LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Amy Russell

Position: Resource Paraprofessional, Grades 3-6
School: West Homer Elementary School
School District: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
City, State: Homer, AK

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Amy Russell was nominated by an anonymous colleague.

Ms. Russell has lived and worked in the Homer community for years. She goes above and beyond for the students in her school. Ms. Russell can be seen helping out at the Special Olympics, skiing with the high school students, having coffee with former students, organizing fundraisers for a student with cancer, coaching children's soccer during the summer, and taking her lunch with students to help them with their homework. She has given her bike, the shoes on her feet, and her jacket to a student in need. She listens to student concerns and is always ready with a hug and supportive word. Former students often return to her school to give her a hug, She is an amazing student advocate and will be the first staff member to voice a concern about a student. More importantly, she takes the time to follow up. In the fall of 2019, she volunteered to be a union representative for the classified employees in her building. She is a strong, steady voice when emotions run high, and a LifeChanger in her community!

Comments (2)

Lisa Posted over a year ago

Miss Amy is the best! She has a way of making even the most standoffish/traumatized child at ease. Her presence in these children’s lives extends well beyond the years spent in her classes. For quite a few of these students, she is that one person who has made the difference. And her laugh and sense of humor is contagious.

sherry Posted over a year ago

Amy truly cares for individuals she interacts with. Her main concern is that each person is safe and happy. She will go out of her way to ensure that each person has his or her needs met. There are no barriers that Amy cannot take down. Once she is on a mission, that mission will be complete. Her sense humor reveals how incredibly intelligent she is. Her ability to use humor to help high risk kids is an asset for West Homer. Students have high regard and respect for Amy because they know that they are able to trust her and turn to her for help. Despite the chaos that may be taking place, Amy is always able to stay calm and to restore order. Amy does all of this, not because she wants to be recognized, but because her heart is HUGE and she truly wants to help every single person succeed in life.