LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Patti Nishimoto

Position: Student Activities Coordinator
School: Waiakea High School
School District: Hawaii Public Schools
City, State: Hilo, HI

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Patti Nishimoto was nominated by an anonymous student.

When one reminisces on the sweet memories of high school, their mind most likely flutters to the various activities their school put on, from prom to holiday celebrations, pep rallies, and everything in between. However, very little thought is dedicated to the behind the scene efforts it took to create such events. At Waiakea High School, this job is entrusted to Mrs. Nishimoto.

As a student activities coordinator, Mrs. Nishimoto must work diligently to ensure every student has the best school year possible. In Hawaii, Waiakea High School is known its outstanding student activities. Every month, there is at least one special day planned for students. These include freshman orientation activities in August, Homecoming spirit week in September, Halloween costume contests in October, Thanksgiving turkey trots in November, and a winter program in December. The list stretches all the way to the end of the school year, with planning for the next school year during the summer. While this means a lot of fun, it also equates to an enormous amount of planning and work. This is where Mrs. Nishimoto enters the picture.

Throughout the whole school day, students can find Mrs. Nishimoto in her classroom, E103, typing out reports, sending emails, contacting staff members, and sending out notices. If she is not in her classroom, she is attending meetings and workshops or running off-campus to pick up materials for an activity. Tired athletes can find her after school working long past the final bell. They are greeted by her warm smile as she offers them a snack, then goes back to work.

"Throughout this past year, I have had the pleasure of working with Mrs. Nishimoto," her nominator said. "I have witnessed her work ethic and dedication to the school first hand. Mrs. Nishimoto bleeds blue and white -- the colors of a true Waiakea warrior. Her spirit derives from her heart, which is one of kindness and love. She remembers the names of over 1300 students and staff members, and she works to make them all happy. Mrs. Nishimoto has become someone I look up to in awe. She has not only changed my life, but she has had the most positive impact on all the Warriors of Waiakea."
