LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Scot Hooper

Position: Principal
School: Odyssey Charter School
School District: Odyssey Charter School
City, State: Newnan, GA

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Scot Hooper was nominated by Rodney Keyes, a member of the community.

Mr. Hooper has been the principal at Odyssey Charter School for four years. Prior to his arrival, the school was underperforming academically and fiscally challenged to make budget. Under Mr. Hooper's leadership, the school has fiscally turned around. Each year he has been there, academic performance and test scores have increased.

Additionally, Mr. Hooper has motivated many of his students by offering creative opportunities that were not in place prior ro his arrival. A student band has been assembled, allowing students to develop their musical talents in a creative, relevant way. Mr. Hooper has also been a catalyst for inspiring students in the areas of math and science. He is currently using his certifications and licenses to design and fly rockets. As principal, he works directly with students, which is rather uncommon for a principal. He has stimulated students' passion for learning math and science by bringing these subjects to life through rocket design.

Comments (4)

Hope Callahan Posted over a year ago

Congratulations, Mr. Hooper! Our school community is thriving, and that starts at the top with you and our administration, and filters down to and through teachers, students, and parents. So thank you, Mr. Hooper, for setting the example for excellence in our school and for encouraging us to continually grow and improve as educators. And for changing the trajectory of the future of Odyssey!

Möller Posted over a year ago

Well deserved nomination! I really appreciate how you continually celebrate our scholars’ success in our school and in the community. I also appreciate the opportunities you and our administration provide for our faculty to continually improve and grow as educators!

Jill Chester Posted over a year ago

Congratulations Mr. Hooper on your nomination of the Life Changer of the Year award. What you have accomplished at Odyssey over the last four years is nothing short of miraculous. You came here and stuck to a bold plan to make our school great! Your willingness to stick to this bold plan has lead to our schools increased academic performance, as well as enhanced our ability to create unique learning opportunities for our scholars. I am very inspired and proud to be part of the remarkable team you have built at Odyssey.

Amy Richardson Posted over a year ago

I have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Hooper since he became principal at Odyssey Charter School. He has always been supportive and made himself available at all times. His calm and patient demeanor is a valuable trait while working in a stressful environment at times. His nomination is well deserved. Even if he doesn't win the Lifechanger of the Year award, he has definitely changed many lives at our school. We are fortunate to have him as our leader.