LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Lorna Mandac

Position: Administrative Clerk
School: Nanakuli High School
School District: Hawaii Public Schools
City, State: Waianae, HI

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Music that Describes Lorna

Lorna Mandac was nominated by her colleague, Michelle Pieper.

Mrs. Mandac, also known as Aunty Lorna, knows every single student on campus and creates lasting relationships that go beyond the high school years. During the school shutdown in March 2020, Aunty Lorna still went to work every day making sure students, parents, and teachers were aware of the changes taking place daily, even hourly at one time.  As her school tried to contact families, new phone numbers were not updated, and they were being left out of the loop with the newest information.  Aunty Lorna looked up these families' addresses and drove to their homes to make sure students and families got the information they needed. She even drove to parents' workplaces!

"When we went to virtual learning, she delivered school computers to families that had no way of picking up devices," said Pieper. "I have a plumeria garden on campus, and because teachers weren’t allowed on campus, she watered the garden for us."

Aunty Lorna goes above and beyond, every single day. She is the first to arrive and the last to leave.  She is also the advisor for the junior class, and she kept them well aware of the information needed to prepare virtually for the senior preparations and obligations during the summer before they entered into the 2020-21 school year as seniors.

"Aunty Lorna has never said no to anyone. She has assisted me and others with after school activities such as student government, Songfest, and Mayday," said Pieper. "Every year, she and her husband chaperone the 80-90 students that participate in the Great Aloha Run. She is truly an asset to the school and the community. I'd like to recognize her deep love and dedication, especially to the students. She is a self-sacrificing hard worker who’s always aiming to be of service to anyone."

Comments (2)

Maria Manandic Posted over a year ago

Aunty Lorna - Thank you for all that you have done for my micah! He appreciates all that you’ve done and is very thankful.

danielle Posted over a year ago

Aunty Lora is such a beautiful and amazing person. Every one loves her for everything she does for us