LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Sarah Bragg

Position: Special Education Teacher
School: Emerson Elementary School
School District: Wood County Schools
City, State: Parkersburg, WV

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Sarah Bragg was nominated by her principal, Jeanna Plumly.

"Sarah moved to Emerson Elementary School this year. With this change, I watched Sarah blossom into a very positive go-getter," said Plumly. "She is supervising K-Kids, running the school food pantry, and often offers to help do random things within the school. Her love and dedication to her students is obvious."

Comments (1)

Chris Pribble Posted over a year ago

Sarah is fantastic! She is willing to adjust at the drop of a hat to help a struggling student! She also has worked with a group called K-Kids to improve the empathy within the students.