LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Miranda Day

Position: Middle School Assistant Principal
School: Langtree Charter Academy
School District: Langtree Charter Academy
City, State: Moorseville, NC

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Miranda Day was nominated by an anonymous student.

When people think about going to the principal's office, they usually do not associate it with a positive experience. Middle schoolers don't always make the best decisions or take time to consider the consequences of how their actions affect them and others. Who does it at 14? 

"My first introduction to Mrs. Day was due to me not making the best decision in my math class," said the student. "My stomach was in knots at the thought of having to go and see her. Her reputation preceded her, and she was known for being no-nonsense. Rumor had it that she kept a stockpile of tissues because students never left her office with dry eyes.  
Sitting in front of her, I immediately grabbed a tissue and started crying. She didn't even say a word, and I was crying. That's when I knew I was in serious trouble."

"But then, she spoke and asked me if I was ok and wanted to know my side of the story. I didn't know how to respond. No one had ever asked me my side of the story before," said the student. "I told her what happened in class, and she sat there and listened to me. She asked me more questions and then told me what the teacher reported and the differences in the stories. I admitted that what the teacher had reported was true, but that I did what I did because I was bullied a couple of days before. Even though I did not make the best decision then, Mrs. Day heard my reason (or my why, as she says). She then took it a step further by returning to the "why," and she solved the issue.  

"I did receive a consequence, but I learned how to handle my responses better," said the student. "Mrs. Day guided me to be able to work through my decision checklist, and I have not had to go back to her office unless I am saying hello or showing her my grades. She always tells me and others how proud she is of us and how much she believes in us. She still loves us even when we aren't doing what we should. She has changed my life and the lives of others, and we are lucky to have Mrs. Day at Langtree!"
