LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Marisol Carrillo

Position: Third Grade Teacher
School: Buford Elementary School
School District: Lennox School District
City, State: Lennox, CA

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Music that Describes Marisol

Marisol Carrillo was nominated by Joyce Lavin, a member of the community.

Ms. Carrillo takes special time for each of her students. Her school district is in a very low-income area, and her students are lacking in even the simplest necessities. She goes above and beyond, often pulling money out of her pocket to assist her students. She has students who come in with shoes she has to duct tape together. Afterwards, she finds the resources to buy them a pair of shoes.  

Ms. Carrillo encourages all of her students. She makes sure they work to earn raffle prizes (school supplies, grocery gift cards, sweaters, etc) by doing a creative writing project. She loves all of her students, and is often found after school resolving issues for her students.  

Ms. Carrillo is a true giver, not only of her time, but of her valuable resources. She builds up her students by providing and assisting them with whatever she can. She is a role model for other teachers, and she often works directly with the principal and school administrators to try to find solutions for each students' problems.

"I work very closely with teachers all over the country, and Marisol really sticks out. There aren't many like her out there," said Lavin.

Comments (1)

Hope Fairchild Posted over a year ago

I concur with this statement. I have seen her in action!