LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Teresa Barton

Position: Science Teacher
School: Pikeview High School
School District: Mercer County Public Schools
City, State: Princeton, WV

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Music that Describes Teresa

Teresa Barton was nominated by anonymous colleague.

Mrs. Barton is an inspiration to students and other educators. She has been teaching for over 30 years. She has taken countless groups on trips to various locations, including Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia, Puerto Rico, the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Marshall University Forensics department, etc. Mrs. Barton has sponsored Project Graduation for 15 years, which involves financial accounting, organization, and many other time-consuming aspects.  Mrs. Barton has also been the Academic Bowl sponsor for many years.  Her teams often take the county championship. She is also the sponsor for the after-school Heath Career Awareness Club. This club has guest speakers every couple of weeks, which Mrs. Barton coordinates.  She is also in charge of the school Panther Bucks program, which gives students "bucks" to reward good grades and perfect attendance.  Mrs. Barton is also the science department chair, and she teaches many of the higher level science classes.  Many of her AP students score 4 and 5 on the AP exam. She has had many students go on to become doctors, nurses, engineers, and educators.  She is an amazing educator who imparts her love of science and learning to everyone she meets!

Comments (1)

Rhonda Elliott Posted over a year ago

I have been in Mrs. Barton's classroom while she was hosting a mini unit on robotics. Her classroom environment made me want to go back to high school and have her as a teacher! She has high expectations, always challenges her students, while being nurturing, compassionate and kind. My visit was a brief two days, but will stay with me for a lifetime.