage.. ANY time I had an issue dealing with my son or the school He got right on it. He deserves this award because he cares about the kids and people period. I am proud to say I know Mr. Wheeler. TWheel

Keiasia tanner-dennis Posted over a year ago

Hi my name is Keiasia I go to river rouge. I would just like to say Mr.wheeler is an amazing person,he’s a good leader, a amazing helper,and you can come to him with any problem and he will help the best way possible. He been helping me find a job as a 15 year old and not a lot of adults helped me they told me to wait but he didn’t he helped me and I just find that’s amazing and it means a lot to me.

Mike Ashberry Posted over a year ago

I met Mr. Wheeler about 20 years ago on a basketball court and he has been one of the most positive open hearted humble guys I’ve ever met. I would personally like to thank Mr. Wheeler also known as (T Whell)for everything he’s done for me and the community whether it was his positive messages or encouraging speeches I just want To say thanks. And I hope you run for president.

Levi Stubbs III Posted over a year ago

Tarence, it's no surprise to me that you have been nominated for this award. You have always had a giving sole. Your efforts to help children, young adults and their families goes beyond what most people could even think. Thank you for not just saying it, but living the mission every day. Congratulations and God Bless you and your work.

Brandon Grier Posted over a year ago

Tarence has been an inspiration for me as a young man from Detroit. The many years I’ve known him I’m always seeing him constantly reach back and be a “Man for others.” His actions and life has made me look in the mirror and ask myself how can I do more to help and uplift other people! Tarence thank you for all that you’ve done and continue to do to help people and for giving me a blueprint on how to live a life of service!

Sarah Ramirez Doyle Posted over a year ago

Tarence has been a valued colleague of mine for over 5 years now. I have nothing but great things to say about him personally and professionally. He goes above and beyond in all that he does, putting the task or person first. His commitment to the youth, community and peers is exceptional. This speaks volumes to his character. I think it is splendid he is nominated for Life Changer of the Year, as this suits him perfectly. Bravo Tarence, bravo! Sarah Ramirez Doyle HR Generalist Dakkota Integrated Systems

Gayle ONeal Posted over a year ago

I can think of no better person to receive this prestigious honor. I have known this young man his entire life and have seen him overcome many of life's challenges. Instead of succumbing to the lure and appeal of the street life, Tarence chose to follow a different path and worked hard to achieve many worthy accomplishments. Then, he used his skills to be a role model and help many other young people to show them there are better ways to achieve your goals in life. He is a dedicated family man and community leader. I am proud not only to be his cousin but to see him flourish in his many acts of giving back to the community.

Asha Shajahan, MD Posted over a year ago

Mr Wheeler is an extradorinaiy individual. As an assistant professor at OUWB School of Medicine, I bring my medical students and residents in training to River Rouge Teen Center and Mr. Wheeler shares his expertise with my doctors in training. Every single student I have had through this program says Mr. Wheeler is an inspiration and an example of what commitment to youth means. His passion and vision has impacted future doctors on what school-based medicine is. I know he has impacted my own life as a physician in changing my practice to be able to contribute to the needs of the students he serves. He knows how to establish rapport with the young kids of the community. He can relate to the needs of his community. He doesn't just talk the talk but walks the walk. He has helped raise funds for kids to have back packs to take to school, meals on their tables, and hygiene products for female students. He is dedicated to improving the lives of anyone and everyone he meets. He has definitely impacted medical education for Beaumont Family Medicine. He has changed me as an individual in the lens that I treat patients. He is a role model for so many young aspiring individuals. Nobody is more deserving of this honor that Mr. Wheeler. Very few individuals can change the lives of students, teaches, doctors, nurses, parents, business leaders, community leaders and Tarence Wheeler has and continues to do so with his actions, words, and his daily dedication to improving the lives of children.

janis wilson Posted over a year ago

Tarence, I would like to take a few minutes to capture my admiration for the community work you continue to do since the start of our professional relationship. I have always and continue to express my appreciation for your dedication in meeting the needs of the communities you have worked with throughout the years. I continue to be Blessed because of associated with you. The level of commitment you provide for individuals in the communities you served are unrelenting. Your process of identifying needs, and developing programs/services for the community has not only used a grass root approach, as well as, using “need” approached model to determined what is needed and what will be most helpful and productive has always impressed me. In addition, Tarence all the while you pursued MBA degree, you enjoyed your duties as father, you were employed as a full-time, and you continue to respond to the needs of the community. Tarence completes his work of love 24/7, without compensation. Tarence compensation comes as a result of during what he knows he has been called to do. I have found Tarence to be tireless, honest, a man of integrity even when confronted with disappointment, unyielding commitment to causes of the community, dedicated, and possessing the ability to follow through with tasks. Tarence is non-abash in approaching individuals in the community to assist with services and products to provide hope for our disenfranchised and sometime forgotten brothers and sisters. Tarence as always continue to let God use you, and continue to seek out individuals in the community who have been your partners and might become partners to continue to get the good work done! Janis

Karen Hopes Posted over a year ago

Having the opportunity to watch Mr. Wheeler grow from a child (with an old soul) to a man is with great gratitude. Tarence always had the characteristics of helping others. It has been overwhelming to watch him mentor the youth, giving them the time/guidance and necessities necessary to break down barriers in their lives and a chance to live a productive life. He provides the community with community outreach, housing and legal assistance, and a wide variety of community service programs. Tarence is and always will be one of my heroes and a Life Changer.

Tommy Estes Posted over a year ago

In this world we have those that talk. But this society needs those that walk the walk. Tarence W are one of those that do just that WALK. For the last 6yrs I seen with my own two eyes, the work and dedication he put in his community and this City. From being side by side pulling 5000 Turkeys off a truck. To giving coats for Kids. Their is almost nothing he won't do if it involves helping someone out. He is the Neighborhood Big Brother

Katrina Smith Posted over a year ago

Tarence Wheeler is committed to serving the community and ensuring that needs are met. He is very passionate about seeing the youth succeed. Knowing that the basic needs are important, Tarence Wheelers work to provide those needs are important and necessary to helping educators close the academic achievement gap. He is consistent, focused and dedicated to a lifetime of service.

Dr. Shawny DeBerry Posted over a year ago

How can one person make such an impact in so many lives? I am convinced that Tarence Wheeler’s purpose in life is to be a life changer. Although he is well accomplished in academia and in his professional life, some of his greatest accomplishments have happened while he was serving others. I have personally witnessed his selflessness many times and in many ways. I have seen him drive past a homeless person only to turn around to ask him his shoe size. He told the homeless person he would return the next day with a new pair of shoes. He did just that. I have seen him ponder what he could do next in the River Rouge School District to help, inspire, and motivate the students to become better; not only in school, but in life. He puts “community” at the forefront of his mind. It’s not often that you can be in his presence and not be positively impacted by his sense of altruism or just a simple smile that he will put on your face. Oprah Winfrey once said, “Lasting joy is found in not what you get, but in what you give.” This statement is the epitome of Tarence in his daily efforts to change the lives of students and the community every day. Tarence Wheeler is unequivocally a “Life Changer.”

Jon Taylor Posted over a year ago

I have known this man since college and I have witnessed his growth personally. Being a collegiate athlete is no easy task especially when you are raise in the inner city. He not only got his education, played professionally, became a father, but he learned about giving. He has done so many great things over the years that I have lost count. The thing that most impresses me is his work with the children of Detroit. That city is lucky to have a person like him and if we had more people with his conviction our country would have a few less problems

Di'anna Stokes Posted over a year ago

As a former student at River Rouge High School I was able to become a mentee under Mr. Tarence Wheeler’ wing. The great leadership opportunities and many ways he taught us on how to give back to the community has helped me as well as others while in high school. I got to be a student that helped give back to the community, make connections with people in the city of River Rouge and also in the City of Detroit. Thanks to Mr. Wheeler, he helped me pursue a degree where I could be the voice of people who are afraid or doesn’t have one of their own. Wheeler definitely has went above and beyond for the communities that he is apart of and definitely deserves any and all recognition that is being given to him. I’m glad to say that I am a product of River Rouge School District! ~Thank you Tarence Wheeler for all of the hard work and dedication you’ve given to those around you and continue to make a difference. It really does take a village to raise a child! Congratulations.

Marquis Edwards Posted over a year ago

Tarence also known as “T-Wheel” to the youth like myself and others at the gym. Has been nothing but a positive influence to me, and he carries a positive message with him everywhere he goes. The work he does in the community is a necessity as it bridges many gaps, and sheds light on circumstances in need.

Shavonne L. Dargan Posted over a year ago

The spirit of giving back and lending his light to all who need it is at the core of Tarence Wheeler’s soul. He embodies “goodness” and has continued to uplift everyone in every community he comes in contact with. Knowing Tarence and seeing his work encourages me to be a better human. The world needs more like him.

Drew Jefferson Posted over a year ago

As a former student, I know first hand that Mr. Wheeler is a pilot in our community. A pilot of love and exemplary citizenship. He reminds us that we can't wait for some figure to keep our community fed and warm, but it is up to us to take care of each other. It's a true blessing to have Mr.Wheeler to initiate and maintain efforts to better our community. Mr.Wheeler also knows what its like to be in the student's shoes. He constantly works to ensure that students are focused on their education and not distracted by basic survival needs. He exposes the students to different faces of success with his visitors, trips, and programs to show them that its more to the world than what they see every day. Helping students make the best decision or change their heading with his wisdom, intellect, and network makes a difference of life and death. His actions show where his heart and mind is and that is more valuable than any speech. The end product of his work is the golden investment in our future and it those efforts that deserve all notoriety. Observing and working with Mr.Wheeler are precious life moments of generosity and learning for me. Best of all, as a young student, I've been inspired to act where my heart and mind is and leave this world better than I found it.

Cassaundra Bing Posted over a year ago

I am so glad to see another opportunity arise to recognize the wonderful efforts of Tarence Wheeler. His approach to educational success through a focus on non-academic barriers, have allowed his positive impact to reach not just the students, but their families and the River Rouge School District Community. I firmly believe his humble beginnings give Tarence a unique insight into similar situations that impact any students’ academic success Tarence has turned that insight and passion into initiatives that have truly made him a River Rouge Community gem. Keep inspiring us Tarence.

Rod Wallace Posted over a year ago

Brother Wheeler's passion for the young people of our area is unmatched. His energy and work ethic towards service is contagious, and he builds authentic relationships with kids in need and Fortune 500 leaders alike. However, he always keeps his "Why" at the forefront of his journey, and that allows him to change lives everyday.

Nuba Carpenter Posted over a year ago

It is not often that you are fortunate enough to come in contact with an individual so dedicated to helping fulfill the needs of others. I have watched Tarence Wheeler give back to so many that experience various adversities with the only complaint being "I wish I could do more". Tarence is definitely a Life Changer....

Matt Abramowitz Posted over a year ago

Having known Tarence Wheeler for over 30 years I can say with no doubt that one of his top priorities has always been to transform lives through education, compassion, and understanding. I can tell you that he has always been compassionate, hard-working, and wise beyond his years. I am certainly proud how he is inspired and motivated children and families to make a difference in meaningful ways. It is a privilege to witness all he has done for his community no matter how big or small the task is. I am Proud to call him my friend but most importantly I am proud of the difference he has made for so many less fortunate families. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to the us all!

Monique Wheeler Posted over a year ago

Tarence is the epitome of what a man should be. He is smart, honest, and strong. He taught me everything it means to be a leader. He continues to uplift me as well as others to reach their highest potential and be true to their own self. Watching him interact with the community and change the life of our youth is truly inspiring. I am blessed to know him on a personal level and watch him be a great man every day.

Brian Webb Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler’s relentless dedication to underprivileged children in the Detroit area is unparalleled. Whether it’s collecting winter gear, turkeys or personal hygiene he sets an example that will certainly change the lives of the kids he helps. Hats off to you sir.

Lafayette Lever Posted over a year ago

Mr. Terrance Wheeler and his deeds speak volumes. His leadership of giving back, helping others, showing compassion, feeding children, clothing children, and never over stating the celebrities he’s affiliated with shows grace and focus. Continue your fight for all!

Maureen Murphy Posted over a year ago

How wonderful and aspiring to meet Mr. Wheeler. You immediately feel that he is driven from an intrinsic set of moral beliefs that inspire you to be more, give more and do more. He is humble, kind and compassionate. I have witnessed over and over again his love for all people and his concept within of how can he help you be all you can be. He lives this daily, with even the smallest of actions to significantly large city wide events! From mentoring a youth, to getting glasses, to providing furniture in a home, to a large scale turkey give away. This man never stops! He is relentless with his passion and the importance of putting the right people in front of our Youth. I feel energized and full of passion to help others after I meet with him and to keep that spreading amongst a community could inspire great things to happen. I am a better person because of Tarence wheeler!

Val Berry Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler is an extraordinary example of What Love Can Do behind purpose!! He's not only a strong man in stature, but he is a gentle, driven, determined Force of a nature!! Our children and our world is a lot better place with this man backing us!! It is a beautiful thing to know what your purpose is and work in that purpose! He is the epitome of What Love Can Do!

Belinda Smiley Posted over a year ago

I know Mr. Wheeler for 30 plus years.He has always been a Blessing to others and when it come to our young people he go up and beyond to help meet their needs. Keep up the good work.

Dr. James A Murray Posted over a year ago

As I read the expressions of gratitude and appreciation for Mr. Tarence wheeler it reminds me that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words but to live by them. This exemplifies Mr. Terrance Wheeler. It is not his words or what he says it's what he does, his deeds, that speak volumes. His leadership of giving back, helping others, showing compassion, feeding children, clothing children, and never forgetting from where he came that I admire most. Dr. King said "everyone can give because everyone can serve." Mr. Wheeler is a true icon of Dr. Martin Luther King. Keep doing what you're doing My Brother.

Monica Cabbler Posted over a year ago

Integrity. Impact. Service. Huge praises to Tarence Wheeler for his unwavering commitment to the community. He has made a massive difference in lives of our youth for decades. I salute him for utilizing his credibility in the sports and entertainment industry to inspire social change.

Charles Harvey Posted over a year ago

He’s one of the most dynamic leaders I’ve seen and witness over the past few years, truly inspirational and God fearing, we’re Bless to have him in our community working tirelessly..

Eric Reed Posted over a year ago

Tarence is a dedicated, tireless and compassionate warrior to the cause of uplifting children and families. This recognition is definitely well-deserved.

Allen Rouse Posted over a year ago

I have had the pleasure of playing basketball at LA FITNESS with Mr. Wheeler over the past couple of years. The first thing I noticed about him was his carismatic approach, as he spoke with the younger guys in the gym. Many times, it’s always in a positive manner; however, he always has a sense of humor and yet... appear to always have fun at the same time. Growing up in the city of Detroit(Westside) myself, I do recall hearing his name in the basketball circle. So, like all of the new millennials do today, I decided to “Google” his name... low and behold, it was same guy that I used to hear about in the PSL. Great guy, great ambassador to the youth, extremely impactful, positive approach, altruistic and funny! It’s, simply unfortunate to the other nominees... that they are competing against Mr. Wheeler - hands down, he is definitely your winner!

Elle Jones Posted over a year ago

Tarence , thank you for all that you do. You’re positive attitude always shines bright. I can’t think of anyone else more deserving of this award. God has laid out your plan, and you have followed that plan. You are a true inspiration too our youths as well as our senior’s . Keep praying and keep moving forward and giving back.

Tia Fails Posted over a year ago

Amazing continue to do what you are doing and more. We need more people like you in this world that has a passion in supporting our young kids.

Derrick R. Coleman Posted over a year ago

Mr. Tarence Wheeleris driven by the fear of being average and it serves as his motivation to display an unwavering commitment in providing countless youth with a blueprint to escape the trappings of urban America. The field of education is by nature one of the most challenging fields of work known to man. His resume, whether formally recorded or found on the lips of those who he labors for and with, displays a brilliance that is unmatched in any setting. Tarence has consistently shown himself to be one of the most talented, skilled, compassionate, and committed educators to serve in this profession.

Willie Tucker Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler deserves this award and any award adjacent to it. First of all to be able to be recognized as Mr. Wheeler, Tarence Wheeler or T. Wheel as he is affectionately known in the community, has worked hard from day one after being exposed to what life can hold for him to be respected and be in a position to help others.Having the honor and privilege of meeting Mr. Wheeler in the 11th grade where the majority of students are being immature and having fun he was considered an “old soul” and he excepted that and “every thing that came with it” which shown he was mentally head and shoulders above the average youth and on a mission from day one. To have worked as hard as he has all the way up until this point along with everything he was doing it was always about putting himself in a position to give back and he never lost focus and stayed true to his beliefs. Since 1985 when I was afforded the opportunity to meet Tarance during the Class A Boy’s Basketball State Final Four in Lansing Michigan to today, he has exemplified in every aspect of life being deserving of life changer of the year award.

Myra Anderson Posted over a year ago

There is no one more deserving of this recognition than Tarence Wheeler. Not only does he walk the walk with passion and love, but he inspires me to be my best. His enthusiasm is contagious, his support is endless, and his dedication is unwavering. When Big Sean's foundation, the Sean Anderson Foundation, was a struggling seedling, Tarence provided a wealth of education to assist us in getting up and running. I will be eternally grateful for all of his help and for the magnificent example of service he has provided. Many blessings, Myra Anderson (Executive Director, Sean Anderson Foundation)

LaBaron German Posted over a year ago

First I have to Terrace is a Visionary , He not only put together programs to help children but he has help family and entire communities and I put a s on it , because he has started in Detroit and has added several more in the state of Michigan and outside the state, He is a tireless worker with a huge heart, I have watch Terrace grow from a giving young man out of high school to a man that is giving and changing lives, I feel honored to watch and help him with his vision of giving and helping, He is Man with a Huge Heart

Tyrone Fuller Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler continues to elevate the Detroit community with his leadership qualities. His promise less and deliver more attitude can only be described as inspiring. The goal is always to leave a place better than what it was originally. Tarence has mastered this with his deferred gratification blueprint. This will pay dividends with the youth of Detroit for years to come. I nominate Mr. Wheeler for the Lifechange of the Year Award.

Miriam Davis Posted over a year ago

Congratulations and continued blessings for your gift to making a difference to many. Achievers like you make a difference to many and are greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Miriam Davis

Kevin McKithen Posted over a year ago

Everything in this article on him is true ... but it’s about 5 days too short of what this man has done and is still doing .

Vera Posted over a year ago

It’s very refreshing and endearing to see a brother so passionate about people and their struggles...and do something about it. Mr. Wheeler is not just talking about it, he is about it...the business of making a difference. God bless you!

Karen Edwards Posted over a year ago

I have known Tarence for 20 years as both a friend and a coworker at Maricopa County Juvenile Probation. His goal was always to make an indelible impact on the community and be the reason young people fall in love with education.In my opinion,there is no one more deserving of this reward.

Duval benon Posted over a year ago

The best guy I ever meet when it comes to are youths females and males he put himself out there for them every time I’m 64 years old been everywhere in the world know a lot people from all walks of life there is no no 1 like him simply the (BEST)

Scott E Boswell Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler is a man of courage, love for his community, Mr. Wheeler is a fateful servent for the youth.

Courtney Toliver Posted over a year ago continue to "walk the walk" my man! Everyone is very proud of the work you put into our communities. Keep making a difference man (as I KNOW YOU WILL!), as you are an invaluable asset to all of the kids' lives you effect through your work. Good luck bro; you deserve this! Peace....

Yolanda L Baker Posted over a year ago

when I think of some of the great leaders I know Tarence Wheeler normally is one that come to my mind. I meant Mr. Wheeler as having a telephone conversation speaking how about turkeys and him saying that he used to come to Focus Hope for food as a kid to our Southwest food program on W. Vernor and Livernois. Being a good leader gives other inspiration, paths the way for others to follow. A great leader teaches is also bold & humble knows how to listen to the community just see what the needs are and then do something about it Mr. Wheeler has giving students hopes to their dreams. Tarence Wheeler has a given that to students he has touched. Great Guy!!!

Kevin Beale Posted over a year ago

Great Job. So proud

Justin Follebout Posted over a year ago

I have had the honor of knowing Tarence Wheeler for the past 3.5 years and he is both an excellent human being and class act who does his job to the fullest capacity day in/day out. The health clinic would truly not be as successful as it has been without his taking on himself to ensure the partnership between the school and Beaumont is and will continue to be on solid ground and made a priority with our student population and the school in general. He has most certainly built exceptional relationships with staff, students, community members, and a host of others to ensure that people look out for and support this community. I, personally, cannot think of a better example of a person who exemplifies "life changer" in the capacity with which Mr. Wheeler has been. Myself and the Beaumont community is forever appreciative of his efforts and hard work he puts in and I am glad that this has not gone unnoticed.

Amy Lukken Posted over a year ago

Terrance changed my life from the moment I met him. His passion ignites every adult and young adult to be better humans. If only he would run for president! Thank you Terrance for making this world a better place for our future generations.

Nichole Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler is a great advocate for students. He provides resources, supports, and sponsor events that help uplift the community. He is articulate and speak of encouragement and hope that compels people to take action. Mr. Wheeler is an awesome contributor and an active participant in grass root leadership. He is a selfless person and gives so much of himself in an effort to close the poverty gap in education. Mr. Tarence Wheeler is truly deserving of recognition!

Kassidy Nwabuike Posted over a year ago

Wow there is nothing greater than seeing great work coming from community leaders that we all know and see everyday. I’m so grateful to have gotten to know Mr. Wheeler and may his love and positivity continue to be a light in a world of darkness.

Valveta Reese Posted over a year ago

Tarence Wheeler is truly a God send to the School District and the Community of River Rouge. He is so positive and spirit filled. Tarence love working with our youth and families. He makes you smile and makes me so happy. I can’t think of anyone more deserving. Tarence truly does what he does from the heart. I’m blessed to have him in my life. He’s saved my life I so many ways

Rob Richardson Posted over a year ago

If not TWheel then who, not only does he go above and beyond for all of these kids but he also sets the perfect example for adults to go out their way to help others who are in need. Me personally, I think that TWheel is one of the best leaders in the metro Detroit area and is very deserving for this award.

Stacey Brown-Smith Posted over a year ago

It’s rare that you come across standout talent like Mr. Tarence Wheeler. A devoted community activist who is electrifying and personally engages the youth providing them with unlimited opportunities. I have been fortunate to witness Mr. Wheeler pour into the tramatic souls of young children in my community and watch as their souls are nourished with hope, love,encouragement, pride, forgiveness and determination. Mr. Wheeler is definitely a life changer.

Sharon Evette Jacobs Posted over a year ago

Such an appropriate title for an award that Mt. Wheeker us nominated for; Life Changer he most certainly is!! I had the pleasure of meeting mr. Wheeler at an ASCD conference several years ago. We discussed the Whole Child approach to supporting schools. When I learned of his work in Detroit and the power moves he was making to support young people and eliminate barriers to learning, I was extremely encouraged, moved, and inspired. Over the years I've learned about his efforts and the connections he's made in the community, how he uses his super powers for good and how he has sown into the lives of young people. It is a very rare thing this day and age to find someone who is selfless in the manor that he is for children in a position outside of the classroom. It's refreshing to know that there are people who work at the district level who understand the struggles that children, families, schools, and Educators face daily and to find someone who's actually doing the work of addressing basic needs to support. I also find it very impressive that he uses his platform every opportunity he gets to build up young people. It's no secret that he is on "his grind" about business for children. I recall the conversation I had with him one night while he was headed to pick up donations for young ladies to have sanitary napkins so that they could go to class. This young man was driving into a neighborhood very late at night that the common person wouldn't do, but he had made connections within the Community to provide donations so he was going to pick them up. As an Administrator and educator for over 20 years, I thought to myself at that moment if we had just one Mr. Wheeler in every school district, so many lives for young people would be changed. His passion and compassion for people and helping bridge gaps is paramount; an initiative we all can learn from. He looks for no glory for himself, only to do good in the neighborhood to help those that need get what's needed so they can succeed. Without a title, without an award, Mr. Wheeler is a Life Changer!!! He deserves this honor!

Jamie Williams Posted over a year ago

This nomination makes my heart sing. I met Mr. Wheeler almost 2 years ago; every time I see him, his conversation is full of purpose. He is intentional about bettering the community! I truly believe it is what he was created to do! He deserves this recognition of life changer of the year, however if for some reason he isn’t chosen, he will remain a LIFE CHANGER to everyone he comes in contact with!

Laura Hunter Posted over a year ago

I have had the pleasure to know Tarence Wheeler for 8 years. Tarence is an integral part of the River Rouge School District. His compassion and commitment to serving high-risk students are enviable to those who witness his action on a daily basis. Tarence is kind and generous to anyone that has the good fortune to be in his presence. His dedication to serving others, providing invaluable resources, and giving back never go unnoticed. Tarence is the reason many students have found their way and have succeeded in school. His recognition of low- socioeconomic barriers that often hinder growth and success in youth along with his actions have impacted so many kids and has been life-changing for them. In the presence of Tarence Wheeler, it is impossible to not get swept up in his passion and enthusiasm for service to all humankind. It is with great pride and honor that I give my highest recommendation to Tarence Wheeler for the Lifechanger Award nomination, there is noone more derserving.

Reginald Brown Posted over a year ago

The greatest victory in life is to over come and achieve the fine fruits of labor. Our dear brother and friend Mr.Wheeler have shown this. Through his work, we can generate a true leader that people are willing to follow.

Judge Kenneth J. King Posted over a year ago

I cannot think of a more worthy candidate. Mr.Wheeler's selfless committment to the community serves as an example of what community service should look like.

Edwin Diaz Posted over a year ago

I must say only knowing Mr. Wheeler for a few short years and listening to his peers there’s not a more well deserving human being for life changing award. I wish I would have been in contact with him years ago. The things he talks about is all for the community and for the aspiring kids who want to better themselves and their quality of life.

Kimberly Buckner Posted over a year ago

I am so happy and proud to see Mr. Wheeler nominated as the Lifechange of the Year. He is a force here at the River Rouge School District! I get to see Mr. Wheeler everyday in action. He organizes many activities and events throughout the year to help our students and the community. Just to hear him speak inspires you! He truly is a powerful role model for our students; if you can see what he came from from (a child of poverty) and where he is now. Personally, he is always nice and a pleasure to be around. He makes me smile everyday and lifts up the spirits of us all and sometimes that is all a person needs to feel good. I hope through this nomination others who may not have had the chance to know him will see the inspiring man we know!

Arnold Reed Posted over a year ago

If Tarence does not receive this award, common sense and logic will be soundly defied.

Marcus Johnson Posted over a year ago

T. Wheel my friend my brother and former teammate. A great man of substance character and morals. I’m proud of and too know you for all you do and give. Stay the course and process my friend. You’re doing great things. This was instilled in you by your Grandmother. I Love you my Brother God Bless you always!

Karen Young Posted over a year ago

I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this award than Tarence Wheeler. He recognizes non-academic barriers blocking opportunity for youth, and has a relentless drive for removing them. Mr. Wheeler has touched countless lives, hearts, and minds. When you are fortunate enough to be in his presence you can’t help but feel grateful and inspired by his heart, his passion, and his actions. Tarence Wheeler is truly a gift to humanity.

Kenneth Hardnett Posted over a year ago

Tarence Wheeler is an inspiration to me and some one I really look up to and inspire to be like. He has successfully provided coats, food, toiletries, and clothing donations to give to the community by reaching out to myself and others. He cares deeply about supporting local youth, providing them with tools to be successful. His efforts are truly inspirational and I can't think of a more deserving mentor and philanthropist to accept this great honor.

Ron Johnson Posted over a year ago


Karen Dumas Posted over a year ago

Tarence was a former staff member and remains a friend and colleague whose commitment is uncompromised. His focus and dedication are evident not only in his work ethic and the sincerity of his efforts but most importantly in the lives touched and changed for the better by his work. He has taken his past and uses it to help shape a better and brighter future for others. Tarence is the kind often overlooked because he has his head down and directed towards his goal and not the limelight. As such, he deserves every recognition available, not just for who he is and what he's done (and continues to do), but for serving as a shining example of who and what we can all be...better and "difference-makers" for our communities. #TeamTWheel

Cedric Sims Posted over a year ago

Tarence Wheeler, is an amazing man and role model for all people to look up to or be able to connect with on a personal level. His passions is relentless for bettering the younger youth and all people in general. Please nominate this man for this award because he works beyond 40 hours a week!!! He never stops educating, empowering and uplifting people who needs it!!!!

Linda Chupp Posted over a year ago

I had the pleasure to worked with Mr Wheeler and what a phenomenal man. He goes above and beyond helping people reach their full potential. He encourage and give his all. I have seen him take a community that everyone gave up on and turn it around to community where people want to live. Have seen him turned the mind of a negative child to a postive child who now looks for to his or her future. Terence is not just that one time person but he is that life time man. I so happy that I had opportunity to worked him and he continued to be my friend.

Troy Jones Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler has been a fierce advocate for under privileged kids for a very ong time. His passion and drive advocating for them is second to none and he has been their hope and a beacon of light for a decades. He's honest, passionate and always leads from the front and by example! I'm honored to call him my friend and brother and to support him in all his endeavors towards making kids lives better and letting them know they have have not been forgotten, they are loved, they are not alone and that WE WILL STAND IN THE GAP FOR THEM, for they are the future!!! I couldn't think of a person more deserving of this honor than Mr. Tarence Wheeler!!

Anu Prakash Posted over a year ago

Tarence Wheeler truly embodies the meaning of “life changer”. He is tireless in his efforts to improve people’s lives. I’ve seen the kind of difference he has made and have been honored to share many of his stories with our community. There is no “season” for his giving heart. Tarence is always thinking of others and DOING for others. From making sure kids have encouragement, support and love to be their best, to making sure families have food to eat .. to even making sure families have a kitchen table to have dinner .. the list goes on and on. Tarence does it all.. for everyone else. I’m inspired by his meaningful work, his humble heart and dedication. He really is a life changer!

James Williamson Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler is an exceptional leader. His passion and dedication to improving the lives of young people is infectious. He should certainly be recognized for his efforts and inspirational commitment to our community.

Tiffany Ellzy Posted over a year ago

Mr, Wheeler is so deserving of this recognition. He works tirelessly to better the conditions faced by our communities. It is understood that better communities are the foundations for a better world. He certainly lives by the philosophy of “we are our brother’s keeper.” As the Marketing Ditector for Sean John, it is my/our honor to support his efforts.

Tiffany Ellzy Posted over a year ago

Mr, Wheeler is so deserving of this recognition. He works tirelessly to better the conditions faced by our communities. It is understood that better communities are the foundations for a better world. He certainly lives by the philosophy of “we are our brother’s keeper.” As the Marketing Ditector for Sean John, it is my/our honor to support his efforts.

Aaron Posted over a year ago

I’ve Been knowing T-wheel for years now and he’s very deserving of the award. Always gives back to his community and gives young men chances to be positive and accomplish success.

Marcus Johnson Posted over a year ago

T. Wheel my friend my brother and former teammate. A great man of substance character and morals. I’m proud of and too know you for all you do and give. Stay the course and process my friend. You’re doing great things. This was instilled in you by your Grandmother. I Love you my Brother God Bless you always!

Nico Harrison Posted over a year ago

Tarence Wheeler has done an amazing job of providing hope and inspiration to underprivileged kids. He has made it his mission to remove obstacles that stand in the way of kids receiving an education, rather that be clothing, food, school supplies, etc. He is a selfless change agent. When most people with his network and education are focused on personal growth, wealth, and health, he’s focused on reshaping the community that he represents. I can only imagine how many kids are able to go to school with their head held high, because they have clothes that won’t bring negative attention to them. I can only imagine the amount of kids that can walk to school now because of the coats he’s provided. He learned early on that without the basic necessities it is nearly impossible for kids to dream big and overcome their environment.

Mike evans Posted over a year ago

T Wheel is the guy who we all aspire to be. I hope within two years I can participate daily more often with Tarence and his iniatives.

Mayah Wheeler Posted over a year ago

I'm so proud of you and all of the work you do!! I love you lots!

Tyrone Barkley Posted over a year ago

Mr Wheeler has been a major part of our neighborhood growth when it comes to our kids. His willingness to go the extra mile to make sure our children understand the importance of education has always been a priority for him! He's always been an inspiration to the adults as well, by bringing awareness to the issues in our community. Letting us know how we must stand behind our kids, support them, and making sure they have all the tools they need to be successful in life! I'm very proud of Mr Wheeler!

Beverly Beasley-Smith Posted over a year ago

Tarence is always engaging in philanthropic and humanitarian activities. Helping those in need, especially kids has been a lifetime goal of Tarence. Wether it be providing coats, food or simple hygiene products Tarence dedications his time and sometimes he own money to help those in need. His motto is “if not us, then who”

Ophelia Jenkins Posted over a year ago

This is such a fitting award for you Tarence, because the passion you have for our young people are not only changing their school life but their futures. You are not only meeting the needs of the children in school but in the community as well. Thank you for investing in our children. I will continue to support you efforts anytime and anyway I can. Congrats you deserve it!

Rebekah Posted over a year ago

Mr. Wheeler is one of the best humans I have ever come across! He’s truly dedicated to empowering young people and providing them with the proper tools for success. I feel blessed to have benefitted from some of his wisdom and knowledge and look forward to hearing more stories of success from those who have Mr. Wheeler in their lives!

Emily M Doerr Posted over a year ago

There is nothing as impactful for these students as Tarance's assistance making school a place of learning and support. When I met Tarance in one of our shared MBA graduate classes, he spoke about the importance of focusing efforts and resources on kids whose life paths haven't been chosen yet and with the right assistance, mentoring, and support, the majority of the students will be able to improve their lives and beat the cycle of poverty in which they grew up. Tarance has been a life changer for thousands of students! No one is more deserving of this award!

Stevie Wise Posted over a year ago

My Big Brother Tarence is a true leader and I realized that earlier on during our childhood friendship. My brother Tarence and I grew up poor with the love for all sports, especially basketball! We played basketball at night when it was so dark outside that we could barely see the rim. We would still be out there shooting and talking all night! Dreaming of playing for Detroit Southwestern and Coach Perry Watson. Tarence made our dreams a reality by Making the Detroit Southwestern basketball team! He came back that summer and took me under his wing, showed me the work I needed to put in if I wanted to be a Detroit Southwestern Prospector Basketball player. I did and I also became a Detroit Southwestern Prospector Basketball Player. Tarence guidance didn’t stop there! He then showed me what it took in high school to become a division 1 college basketball player because he received a full scholarship from the University of Arizona State.I had never dreamed of college and now I’m a division 1 college basketball player at the University of Colorado on a full scholarship! Where we came from college wasn’t an option, but our love and brotherhood made it a reality!! I’m so blessed to have a brother like Tarence and I thank God for bringing you in my life! I don’t know where I would be in life without you showing me the blueprint to success! Congrats My Brother..You deserve every honor bestowed upon you!! Love you and God Bless

Virgil Grayson Posted over a year ago

Tarence is a wonderful example of a man whatever nationality he may be.

Michael Tiger Price Posted over a year ago

I believe that Tarence Wheeler is a consistently well driven voice, a extremely well educated community activist for Metro Detroit. Tarence is a success story who is adamant about giving back in Detroit and River Rouge and is a former Southwestern HS, Arizona Star Athlete and current representative businessman that I have been proud to know and call a friend for over ten years. Tarence is worthy of the Life Changer Of the Year Award, and many other awards indicative of excellence. Tarence Wheeler is class personified. A real legend in Southeastern Michigan and abroad! Sincerely, Mike Tiger Price

Dana M Thomas Posted over a year ago

I feel Mr. Wheeler should win the Life Changer award due to all the lives he has changed and set on a better path. Many children do not have a male role model in their lives and Mr. Wheeler have given them the life long tools to change their circumstances and become productive members of society . Mr. Wheeler have shown all of us that greatest national resource is children and we should pour into them the very best part of us. Mr. Wheeler is dedicated to making this world a better place though his humanitarian efforts and advocating for the youth, it is my sincere prayer that Tarence Wheeler receives the Life Changer award to motivate his ministry of uplifting the youth.

LaShawn Jimenez Posted over a year ago

Words can’t describe how this man has shown his dedication with changing lives. He has been committed to the several communities.. He goes over and beyond the call of duty to make sure he has the financial resources to do what it takes to overcome barriers for families. His favorite saying .. If not US then Who.. I’m proud to call him friend . To nominate him would be awesome because I have witnessed lives being changed . My heart is filled with so much joy watching him do what’s natural for him to love and give back..

Ed Boyd Posted over a year ago

I met Mr. Wheeler about 10 years ago. We discovered a common bound through upbringing in the Boy’s Club of Southwestern Michigan. In fact, I was a Jr. Staff member with his Uncle Ernie. His compassion and commitment toward our youth is unmatched. While I’m 10 years his senior, he motivates me through is actions. I have engaged with many folks at the community level; none have impressed and inspired me more. My brother, TWheel is a gift from above.

Anthony J Rogers Posted over a year ago

Congrats my brother truly a blessing to find a committed soldier, bondservant, and a true servant of the principles of God. Brother you implify a radical revolution in the development of young people and you keep me inspired to do what's necessary to change our community one brother and sister at a time peace be with you.