Position: Facilitator/Teacher-Preferred Behavior Support
School: Marble Falls Middle School
School District: Marble Falls Independent School District
City, State: Marble Falls, TX
Music that Describes John Gavin
John Gavin Smith was nominated by Maria Teresa Pedroche, a member of the community.
Mr. Smith has served several ISD’s for the past 12 years. He has made a difference in the lives of all the students he as served. He began his education journey in 2008 coaching and serving as Head of Delegation for the Special Olympics in Marble Falls ISD (MFISD). During those years, he coached bowling, basketball, and track and field. He was responsible for entering athletes in all events, as well as all correspondence with the Special Olympics. He designed plans for each student that satisfied their IEPs (Individual Education Plans).
Mr. Smith organized the track & field and basketball teams to represent MFISD. He increased athlete participation by 100%. In his fourth year of organizing and coordinating the local Special Olympics track meet, there were 16 schools and 165 participants. He was responsible for raising all funds for the Special Olympics track meet, and he recruited and organized Special Olympics Volunteers.
During his tenure, he was the B.E.S.T. (Behavior Expectation Support Team) coordinator at Marble Falls Middle School. He supervised students in grades 6-8 who were diagnosed with emotional disabilities. He also supervised two staff members and provided support in the classroom. Mr. Smith was the special education representative on behalf of students in ARDs (Admittance, Review and Dismissals). He also reported bi-weekly to the director of special education concerning the status of case load. Mr. Smith worked in concert with assistant principals in addressing any discipline issues while communicating closely with parents.
Mr. Smith also was a special education resource math teacher for K-5th grade students with learning disabilities. He designed lesson plans for each student that would satisfy their IEPs.
For the 2016-17 school year, Mr. Smith was a high school teacher in Vernon ISD for special education students in English I, II, III, IV. He also taught special education students in American History and World History, where he prepared lesson plans and documented progress using DMAC. He represented Vernon ISD's special education staff and always kept close contact with Parents.
For the 2017-18 school year, he was a high school teacher in Manor ISD for special education students in social studies and economics. Mr. Smith represented Manor ISD's special education staff. He organized the district's first Special Olympics program and served as Head of Delegation for Manor ISD.
Since 2018, Mr. Smith has facilitated and taught a new program for Marble Falls Middle School, PBSC (Preferred Behavior Support Class). He leads and supervises three staff members and provides support in the classroom for case load. He is the special education representative on behalf of students in ARDs (Admittance, Review and Dismissals) Committee Meetings. Mr. Smith reports bi-weekly to the director of special education concerning status of case load, and he communicates closely with parents. Mr. Smith works in concert with assistant principals in addressing any discipline issues. He is the Head of Delegation representing Marble Falls ISD's Special Olympics program, where he coached all sporting events. There have been many challenges during COVID-19, and Mr. Smith was gone above and beyond to rise up and serve his students and district.
Mr. Smith has a Principal Certification from Angelo State University, PDAS Certification from Region XIII, M.Ed. in Guidance Counseling from Angelo State University, K-12 Special Ed. Certification from Region IV, EC-4 Generalist Certification from Region IV, and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Southwest Texas State University.