Olivia Benford
Position: Parental Engagement Director
School: Pharr-San Juan-Alamo I.S.D.
School District: Pharr-San Juan-Alamo I.S.D.
City, State: Pharr , TX
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Olivia Benford was nominated by a colleague, Norma Garza
Four years ago, Olivia Benford, P.S.J.A. Parental Director started a parental engagement program in Pharr-San Juan-Alamo I.S.D. This program has really grown in the last three years. The model she implemented has significantly increased the number of parents engaged in their child's education. The mission of the program is to develop powerful, strong relationships with families, schools, and community partners. She strengthens schools, improves student achievement, and increases opportunities for families.
Mrs. Benford supervises a total of eight parent centers in neighborhood communities. Old elementary schools are "Literacy Centers." She works with community partners who either have grants or provide certified teachers at a low cost. South Texas Community College and Region One provide certified teachers who teach English as a Second Language or G.E.D. curriculum. The district provides parents with free education, regardless of home language or status. Mrs. Benford doesn't only help parents; she helps students, too. Parents learn English to help their children with homework. They also learn to be role models for their children. Currently, P.S.J.A. has over 5,000 parents who are attending literacy courses. Parents who enroll in literacy courses can also join "entrepreneurship" courses, which consist of cake decorating, knitting, sewing, computers, zumba, cosmetology, nails, employability skills, nutrition, etc. Instructors for these courses are volunteer parents who have expertise in these areas.
Mrs. Benford empowers parents to teach classes and serve as role models for their children and community. The district gives parents the literacy classes. In turn, they volunteer for the program. Additionally, parents have to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours at their child's designated campus to give them a glimpse of what their child's campus is all about. Furthermore, Mrs. Benford offers parents presentations at their parent centers. In collaboration with the University of Texas, parents take diabetes courses. With Texas A/M Agricultural Center, they take courses nutrition topics and food handling. Other topics presented to parents are asthma, income tax, dual language program, college readiness, state assessment, etc.
Mrs. Benford makes a strong impact in her community because of all the opportunities she provides to parents. Pharr-San Juan-Alamo I.S.D. has student and parent campuses, which is such a unique idea. Her leadership and professional level are recognized locally and nationally, and her commitment to the parent program is evident. This year alone, there were 75 volunteer instructors. The program also had 19 parents who received their G.E.D. through the program. Now, the district has partnered with South Texas Community College.
Mrs. Benford's ability to make contributions to her community is evident in other programs she drives. She spearheads the "Million Father March," "National Parental Engagement Day," "Mesa Comunitaria," and "Volunteer Recognitions" in her community. She has exemplified what it means to be an educator with an idea that many want to replicate because it gives the community a sense of being "engaged" and a great sense of pride. The parents are learning and helping their children on a daily basis!
Under her leadership, school campuses have parent educators who are expected to bring in parents for meetings and/or to volunteer their time. Over 15,000 parents attended meetings this year. In the eight parent centers, more than 5,000 parents are enrolled. Volunteer hours for both campuses and parent centers exceed over 100,000 volunteer hours. "Our district is building a community of learners," Garza said. "Mrs. Benford is to be commended!
Olivia Benford In The News:
Fueron nominados 8 educadores al premio LifeChanger of the Year
Eight PSJA ISD leaders nominated as LifeChangers of the Year
PSJA’s Benford named finalist for LifeChanger of the Year
PSJA ISD educator selected as a National ‘LifeChanger of the Year’ Finalist
Congratulations! Keep up the good work.
Mrs. Benford,
You do not know me. I too am an educator. I like to read a Life Changer of the Year stories. Congratulations! Keep on doing what you are doing. You are a great help for all the families you touch.
Be blessed!
Olivia Benford has long served as a role model of what can be accomplished within our communities and our families. Her entire career has been dedicated to making a difference through education and leading by example. She is tireless and determined, intelligent and committed, and if every community in Texas had a few Olivia Benford's, we'd have very little to worry about with regards to the future. She is living proof that one person can make an incalculable difference.
Our district has a great leader and together we have come a long way. Mrs. Benford has shown her team that all things are possible for those who believe. We have prospered with such great enthusiasm. She sees all her educators as professionals and nothing less. We know that our leaders make a great impact on our daily walk in life. I believe that Mrs. Benford has touched many lives and her legacy will continue with all the engery she has poured out to train and model to us all. I am delighted to nominate her.
I enjoy going to the classes because people are positive at my center. The teachers are friendly and patient with us all. I am receiving the education and look forward to attending. The centers show the community how to prosper and gain new skills.
Thank you for the centers and the effort of bringing them to us all. The community and all our neighbors benefit from them as well. I am learning English and fell great every day.
Yo pienso que se permanescan los centros en todo el disrito porque me beneficio de la zumba y ingles. Estoy apprendiendo y estoy en major salud. Estoy muy orgullosa de todo lo que estoy apprendiendo. Me encanta el convivio y aprendo much de cada de ellas.
The parent centers are excellent ways of having parents with fellowship, learning, and helping not only our campus but also our community as well. The ones that benefit the most are the Students. Excellent centers.
Yo me gusta ir porque estoy aprendiendo ingles y el ambiente es muy positive. Las manualidades que nos ensennan estan excelentes.
mi opinion del centro de padres me beneficia muchisimo para las clases de ingles y mejorando en el idioma igual que la zumba y manualidades. Si puedo ayudar a mis hijos con sus tareas es muy especial. Me encanta el convivio.
nos beneficia en las clases de ingles en manualidades. Es una ayuda excelente. Abriendo negocios y aprendiendo a sobresalir.
Ambiento muy positive. Aprendiendo ingles y conviviendo much gozo.
Mrs. Bendford, Is a good person, her loyalty and character sets her aside from the rest of us not only because she is the Director of the Parental Engagement Program, and our Supervisor, but because of her strive and commitment to the Program, Parents, Community and to her Staff., has made her stand out from the rest of the world. Her self awareness and integrity between her thoughts and actions has made of this program the total success., She makes sure we meet our own goal, and the district's goals as well.
Mrs. Bendford has transformed our lives to become the future leaders of our community, She comes with an open mind to allow us to understand her actions to better serve our students and our community with respect and gratitude towards each other.
Her ambitious goals has given us the opportunity to learn and grow beside her.
I want to take this opportunity not only to tell you how an amazing person she is. She has made an impact in my life , so for that and many more I want to say to her THANK YOU Mrs. Bendford for this amazing journey that you brought us into, and for believing in ourselfs' and knowing that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to do. Thank you again Mrs Bendford for changing my life!!!!
I have worked with Mrs. Benford in the parental department when she came in she showed what the true meaning of Parental Involvement is. I admire her because she is a very giving person and she is always ready to help people in need. She has always treated us parent educators as professional people. She has taught me to be a strong person when you are down she tells you to pick yourself back up that things will get better. It is an honor to know that she has been nominated as a LifeChanger because she truly is. God Bless her because she is an exceptional woman.
I have little time to meet Mrs. Benford, I am fortunate to belong to her work team, she is someone with a great career in community support programs, I admire her great effort to integrate the parents of our district in the education of their children, and seek to overcome them
Ms Benford what can say she a very dedicated person that has dedicated her life in making a difference in her community. Awsome person with a big heart.
Mrs. Benford.......what an honor ......CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are an exceptional woman and I was honored to work along side of you at Buell Central. This nomination doesn't surprise me one bit. Your are an asset to our district. You are a true leader!!! God bless you now and always!
As I read all of the comments, I feel so blessed to work alongside Ms. Benford. She has not only changed "lives" she has changed my life. She has taught me to be kind and humble with our community. To give so that others can have a better quality of life. Ms. Benford is the type of person who wants to help others in so many ways. She herself goes out of her way to give presentations on drugs, communication with the family and family crisis topics. She has worked at a district and county level so she brings expertise to the department. In one of our community events, we had over 1,000 parents. Yes, she had goodies for everyone. She is very giving. In addition, she allows others to share ideas and input for community and school meetings.
Reading all of our parent comments makes me so happy to part of our program. My father did not have an education and he loved helping people. This program is the right fit for me and for our amazing district. "Life Changer" - she truly is...
Mrs. Benford has work so hard to help parents get classes and help us get envolved thru parent educators
Excelente programa que ayuda a los padres a superarse y ayudar a sus hijos
I am a volunteer mom and since I met Mrs. Benford in 2014, I knew that good things were coming for the parents and I was not wrong. Mrs. Benford came to REINVENT the whole Program of Parental Involvement. In just a few months the change was notorious. hundreds of parents interested in learning and improving; taking classes from the many that they offered such as GED, ESL, Computing, Entrepreneur classes and more. She completely transformed the mission of Parent Educators as well as the role of Parent Volunteers. Mrs. Benford's vision is to be constantly lookimg for opportunities and partnerships to improve the quality of life of the families that belong of PSJA ISD as well as the community. Thank you Mrs. Benford for all your great work, God bless you always.
For my family and I, this program is great! I belong to a school program that shows me how to read and write English. I even learned how to do my income tax with the help of resource programs in our community. This is what we needed long time ago.
As a parent, I find the free time to learn a diversity of subjects which include English, GED, Mathematics, etc. Through the program our school district offers with Ms. Benford at the forefront, I am able to maximize my abilities. You feel a comfortable environment where they allow you to be "yourself". Where teachers do the best for us. They make us feel so sure of ourselves.
I am very happy in assisting classes in English and GED. I love to learn and I appreciate what teachers do. I am lucky to be part of this program.
I'm a parent volunteer in three differrent levels elementary, middle school, and high school for the past 6 years. When I met Mrs. Benford, the parental department started being more motivational for parents. Mrs. Benford brings confidence, and desire to work harder and for that reason she all my support.
The program is excellent. All courses are beneficial. The English classes are very good and the teachers are very dedicated. Mrs. Benford offers programs that we can learn from. These classes work.
I attended orientation and assessment session and I felt so welcomed. Our program director, Ms. Benford always finds ways to help us. The orientation was well explained and dedicated to parents.
Classes are not boring.
Thank you!
Personally, the program has helped me tremendously. The teachers are great and they explain well. Great for the community.
The Parental Engagement Program has changed my perspective. I am now more positive and I am now using the English Language as a form of communication. Thanks, Ms. Benford.
Very good program...Excellent...It has served my English abilities and Finance knowledge. Our site manager, Ms. Medina is an excellent example. She helps us understand and advices us. I am very happy with Ms. Benford as Director. She wants the best for us. My English has advanced and I practice it at home with my children. Super Happy!
I enjoy the environment of the programs offered to us, parents. Olivia Benford is the rock of our program. I have learned so many academic topics that I did not understand. Teachers are certified and are great!
wonderful program for parents.
Nice programa en hoy it..love it
This is a very good program for volunteers and other people to help the community.
I'm so grateful for all the things mrs Bendford do for the community
She is an excellent role modlel, and she leads a great program
District Pharr-San Juan-Alamo has a awesome programs which help all of us in learning the value of live.
Thank you Parental Engagement
Mrs. Benford,Director.
Excellent Thank you
PSJA Parental Engagement
Mrs. Benford Director
Pharr-San Juan-Alamo offer lots of awesome classes for us as parents and help our kids as well.
Thank you
Parental Engagement/Mrs. Benford Director
Excellent programs
Thank you
Mrs. Benford, Director
PSJA Parental Engagement
Excellent programs
Thank you
Mrs. Benford
I will like to get my CPR certification to continue my career.
Thank you Parental Engagement/Mrs. Benford Director
I believe that it is a great opportunity for those who need the help to complete particular services. The classes should continue these sorts of things.
Thank you
Parental Eng.
Mrs. Benford, Director
Excellent program for all our us Parental Engagement has ready give us as parents the ability to learn and also teacher of kids. Thank you
Excellent Program's
Thank you PSJA District
Thanks' to our Pharr-San Juan district of having such wonderful programs.
Thank you
Its nice the to have such an amazing classes of all us parents. Benefits all us and our kids.
Thank you
This program is very important for us parents because it helps us communicate better with our kids. Thank you for offering classes to help us learn English, for me its very important because these classes are free and I'm not going to take that for granted. Thank you Mrs. Benford for this program and every opportunity that comes with it.
Excellent Program! PSJA offers
First of all I'm very grateful for the Parental Program, its something very important to me. I'm so happy that I now get to communicate better with my family and in my workplace.
This program is a great opportunity for many people that have no way to continue their education. Thank you PSJA for this great opportunity
I really enjoy our program. I value it so much. I can continue my studies and extra classes. Thanks.
The English program has helped me reinforce my English. I am also taking entrepreneurship courses. I like the attention to details. Mrs. Benford...thanks!
To our leader, Dr. King supt. of schools and our parental director, Mrs. Benford. I am so happy with this program; it has helped us a lot especially with my family. I can help my children with homework and other things. I appreciate it.
I believe it is a great program which has benefited all parents from our community. I am so happy and enthusiastic with my courses. Thank you, Mrs. Benford. A great opportunity!
La verdad a mi me ha impactado demasiado porque a aprendido mucho en finanzas sobre todo me animo abrir una cuenta de banco. En ingles ya entiendo un poco mas pero la verdad ay que seguir preparandome sobre todo en el ingles.
Me parece un programa excelente porque nos permite desarrollarnos para ayudar a nuestras hijos. Una gran oportunidad que se agradece porque crecemos como una comunidad.
This program has helped me to have better communication with my children. In my place of employment, I now can speak more English and I can communicate with co-workers. Thank you, Mrs. Benford for giving us a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I am very happy of being a student here. I am learning English and finance/banking. The truth is the classes have been beneficial to me and the teachers are very good. This is a way of thinking college in the future.
These courses have been very good for me. I am practicing my English. I am also taking a cake decorating class in the afternoons. Now, I am selling my products. I am very happy for all this help. Mrs. Benford schedules courses when we can attend and she collaborates with organizations to find donations or grants for this program. All we have to do is to take advantage of "opportunities" and she gave it to us.
This program is very important for us. We learn and it is for the betterment for our education. It opens door to our future.
Thank you, Mrs. Benford. You have given me the great opportunity in balancing my personal goals. You have valued me and now I have a higher self esteem and you have made me feel important in front of my entire family which include my children and grandchildren. I am a proud mom and grandma. With these accomplishments, I am a better person now because of what you have to offer us.
P.S.J.A. School District is an excellent program to help our children to progress in the future. I now can get more involved with my family because I have learned English. In my job, I even got a raise for my accomplishments. That is why I am very happy with this program. They are free and they have helped me achieve. Excellent director and service, P.S.J.A. District.
Perfect; it helps us be a part of your country. It takes us out of realm. It places us in cohorts of equality amongst our children. And, it shows us that all things are possible if we go for it. Thanks, Olivia Benford...
They have helped me a lot in that I continue to finish my studies and I am in the financial course. I want to be able to manage my household in a certain way. Thank you for an opportunity so that I can have a better future!
I am grateful with this program. I am seeking my GED and in wanting to help my son who is in high school. I hope this program lasts. I feel good to be a part of it.
It is a great program because it challenges me to reach my goals. It is helping lean to speak English thank you for the opportunity.
My comment is about my class and how it is important for me because I can learn English and it will help me in my job. I can talk to others and I can help my son in school and I am so glad with this program.
This program has helped me a lot in my personal life. I can help my children with the homework they bring home. I am learning to speak English. I want to have a better future for me and my family. Thanks to my teacher Sylvia Garza that helps me a lot in the class.
Parental Engagement Center.
Region One
He has given me the opportunity to learn English so that I can help my son. I take different classes in the parent center that give me the tools to be better in my life.
The program of the parental engagement center is the best program for adults we can study during the morning when my kids are in school. In this class of English I the opportunity to learn and to help my kids with their homework and I have two languages it will be better for me to find a job. I would like to have a business and this program will give me the ability to do it. I am very happy with this program and grateful for the chance to advance.
The program of Region One and PSJA has helped me catch up on my English. It has benefited my children too I can now help with their homework. This is a program that is very good easy to understand and very satisfactory.
The program of Region One ESL adult classes have benefited me in receiving English classes and they are helping me understand and communicate with my children and other people. I appreciate the opportunities to come and study in the Parental Engagement center in PSJA. I also go to other classes like cake decorating I really like this class.
Thank you Mrs. Benford for the program.
The English program has helped me with many things. It has made it easier to help my children with their homework. I can now read the letters from school in English. I am now practicing my English at home to that I can speak better. This is very important to that I can get a better job so I can my family.
Three years ago when I came to apply for the English classes I was scared because I almost did not know anything. With the help of the teachers I have learned and advanced so much. Thanks to the PSJA program the director the teachers I can speak more fluently. I also like to attend everyday classes thanks to my teacher Mr. Tovar and the advice he gives me I can help my grandchildren with their homework.
Thanks for helping the community.
I began the [program 4 months ago. My teacher is Mr. Tovar I really like his class. I have been learning a lot and its helped me and the classes are free.
Mrs. Benford these classes have helped me a lot thank you.
Mrs. Benford my vote is for you thank you for the program and the English classes. They are very helpful to me.
I vote Mrs. Benford because she started these classes and they have helped me.
I vote for Mrs. Benford she started this program of English classes and they have helped me. I can help my children with their homework at home.
Thank you.
I am very grateful with this program for giving me the opportunity to improve myself and to be a better person so that I can help my family. Thank God for this program and the person in charge.
I am a student of ESL adult education class with Region One. I have learned English with an excellent teacher in a good class room. I am a volunteer instructor for the sewing class in the Alamo Bowie Center in the Parental Engagement department for adult literacy program too. The program supplies machines and materials for practice as well as a excellent classroom
Thank you for trying hard to provide this service.
I like this program it has helped me to learn so much.
Thank you for your support it is a blessing that we have this center to learn English. It motivates us to get ahead. My dream is to learn and to get a good job. I want to communicate with people at work. Thank you Mrs. Benford for all your effort.
This is my first year in the program and it has helped me a lot to improve my English. I can help my children better in their homework, I would like for this program to always be available for the people. The program is excellent and they have very good teachers.
The program has helped me a lot especially on how to read and write in English. Now I know how to speak English. I am very happy with this program. Thank you for this program.
I am one of those people who thinks that when an opportunity comes, you have to take advantage of it. This is one of those opportunities. Two years ago they told me about it and about this school for parents. I did not want to leave this opportunity and since then it has changed my life. Now I can help my daughters with their homework tasks and many other things. This year I am taking a GED class so that I can be successful and find a good job. I want to provide economically for my family and I want for my daughters and my husband to be proud of me. Thank you for these programs and all the teachers for taking their time to help us.
Thank you O. Benford
Thank you for all the program that are at Bowie Parent center. My favorite is the English class because it has been a great help for me. I can now communicate better with my children.
I like this program very much it seems to help so many people I have learned a lot.
I am a student at Bowie Adult Education Center, I have been going to school for the past 4 years. I have learned to speak English. I can communicate better with people in my GED class. I have polished my banking skills with the banking class. I have volunteered hours as a Belly dancer instructor. This program has brought me so much important changes in my life. It has changed my life forever. Good Luck Mrs. Olivia Benford and Thank you.
The program of banking and finances has been very interesting to since we started the first day. It has helped me balance my expences.
I want to thank PSJA District for providing all the interesting programs and helping the people who need the help.
Thank you for this ESL program. This program has helped me in my life because it has helped me with the English language. Before this class I did not understand what people were saying and now I do. I also help my children with their homework. I have learned so much but I still so much more to learn.
It is a very good program I like it very much and I have learned to speak English.
Gracias por compartir los mas primeros axilios para prebenir un grabe accidente. Ojala todo sea tOmado encuenta. Para el bien estar de nuestra familia y de todo alrededor de nosotros . GRACIAS DIOS LA BENDIGA
Always enjoy this educational classes. Continue the goo work Mrs. Benford!!!!
Very educational y productive program.
me gustaria que el programa siguiera y fuera mas apoyado. Yo aun quisiera seguir aprendiendo mas com computacion y diferentes mas programas que ofrecen. Muy buen programa.
El programa esta muy bien por que los padres nos edicamos mas para ayudar a la educacion de nuestros hijos.
grab, meeting very informative. Great department
Es un buen programa que ayuda a los padres a terminar a obtener otra oportunidad de un mejor trabajo. Al hacer el GED, Ingles como un segundo idioma, ademas de poder ayudar a nuestros hijos con sus tareas. Es un programa que debe ser apoyado y que siga funcionando y que cada vez mejore vidas.
I know many people from my community that have been helped by this program and heard good and positive comments. Thank You for all you've done.
Muy buen programa e participado en uno y logre obtener un certificado. Para obtener un mejor empleo y me a sirvido en mi desarrollo personal y laboral. -Gracias-.... Por preocuparse y ocuparse por nosotros los padres....
Estoy agradecida con este programa soy estudiante de este programa de las clases de Ingles. A mi en lo personal me a ayudado mucho y me e superado en lo laboral y personal. Ojala lo sigan apoyando, para que siga progresando la comunidad.
Learning the second language is the most amazing skill a parent can every ask.
Thank you Mrs. Benford.
Benefits all of us, In my ways!
Thank you Mrs. Benford
I like how this program helps me learn with no cost because we cant always pay for these kind of courses. Thank you Mrs Benford for helping me educate myself when I thought I wouldn't be able to ever better educate myself.
this program gives the opportunity to improve our learning skills to have better lives and become better providers to our families. This program is a very useful and life changing. Thank you for this opportunity.
As for me this program has helped me with my educational needs such as social studies, science, and math and as the facility it is well established and staffed with really well educated staff. Also, they are very understanding. Thank you for the program you have provided mrs benford
I like this program a lot because i have been learning a lot of things that i didn't know and i appreciate this program a lot. Thank you
This program has helped me in a lot of ways. I have seen improvement with my studies and I feel as if Im ready for the next step. Thank you Mrs. Benford for getting me where Im at, at the moment.
This program is helpful to adults who didn't get to complete their education and need the help. Thank you Mrs. Benford for this opportunity.
Thank you Mrs. Benford for the GED program and for the oppurtunity to continue with my education, and to have a better life. The support from my family and giving us free classes and also to be able to help my daughter with her homework.
Since Mrs. Olivia Benford came into our department as Director we hear so many testimonies of how our program has change so many lives. Mrs. Benford will never say no to any challenge that is presented to her if it benefits the education of parents and students. She meets with so many community leaders, leaders from other districts from within the state of Texas and from other states, that want to know about our Parental Engagement Program. Thanks to Mrs. Olivia Benford and her hard work, the PSJA ISD Parental Engagement Program has changed many lives.
Excellent program. Thank you for the opportunity. Proud to be a parent volunteer and student.
I have been with Region One Educational Center and South Texas College for years. I am really close in obtaining my GED. I am part of the group who is part of the GED Review. I am also in the citizenship course with Mr. Salazar. So proud that under this program, I was able to get my Security Guard Certification. I am taking part in every course I can. Thank you, Mrs. Benford.
Realistically, it has been an honor to be part of this program. It has helped me academically, physically and mentally because at my age I have realize that there is no limit. Now more than ever, I want to obtain my GED and learn finance and banking. I know that by being a part of this program it will help me make better decisions. I really want to thank STC, our collaborative partner. They give us the teachers, the curriculum and they motivate us always. And, of course, I can not leave Mrs. Benford out...She is paving our way to our future.
Excellent!!!! I am a full-time stay home mom; it has helped me because now I do not just do house chores. I take part in learning, taking exams and completing assignments. I am motivated by my children who are students in this district. Reading the essay gives me joy to recognize a great person, leader, advocate....our rock....Mrs. Benford....
The GED Class has helped me continue my studies. Now, I have a better job. I also like the banking/finance course. Business has been a topic of interest for me. I want to open a business and thanks to who? Non other than Olivia Benford, our leader.
I am very happy with Mrs. Benford and her leadership. She allows us to participate in multiple programs in our district. She offers campus programs and neighborhood programs. I am learning...I love it!
When Mrs. Benford started to open classes for parents in our district, I had no idea what impact it would do for myself and my family. I have now realized that it is helping me help my daughter with homework assignments and in resolving issues. Now, she sees me as a role model who has no excuses in learning. We have the multiple opportunities to succeed and we are taking every one of them.
In summary, this program intellectually and socially brings out the best of all of us. It is an honor to be part of a team under Mrs. Benford's leadership. She instills pride in all of us.
Mrs. Benford has given me the awesome opportunity to finish high school as an adult. Now, I am looking forward to completing my goals. Thank you so much!
It is very important that the learning to better myself continues. I want to obtain a good job and help my children. Mrs. Benford opened the doors for all of us. She has worked for our district for many years in different roles. When she took this one, she became our leader, our rock.
For me, it helps me tremendously because I am a good example for others. The attention, detail and cost the district invests is totally worth it. In fact, now people from other states want to replicate the program. Thank you, Mrs. Benford for all your effort and attention.
On a personal note, the GED class help me with my academic goals and to continue my education. My long term goals is to obtain a bachelor's degree. Under Mrs. Benford, we are motivated to reach our dreams and make them a reality. She does not discriminate and fully supports us. Also, the finance course has helped me budget my money. Mrs. Benford is constantly opening up courses for us. We love the classes and we love her!
Excellent essay!! Now, I can help my daughter with homework and I can understand her when she speaks to me in English. The teachers are all certified and great. Dr. King and Mrs. Benford...thank you for this brilliant idea...Parents learning while their children learn...
For me, program has helped me grow and learn. Mrs. Benford is helping us reach our goals. We really enjoy all the district does for us.
It is a motivation for me as a mom since these courses have been for me what I really needed. At home, I was the only one staying behind with may academics. My husband works and he studies at South Texas Community College. He always would tell me that I had to better my self just like my children. All of them get excellent grades and certificates. When I saw my husband graduate from college is when I looked for programs for me. If I never took the opportunity when I was young, why not now. Then, I heard about Director Benford and the programs she opened for us, parents. I am so happy that I am doing something for me.
I like how this program helps me learn with no cost because we cant always pay for these kind of courses. Its helping me help and talk to my grandchildren. Thank you to psja and mrs benford for this great opportunity.
This class has helped me a lot. I think that helping adults and giving this opportunity to us is very important. This is my third year in this program. In reality this year I feel has been a productive year. I can see that I have advanced.
Congratulations for this program.
This educational program has been of great use for me I can communicate with my daughter. I do not know why I waited so long to take this class. It is in my community and I am thankful.
Thank you for these programs.
This program has helped me learn and helped my get ahead. Thank you for the opportunity you have given me.
Thank you and God bless you.
First of all I am very thankful for allowing me to be in this program so that I can learn English. This program has helped me communicate better with other people but especially my grandchildren. They speak English and I am very grateful for this opportunity.
This program has English classes that have helped me to improve myself. I has helped me at work and my hope is to keep improving. These programs are so good, thank you.
I appreciate this program because it motivates me to be better. It is never to late to learn.
This is an excellent program for adults. This program has helped me how to communicate with other people and this is a big project for me and my family.
I enjoy taking this English class. I can read and learn more.
Thank you for having this program because of this program I have a better life. Before this class I did not understand the English language. I know I still have a lot more things to learn but if this program continues I know I will be able to learn how to speak it like my teacher.
Thank you for this program it has changed my life. I am learning English and every day I learn a little more. It helps me for my job and I would like to thank the teachers for supporting us.
I am in the sewing class. We have a very patient teacher. He explains everything very slow for us. I have learned so much from him and I have benefited from what I have learned. These courses are a great help for our community.
I am in a sewing class with this program. This class has helped me to better at doing alterations for my family. I am able to hem my children's uniforms and the clothes that I use to go to college.
I want to learn how to manage my finances.
I do not to use credit cards because the have
high interest rates.
I am very grateful with program for giving me the opportunity to improve myself and to be a better person so that I may be able to help my children in their tasks.
I am very grateful with the PSJA district program because it allows me to study English and it has helped me to help my daughter with the tasks at school and the other classes. I have learned a lot and I thank PSJA for having these program for us.
I am so grateful because I attend the ESL classes for parents. It is very important to me because I need to learn how to speak English right and how to communicate with others.
Thank You
The program is more than my expectations. I have learned a lot from my teacher. She teaches us every day more and corrects our mistakes. This is very good program and I like that it understands our level of English.
I am grateful for this program because I have learned many things.
Thank you for the support you give us all.
Mrs. Benford is a beneficial member to our community! The district thinks about parents and improving quality of life, the programs offered at the district are great because those programs give the information and resources that the community needs; it opens opportunities to parents to learn a lot in their classes which also could help them obtain a job. This district supports parents tremendously! also it helps our children to do better in school because if the children can see their parents attending school they will excel in the academic programs offered in PSJA. . Thanks for providing all the benefits with this programs and all the support.
I do not even know where to start. I am a parent of the P.S.J.A. School District. Five years ago, our district did not have many activities for parents. Then, Mrs. Benford becomes director and the windows of hope and opportunities opened right before our eyes. She makes us feel valuable and she engages us through literacy centers in our school district. I am now on my way to obtaining my GED and I will be signing up for college. What a great idea! Our district providing free courses at no cost with certified instructors. My family is so proud of me; they are in awe with my progress and with how I have changed in terms of happiness. I really like that Mrs. Benford includes us in everything. She is there for us. She is our advocate...our voice in the school district. She makes leaders and she is supported by Dr. Daniel King, our hardworking supt. I admire Ms. Benford greatly; I hope she wins an award; she deserves it!
good person good oppurtuniets
Thank you for all the help
good person thank you for everything
good oppurtunities for the Comunity
PSJA ISd gave us opportunitie for the future
Good Opportunity for the parents
Thanks to Mrs Benferd the program help us alot
The Program Give me opportunities to learn English
This class of banking and finances is very interesting. I have enjoy it since the first day. It has helped me to balance my expenses so that my baking is right. I want to thank PSJA district for providing all these interesting programs and helping the people who need it.
the program gives me opportunities to help me financially and how to help my family. thank you
This program benefits everyone that did not get a chance to go to school or had to drop out because they get to expand there mind and better ourselves.
With this program we are able to help our families and without this program we don't have the opportunists that we have. I am very grateful for the program
Mrs. Benfords program is a very important foundation for daily life and at home that we can help our children in with homework which is why we appreciate your down to help us at all times thank you
The program helps me in learning English to help my children with their homework and get better jobs and have two languages to speak.
I love this program Mrs Benford has provided and I am very proud to be taken into account because they help us so much all of their classes because they help us for education and help in the home and our children in daily life and for a future. And get ahead and improve within the community
It is very good that they offer this type of courses for parents because we want to continue to educate and contribute in the community and this helps us to communicate more easily in this country.
It is important to learn about education in this country, we are very important to develop as workers as parents and to support our children with their studies and finish their studies with success and especially to learn English as A second language. thank you psja
Le doy las gracias por los cursos de muy loven interes y asi podemas ayudar a nuestros hijos y admisistrar nuestras entradas de dinero.
Gracias al consulado mexicano, as PSJA, al STC
Me fasina este progamara por que me a ayudado a tener oportunidad de saber mas y estar al dia en la educacion de mis hijos.
A formado un major departamento desde que llego ella al distrito escolar de PSJA. Espero y siga asi.
Ayuda mucho a nosotros lo padres a sobre salir garcias
de gran beneficio tener el programa . nos informa de los importantes acontecimientos enn la escuela.
I like programs the English Second Language whit South Texas Community College and Region One because provide certified teachers
Than you for support.
this program has help me learn English. this benefit my work.
This program is great because help me to learn to speak with people who don't speak My language
and this program help to the community .
Thank you for this program. My life is changed, because I understand more English.
when I see the television or listened to the radio.
I steand better at my daghters when do their homework.
This program help me to improve my English to help my children
for the homework.
and is very important for me to be a better person in the community.
The program is very good, I have taken classes for 2 years and I have improved my English, also I have taken classes of cake's decoration, computers class, etc. it has been useful for my life. This program helps the community a lot.
These programs are very important in our lives. We value all these programs. We thank our school district and director.
Totally blessed for the support our director gives us. It helps all our parents and children. Continue with these great program. Blessings!
Excellent Department! She has support the community and helped parents threw all this years. Thank you Mrs. Benford
Thank you, Mrs. Benford for offering free programs in GED so that our community can progress. I want to continue in this program so I achieve my academic goals. Once again, thank you, Mrs. Benford.
The Banking/Finance Course is very good. The curriculum offers high interest topic for all parents. We are thankful that our district invites parents. It will help us improve our quality of life.
It is good to grow up with our PSJA community. It allows for our population for a bright future.
Programs like these in our community help us be better individuals. We meet our individual goals.
Thank you, Mrs. Benford for the opportunity to have banking/finance tool that will definitely help me. I am a single mother and this will prepare me for future endeavors and it will help me teach my children managing money.
An educational experience! Mrs. Benford has help us so much!
Mrs. Benford has been instrumental. The program they offer to us parents is helping our children. I am learning technology.
Thank you, P.S.J.A. I.S.D. These programs are very necessary for us. We are part of an engaged community and we are proud!
I feel it is fundamental that our academics are taking place. It is very important that we involve ourselves in our community. This learning has transformed our family and community.
The finance/banking course I am taking is teaching me about obtaining credit-How to Build my Credit and How to Establish Good Credit. I am enjoying the class. Thank you to Ms. Benford for finding a grant for us to learn.
I consider this program under Mrs. Benford as excellent because it helps the community (parents). In our country, our system is managed by school credits. I am in the Banking/Finance Course and I want to help my children with their finances.
Think you for prouding the region one and parental engagement classes They have helped me very much. MY life has changed because I am learning another language. I want to earn my GED certificate so I can help my children do their homework. Also so I can communicate with others and have a better job. thank you !
This Pogram has helped a lot to me personally. I can help my children do homework and now I am learning to Speak English I want to have a better Future for me and my Family. Thanks to my teacher Sylvia Garza that helps me a lot in class in the Region One ESL adult class.
I thank you for these opportunities.
Parent. al Engagement. center.
Region one ESL. adult. class.
he has imbued me with the opportunity they have given to English and can help my son.
And so take different classes in the parent center that gives us tools to un bat us with more more layers.
I take the classes:
cake shop.
Have good day.
The program parental engagement has help me to learn English
as a second language now I socialize with everybody and I feel happy
to be in this program and take other classes.
I lreally like this ENGLISH program because I can help may daugters to have their homework I also like to talk with people.
Success happens when FAMILIES, STUDENTS and EDUCATORS work together focusing on a childs academics, social, and EMOTIONAL NEEDS
This is where Mrs. Olivia Benford Parental Director becomes a bridge to bring all this together working behind the scenes.
The program parental engagement center is the best program for adults we can study during the morning when my kids stay in the school.
In the class of english lenguage I have the oportunity to lear to help my kids with their homework and if have 2 lenguages is more easy find a work in turn in class of ESL adult class we help to learn hability for apply to life and maybe made one business.
I"m very happy with this program and grateful for the chance to belong to it.
I m Understanding English when people speak, I'm also learning more vocabulary words .and to read and write better.
The Parental Engagement Center has been very beneficial to me. I have learned a lot in the ESL Classes I attend that I now will help me in the future, I want to be able to help my children so they can have a better future.
I like this program why while my daughters are in school I also am going to school I need learn more English . and this program is what more I am grateful for the help you give US Thank you very much.
The program region one me to helped catch more language, develop more language and I benefits held help my children with your task. Is a program very good, easy to understand and satisfactory.
The classes offered by the center is of great help to the community.
The program of Region One ESL Adult Class has benefited me in receiving English classes and is helping me to understand and communicate with my chiildren and other people, I appreciate very much that they give us this opportunity to study and in the Parental Engagement Center I really like the activities as cake decorating because is important for me.
Ilike my class here because so i can go forward with two lenguages and help my childrens with their homework. I also to obtain my GED certificado . i also enjoy my other class that i atteand its nails an decoracion of cakes .Its a way of helping us to move forwar and help in our home...I love my classes thank you for worrying about us the father thank you this opportunities.
The program (Parental Engagement Center) has changed my life in this country, I am learning the English Language and enjoying my classes. When I obtain my GED, I will have a better Quality of life with a better Job.
This program is very good, you are helping me a lot with English . thank you for this program !
Mrs. Benford thank you for the class I like this program for the parent because we need to learn more English..
I like this program its very good and productive. the personnel is very friendly.
Success happens when FAMILIES, STUDENTS and EDUCATORS work together focusing on a childs academics, social, and EMOTIONAL NEEDS
This is where Mrs. Olivia Benford Parental Director becomes a bridge to bring all this together working behind the scenes.
I support Mrs. Benford because she is a example for all women in the community. her dedication and support that provide parents in the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo I.S.D. help parent make a better choice in their future.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to study English and meet new people.
Hello, Good morning: Mrs. Olivia Benford. I am Maria Castillo a student for S.T.C class I like to appreciate for the opportunities to learned English language. I want to speak, read and write very well this language because a want to help my children with homework and the future take a job. I want to appreciate for this program is a good for all adult parent take this course and I want to appreciate for my teacher Miss Darlene Collins.
Olivia Benford I want to thank you for taking a little bit of your time to listen to me ,I like the English class very much .
In my personal oppinion, I feel very gratefull for the opportunity that this program give us, and how to speak and how to have a short or basic conversation in english, also I would like to tank PSJA for the program.
Mrs.Olivia Benford .I am happy with class and the course, my teacher Mrs. Darlene Collins is good at teaching. I like the course and the STC. Thanks
Hello, i want to appreciate for this programs, because we can learn more english and with no cost.. Thank you very much!!!
Im very grateful with you for this educational program that is being carried out for us parents,.God bless you, and continue to use you to help more people,. thank you very much
Totally grateful for the support that we provide. I like the program and the teacher is very good. I learned a lot, I want continue learning, my goal is to feel secure speaking English and working soon.
this is a good program for the adults because they learn a language that they dont know it really helps us alot this is a really good program and theirs alot of oportunities so thank you very much Ms.Oliva Benford for this educational program.
I like this program because is good for my family and I can a help my children.
this program is important to the community. thank you for the program.
It is excellent program of English class and provides opportunities to learn other things useful.
The program in the community has been succesfuly, in my personal opinion it help us like a parents to understand our children, and to have more conecction with his teachers and to all the community.
I'm very glad to be part of them.
The program is very good and complete, because help to the parents who needs learn English.
In my life these programs have helped me a lot. At this time I learned how to speak and read English. Today I can speak and understand English before I had to pay for someone to read important papers like my social security and income tax papers. I am happy today because I understand when people speak to me. Before it was difficult to understand what people were saying to me. I could not help my children with their homework, it was hard for all of us. I also take other classes for example CPR, GED, Computers, Nutrition class, cosmetology (nails) and sewing. I thank you for all this programs.
This program has helped me better understand my nephews. I would like to thank the school district for all the opportunities.
This program has benefited me to improve my personal life. I would like to thank the PSJA school district for this great opportunity.
This program has given me the tools and the confidence to present my citizenship test. I would like to thank PSJA school district for this great opportunity.
This program has helped me to learn more English and communicate with the people. I would like to thank PSJA school district for this good opportunity.
This program has helped me better communicate with the community and gives more opportunities in my life. I would like to thank the PSJA school district for this opportunity.
This program has helped me to communicate better with my clients. I am able to work better, this makes me feel more secure with myself.
This program has helped me to learn more English. It has improved my English. This program has helped me better understand my nephews. I would like to thank the PSJA school district for this great opportunity. It is good.
This program has helped me and I want to thank the school district.
Thanks for helping me to reach my goals now that I am an adult. I can help my kids too. You are making a difference in my life.
This program has given me the tools and the confidence to continue my education. I want to thank the PSJA school district for this wonderful opportunity.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Ithamar Garcia
The ESL program is very good! This has helped to better communicate with community; specially to help my son with his homework. Thank you PSJA school district for this successful program.
This program has helped me better understand my sons. We communicate better at school.
This program has helped me to improve my English and this program has helped to better understand my children. I would like to thank the PSJA school district for this great opportunity.
This program has helped me to learn English. It has given me to have confidence to speak more English. Thank you to the PSJA school district for the opportunity to improve my English.
I would like to thank the school district of PSJA for giving me the opportunity for helping me with my education.
My English class is very important to me. I can help my children with their homework everyday and I also practice how to pronounce my English. I would like to thank PSJA for this great opportunity.
This program has taught me how to advance in my daily vocabulary. Thanks to PSJA for this great opportunity.
I like this program because it gives me the opportunity to advance with my goals. I would like to thank the PSJA school district for this great opportunity.
This program has given me the opportunity to continue my education. I would like to thank the PSJA School District for this great program.
This program has given me the tools and the confidence to present my citizenship test.
I would like to thank the PSJA School District for this amazing opportunity.
to hum ever concern tanks to Azucena Miranda for teach,me how to learn,computation,wish,they will,help me to get,my, g,e,d,,tanks for,these progam,bring,me, a,oportunty,,my education cince 11 grade synceryli c,moreno
Es el mejor departamento que tienen!!!!
Awesome! Great essay and great example of life. The Parental Meeting we had today is an indication of our district leaders. Congrats!
P.S.J.A. Parental Engagement Program is a strong tool for parents. It helps us to be close to the educational community through meetings, volunteer activities and courses on different topics. There are a lot of opportunities to learn and be updated with topics that are related to our children's scholar lives.
I get very emotional when I speak about our district's program. I thank our district for giving parents the opportunity to get ahead of ourselves. We take advantage of the opportunities provided to improve our life. Our children see this and see that we want to better ourselves to be able to be as good as them. This program motivated us greatly!
es un departamento muy necesario x que mediante de este los maestros reciben ayuda de los padres voluntarios y los voluntarios de los programas de distrito
Excellent experiences at child's school. We are the example for our children. We are kept engaged at campuses.
Very good program.. The meetings at the campuses begin on time and on different topics. In my opinion, the program meets all expectations.
Keep up the great work...
This program needs the funds to help our parents and our students district wide!
It's a very helpful program!
This program helps us get connected to the community and we learn from it.
The educational program not only is of great benefit to parents but to instructors as well. Its a motivation to both parities to excel in many personal ways. Thank you
Thanks to the program helps us learn more English for citizenship.
I am very content with this program because of the history of the United States, the classes are very interesting and our volunteer teacher is very passionate and helpful. I am very happy for the opportunity of the courses offered by the program.
Thank you so much to Bowie school
im learning many things in computacion class special thanks to Miss Noyola and Miss Miranda very grateful
For my personal benefit.I have learn a lot with this program in the computer and Engilsh class.now that I been coming to the computer clalss with MS.Miranda I have more confident in using it.
This program has benefited me to improve my personal life.
Happy to be apart of the Parental Program , and to witness a positive change amongst others who deserve that 2nd chance for a quality education; No better title for the " Life Changer" than Mrs. O. Benford.
I started computer Classes back in Oct 24 2017. Computer classes has benefit alot because I didn't even know how to open the computer at all. Im learning how to oven and close new documents,Im also learning what taps quick access ans how to do paragraphs and how to safe documents we are aiso learning how to center paragraphs. Our teacher Azucena Miranda is very patient with us
Been in this class have help me alot in my everyday life. i have learned how to check my Email. i have learned how to do a document in the Microsoft program, also how to center and spell a word. now is much easier for me to navigate the computer. Ms.Azucena Miranda is excelent in teaching the program and she is also very accesible
Excellent programs, help us to improve in all aspects, both economic, emotional, physical, social and personal.
They help us excel in everything.
Thanks for this program
Gracias a este programa por darnos la clase de computacion,gracias a esta clase y gracias a la maestra Azucena Miranda porque he aprendido a usar la computadora y estoy aprendiendo el idioma ingles gracias al Bowie Center
Este programa nos benefisia en aprender computasion como escribir uana carta i aprender a entrar alos programas con la maestra miss Asusena miranda
El estar en esta clase me a beneficiado mas en cuanto ala vida cotidiana como checar mi imail hacer un documento en microsoft desde poner estacios centrarlo y corregir palabras ynavegar mas tambien la maestra es una exelemte en la materia de la clase y es muy accesible
al venir a esta clase de computacion me ayuda como superacion personal me gusta estar actualizada dia a dia, para poder impartir mis conocimientos a mis hijos y en mi nivel profesional .
Rengo la dicha de poder compartir lo que e adquirido el poder redactar un texto el conocer cada funcion del teclado en si muchas cosas en general.
y la persona que esta de impartidora de sus conocimientos exelenye.
The programs provided by the PSJA district have been of the great value to me, because most have been able to assist me in resolving everyday conflict. It has allowed me the opportunity to use the English language to communicate with other students.
I believe that the variety of programs offered by the Phaar school district is excellent because it's variety has hollowed me to chose which programs to whetted.
I wish to thaw the Pharr school district for providing he is programs because it lad bettered cot only my life but they of my children because it has no ed we not only be beer student bat cello y bather person.
An great leader for the parental department!
Mrs. Bendford is and awesome director!!
Awesome leadership for the PSJA ISD!!
Mrs. Bendford has help so much for the community especially all the parents and the parental department.
I'm berry glad to have in the district of Pharr San Juan Alamo a program that helped parents to continue studding and learning with the collage classes is an excellent program also with helping in the community of this district to succeed that is an excellent example for the parents and children and it helped us to reach our goals.
I find the program very good and an excellent opportunity
This program is very good . i have learned a lot. this program help to improve for our whole community. I feel very lucky to belong in this program.thanks .
It Is a great opportunity that Mrs.Benford gives us to be able to improve ourselves,
and learn more about the programs they have.We are fortunate for that opportunity.
Thank you.
Mrs. Benford I am very grateful for this program because I have the opportunity to learn English and completely free is a blessing to be part of this program
Mrs. Benford .Excellent helps us learn more every day of English.. he also has many craft programs computing is wonderful.
excellent helps us learn more ebery day of english
Thank you so much for all your help and all the programs at the district, I will help my child whit his home work and I am taking GED classes.
This program has helped me for many things in my personal life.
Gracias Mrs. benford por su dedicacion y su esfuerzo por ayudar a los padres del distrito, en lo personal he aprendido mucho en el centro.
Excellent, because is a great help by all community and we are help our children in homework.
Mrs. Benford as our PSJA Director is many opportunities to the adult and the continued GED other program: giving good advise to all parents to help to our children to succeed in live and go to college. Thank you Mrs. Benford.
Esun super programa que puedes aprender muchas cosas. Estoy feliz de aprender cada sia mientras mis hijos estan en la escuela y yo les puedo ayudar con sus tareas. Graciad Mrs. Benford.
Mrs. Benford has been an extraordinary leader and exceptional role model to our community and staff. The opportunities she brings into the program are infinite and life changing to our parents.
Gracias por estos grandiosos programas y especialmente por que podemos aprender ingles y otras clases para ser nuestros propios empresarios..
I've heard very good things about this department, that other districts do not have but have tried to equalize.
Excellent Program it gets parents engaged and that helps their children succeed in school and life.
Excellent person! She has mad a huge change in the Parental Department and in all the school district.
The program is of great help for the people.
The program is helping to my capabilities
La Sra. Olivia Benford a ofresido lo mejor. Tanto como saber elegir su personal y ofrecer a la comunidad clases que an ayudado a muchos a sobre salir y tener una mejor vida.
Good program Mrs.. thank you for everything you do for the community.
Excellent Program helps parents get engaged and that also helps their children succeed in school and life.
thank you this has benefit my family and help me to help my children in their homework.
thanks this is a great help my family and i.
thanks. this program is very important for my partners and I
Good program Mrs. Benford. I am taking computer classes and entrepreneurship classes.
Thanks for help all the community
The program the Envolvement of Parents is very important for my
I like very much.
ami me gusta benir
thank you for her help!
Thanks for her help all community!
I am in class of inglish whit Ms. Baldazo class is very good person our teacher of inglish, love u.
Gracias por todos los programas que ayuda a implementar en la comunidad. necesitamos mas personas como usted Mrs. benford.
Gracias!!! I learn a lot on the ESL and Computer classes. Thank you Mrs. Benford.
Thaks Mrs. Benford for help
This program is a life changer for many parents.
I am taking STC Banking and Finance class. thank you for this opportunity.
Thank you for the classes. I took upholstery class, I learn so much at the courses they offering at the centers.
I am so happy because they have GED and computer classes at the center and finish my CNA course.
thank you Mrs. Benford for this opportunity.
I was taking Computer classes and upholstery at this wonderful program for free is awesome.
Mrs. Benford is a good director, excellent leader and dedicated person in the Parental Department. She is helping many families at the PSJA ISD district, offering ESL, GED, COMPUTER CLASSES for all parents, also entrepreneurship classes. this program are growing because of her compromise to help parents to succeed and be a good example for their children. All classes are for free, having volunteer teachers, STC and Region 1. instructors. I'm so happy to be part of this program.
She has done so much for the community especially for the parents!
Mrs. Benford help all the community from Pharr San Juan Alamo, giving good advise to all parents to help to our children to succeed in live and go to college.
she is a great leader for the Parental Department Thank You Mrs. Bendford
Mr. Benford have brought up the Parental Engagement Department to High Standards.
She is a good director in parental department and she is helping all parents to learn and improve in life, helping our families to be better.
Mrs. Benford help all the community from Pharr San Juan Alamo, giving good advise to all parents to help to our children to succeed in live and go to college.
Excellent example of leadership to all parents from the district.
role models for the children/parents and parent educator
Mrs. Benford as our PJSA Director has bought this program to a big success. Our district parents are very very happy! Our district literacy program has a big impact on our parents. ESL Classes, GED Classes, etc. There a lot of other different classes offer that each site centers. Thank you Mrs. Benford.
This program is good because it's free and it gives us opportunity to the people to learn English like me.
Thanks to this program to give us this opportunity to the adults and continued to study English, GED, and other programs.
For me I like this program because it has helped me learn English.
Happy and grateful to be in this program. Many opportunities to never stop growing and stop learning.
Excellent program.
Excellent program I am taking advantage of this classes. I has helped in my personal life and economically.
There is excellent personnel and directors.
This program has helped me very much to develop and learn English. I am very grateful with about the essay that I read of Olivia Benford.
This program has been very helpful it has opened new windows in my life.
I appreciate the opportunity to make my dreams come true so that I may be successful.
This program is amazing for me, it has helped me greatly. I'm grateful.
For my part this program has helped very much it has helped me in my job. It has helped at my children's school it has helped me interact with other people and also how to write better. I can read better and people understand me better too. My English is better and now I can speak some words to my kids.
This program is helping me for many things in my work and when I go to the store and I need some help I look for somebody who can help me. I want to give thanks for all the help you give me.
This program has helped advance in my English. I understand and write the English language better.
This program has helped me a lot I enjoy coming twice a week. Thank you for your support.
I think I am now a good student.
This program helped me to change my life.
This program has helped me advance in my job.
I am speaking better English because of the
lesson in my class.
This program helps too much in my life, my job, and my family with communication. Thanks to this program.
I love parental involvement because they bring good information and help
Extremely proud to be part of the Parental Engagement Department that is under the leadership of Mrs. Benford. The opportunities that are being provided to the parents in our school district are endless. Our parents are taking ESL courses and are continuing their education by attaining their GED and going on to college.
Our parents are also making a huge difference in their children's lives and this I am able to witness on a daily basis.
Thank you for allowing us to express how we feel about of program.
Mrs.O. Bendford has done and excellent job for our district in the parental department.
She has done a tremendous change in the parental dept
Parental Engagement Program is an awasome program in our community because offer different educational classes for adults and now they can help to their children have succeed in school.
This program has a lot of value for our parents because it empowers them. Literacy classes gives them the opportunity to learn their second language and gives them the opportunity to involve themselves in other programs. Our parents are provided opportunities to engage and use their creativity along with their academic abilities. Entrepreneurship courses help them open businesses. Our parents are motivated! The ultimate goal is to create a positive environment for all.
Great program to help adults and children..in there life style
Its Awsome program to help the adults to en rich there education and help there children with there education.. The volunteers are so helpful with teschers ..children and ect.
Bueno programa buenas oportunidades para los padres
I am a parent student in a neighborhood school in south Pharr, Texas. I have been in this program for many years. I attend a literacy center that is attached to my child's elementary school. While my child is at school, I also attend school to learn English. In addition, I am the arts and crafts teacher there in the afternoons. I love that this program helps parents learn and have fun. As I am teaching my class to do Christmas wreaths, I think about how fortunate we are in being a part of a winning program.
The program is great because it opens parents opportunities to learn English which could help them obtain a job. With this program, we help our children do better in school. This program also helps parents network with others and learn from them. Parents also receive good information on resources available in the community. The district thinks about parents and improving quality of life. This district supports parents tremendously!
The parental involvement is great in helping and changing in their life style
Olivia Benford has truly transformed our district. Parents are so happy to be learning and participating in entrepreneurship courses.