LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Sharon Warwick

Position: Art and Spanish Teacher
School: Winfree Acadamy Charter School
School District: Winfree Acadamy Charter School
City, State: Lewisville, TX

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Sharon Warwick was nominated by her colleague, Maria Teresa G. Pedroche.

Ms. Warwick has been teaching art for 50 years! They say art heals and saves, and Ms. Warwick has mentored many students/families and taught art at every grade level from Kindergarten to Graduate School. Many students' futures have changed because of her leadership. She is the most talented and giving mentor!

"She was my mentor for 27 years. She taught me always to be ready to rise and share my gift as an educator with the art world and early learning programs," said Pedroche. "We presented together at the National Art Education Conferences. Sharon introduced me to leaders and early learning specialists that changed my world."

Currently, Ms. Warwick is a bilingual High School Art Teacher at Winfree Academy Charter School District, where she has worked since 2009. She has received the following awards:

Teacher of the Year, Denton Campus 2011-2012

  • Teacher of the Year, Winfree Academy Charter School District, 2012
  • Winfree Foundation Grant, 2014 (for Literary Magazine) and 2015 (for Winfree Academic Championships in all content areas at Lewisville Campus)
  • Five-Year Service Award, 2014
  • Ten-Year Service Award, 2019
  • Employee of the Year, Lewisville Campus 2022

Other highlights for Ms. Warwick include:

  • Emeritus Award in 2022 from the National Art Education Association 
  • National Art Education Association Conference (Virtual) 2022
  • National Art Honor Society Sponsor 2021
  • Winfree Professional Development – 2019, Teach Like a Champion, Design Thinking, Go Formative,
  • Google Classroom Level 1-2019
  • Museum Forum for Teachers:  Modern and Contemporary Art, 2019 at The Warehouse, The Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas Museum of Art, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and The Kimbell Art Museum                                                                                                                                                                      
  • Teacher of the Year, Winfree Academy Charter Schools, Texas Charter School Association, 2016                                           
  • Teacher of the Year, Winfree Academy Charter School District, 2011-2012          
  • National Middle School Art Educator of the Year, NAEA 1997
  • Texas Outstanding Art Educator, Middle School, TAEA 1996

From 1998 to 2004, she directed the entire Art Education program at Texas Woman's University, from which she retired as an Assistant Professor. She initiated the Masters's degree via Distance Learning at TWU. After retiring from TWU, she didn't stop. She was a National Art Consultant for Pearson Education, giving art textbook presentations and teacher workshops. Next, she worked as a National Art Consultant for Davis Publications. She was responsible for Professional Development for teachers in the field, textbook presentations, consultant management, and training the salesforce and regional consultants. Ms. Warwick offered workshops on various topics with an overview of current, significant trends in art education theory with practical implications and strategies for the K-12 art classroom.

Ms. Warwick has a B.A. from the University of Texas at El Paso, a Master of Arts in Elementary Education, and a Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art from Texas Woman's University. She has been a contributing author on multiple art elementary art education textbooks and a co-author of a multimedia learning package. Ms. Warwick has written for various periodicals in the field of art education. She has given many regional, state, and national conference presentations.

She has exhibited her artworks in the country's southwest region and has curated many art exhibits and written grants. Ms. Warwick has had six solo shows, created a carved brick mural at Borman Elementary school, and participated in over twenty-five group exhibitions. She worked with Oxide Gallery as a guest juror and exhibited her artwork there. She is a member of the Visual Arts Society of Texas and a high school art teacher at Winfree Academy Charter School at the Lewisville, Irving, and North Richland Hills campuses.

Most importantly, she has changed many students and mentored many teachers and families in her 50 years of teaching. Ms. Warwick is always giving back to the communities she serves. She is a LifeChanger!

Grants Received:
2018     Nasher Sculpture Center      $250.00     Transportation grant for field trip
2017     Winfree Foundation        $200.00     For Ceiling Tiles for student artists   
2017     Target Corporation                $600.00     Field Trip to the Dallas Museum of Art   
2016     Winfree Foundation             $786.54     Winfree Dinner Theater
2014     Winfree Foundation              $1659.67  Winfree Academic Championships
2013      Winfree Foundation        $810.54   Colorful Art and Literary Magazine
2003     Texas Woman’s University   $1500       North Texas University Alliance- Las Loterias curated art exhibit
1975     U. S. Dept. of Labor                    $3,000       Careers in Art Roger Williams Middle School, Providence, R.I.


National Art Educational Association Presentations:  31
State Art Education Association Presentations:  NJ; PA; NY; CO; AZ; CA; NC; FL; MO; NE; RI; MA
Texas Art Education Association:  29
North Texas Area Presentations:  41
School In-service presentations: 30

Leadership - Texas Art Education Association: 

2012 TEKS State Review Committee for Visual Art, Texas Education Agency
1998  Higher Education Division Chairperson, Nominee
1996  Middle Division Chairperson
1994  Middle Division Chairperson, Nominee
1994-96  Regional Director Visual Arts Scholastic Event
1990  TAEA Star Newsletter, Business Manager
1988  TAEA Star Newsletter, Editor
1986  Elementary Division Chairperson
1986  Parliamentarian
1984  Elementary Division Chairperson, Nominee  Denton Area Art Education Association:
1983  Founder and President
1990  Greater Denton Arts Council- Exhibition Committee Chairperson
1989  Dallas Women’s Caucus for Art- Gallery Co-Chairperson


2016                   Teacher of the Year, Winfree Academy Charter Schools, Texas Charter School Association       
2011                   Teacher of the Year, Denton Campus- Winfree Academy Charter Schools, Region X 
2012                   Teacher of the Year, Winfree Academy Charter School District
2004                   CARA Award for Art Education
2002                Who’s Who of American Women, Nominee
2000-01           Ernest A. Lynton Award, Nominee
2000                Texas Medal of Arts Award- Nominee
2000                    International Who’s Who of Public Service
1997                    National Middle Division Art Educator of the Year, National Art Education Association
1996                    Texas Middle Division Art Educator of the Year, Texas Art Education Association
1995                    Who’s Who of American Women
1994                    Who’s Who of America
1993                    PTA Teacher of the Year, Shady Brook Elementary, H.E.B. District
1992                    International Directory of Distinguished Leadership
1992                   Who’s Who in American Education
1992                    Who’s Who of Business and Professional Women
1990                    The Yellow Rose of Texas conferred  by Gov. Ann Richards
1987-88               Denton  I.S.D.  Outstanding Service Award


2015    Lisa Hoke, contemporary Colorist, School Arts
2014    Cartoonist in Clay, Diego Romero, School Arts
2013    InsideOut Project, School Arts
2012    Art in the World of Work, monthly article, School Arts
2008    Understanding the Self and Others through Art, August/September, School Arts
2007    The Extraordinary Ken Vieth, School Arts
2007    The Curandera of Art- Dr. Amalia Meza-Baines, School Arts

  1. The Expressive Qualities of Art, School Arts

2005    The Science of Clay, November, School Arts
2005     Using Humor to Teach Visual Culture, December, School Arts
2002     The Enigmatic Gaze of Frida Kahlo-Texas TRENDS in Education
2000    Ansel Adams Teachers Packet, Ansel Adams Exhibition- Greater Denton Arts Council
1998     “The Little Chapel-in-the-Woods”  video, author and production assistant, Texas Woman’s University
1997-1998  “Arts and Entertainment” monthly column-  Latino Monthly  DFW Metroplex  area
1996      Portfolios, art textbook for grades 1-5,  Barrett Kendall Publishing, contributing author, studio activities
1995    “Milagros”, School Arts (November 1995) p.95-96  contributing writer
1994      Milagros, Simbolos de Esperanza , video and Teacher’s guide and Student Activity Book, co-author 
               CRIZMAC Multicultural Publications  *International Award for Multicultural publications
1994      “Art Times Chronicle” Themes and Foundations ,  West Publishing Co., contributing writer
1993     “Art History”  H.E.B. Art Curriculum Guide, writer
1993     “Aesthetics”  H.E.B. Art Curriculum Guide, writer
1992    “Tennessee Goals Correlation” Learning to Look and to Create: The Spectra System ,                                                                                                 Dale Seymour Publications, writer
1991      Denton I.S.D. Art Curriculum Guide, co-author
1991      “Texas Essential Element Correlation” Center Stage,   Dale Seymour Publications, writer
1988      Texas Essential Element Correlation', Learning to Look and Create:  The Spectra System,
Dale Seymour Publications, writer
1987       ART WORKS, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, contributing writer

Solo Exhibitions:                   

2017                                           My Work, Paint-Prints, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Denton, Tx
1997                                        Playing with Fire, Greater Denton Arts Council, Denton, Tx
1995                                        Milagros, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Denton, Tx
1992                                        Working Women, African Methodist Episcopal Church,  Denton, Tx
1991                                        Two Point Perspective, Studio W Gallery, El Paso, Tx
1989                                        Between Form and Void, Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas,
1984                                        Significant Voids, M.F.A. Exhibition, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Tx

Slide - Lecture Presentations

1992                  Transcultural Traditions, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Tx.
1991                Gallery Talk  Culver-Stockton College, Canton, Mo.


1992      Alfonso’s Milagro, CRIZMAC Publications, author, illustrator


1989     Aha! I get It! , Frank Borman Elementary School,  carved brick mural, Denton, Tx

Group Exhibitions

2017                An Evening of the Arts, Winfree Academy Faculty and Student Show and Auction
2014                Oxide Gallery-n3-D Group Exhibit        
2013                VAST Member Exhibit, Denton, TX
2012                    Die Brucke:  A Common Bond, Collin College, McKenny, TX
2012- 2014      Merging Visions, VAST, Denton, TX
2012                    Visual Art Society of Texas Member Show, Denton, TX
2011                    Oxide Gallery,  Death and Renewal Show, Denton
2011-2015       Merging Visions, VAST, Denton, TX
2010                    Oxide Gallery, Recycled Show
2009                Oxide Gallery, Patriotic Theme Show
2003                Faculty Exhibit 2003, TWU,Denton, TX
2002                    Wildhorse Gallery- Christmas Exhibit                                     

    1. "Day of the Dead Altar", Gateway Gallery, Dallas Museum of Art

2002                   Virgin of Guadalupe Exhibit” Guadalupe Cathedral-group show
2002                   Bath House Cultural Center- Dia De Los Muertos Exhibit
2002                     Diá de los Muertos Altar , Dallas Museum of Art
2002                Virgin of Guadalupe Exhibit- Guadalupe Cathedral
2001                    North Texas Area Art League Juried Exhibition, Gallery Award
2000                    Dos Fronterizas,(two person) Texas Woman’s University with Maria Teresa Garcia Pedroche
1998                Ripples In The Water, Women Artists Who Make Art About Women, Texas Woman’s University, Denton
1997              Wads of Clay, NCECA Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Tx
1997                    Artists Who Teach, Denton Visual Arts Center, Denton, Tx                                                  
1995-97                    Faculty Exhibit, Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst, Tx
1995                    Faculty Exhibit, K-12 Art Faculty, H.E.B. Independent School District, Bedford, Tx
1992                    Myself As I See It, Dallas Women’s Caucus for Art,Trammell Crow Cultural Center
1992                   Dallas Women’s Caucus for Art Annual Show, Irving Culture  Center, Irving, Tx
1992                   Men, Women and Children, Trammell Crow Cultural Center, Dallas, Tx
1992                    Paisajes, LULAC Exhibition, Visual Arts Center, Denton, Tx
1992                    Electronic Gallery Winners, School Arts  magazine
1991                   Transcultural Traditions, 31 Burro Alley Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1991                Electronic Gallery Show, art educator competition,  National Art Education Association, Atlanta, Ga
Award:  Best of Show - 3D

1991                    Scapes of Pattern, two-person show, Culver-Stockton College, Canton, Mo.
1990                    Pattern, two-person show, Rock House Gallery, Arlington, Tx
1989                    Three Featured Artists, Dallas Women’s Caucus for Art, Waterworks Gallery, Addison, Tx
1989                    Gallery Night Show, Rock House Gallery, Arlington, Tx
1989                    Artists Who Teach in Texas, Lamar State Univ. Beaumont, Tx
1989                    GDAC Welcomes Texas Instruments, T.I. Plant, Denton, Tx
1988                   Texas Electronic Gallery, art educator competition, Texas Art Education Association, Houston, Tx
                            Award:  Best of Show - 3D
1987                   Christmas Show, three-person show,  Saguarro Gallery, Denton,Tx.
1985                   Spring Show, competition, Cooke County College, Gainesville, Tx
1984                   Spring Show, competition, Cooke County College, Gainesville, Tx
                            Awards: Ceramics, First and Third Place Sculpture, Second Place Drawing,
1984                   Voertman’s Spring Show, competition, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Tx
1984                   Significant Voids, MFA Exhibit, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX
1983                    Graduate Drawing Student Show, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Tx
1975                    Forms, Faces, and Fibers, two-person show, Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island
1974                    South County Art Association Show,  competition, Kingstown, Rhode Island
1973                Rhode Island Art Teachers Association State-wide Exhibition, competition, Providence, Rhode Island     

Selected Collections:     Ex- Governor, Ann Richards;  Ex- Land Commissioner, Gary Mauro;  Editor, School Arts, Nancy Walkup Mr. and Mrs. Randall Boyd; Texas Representative,  Mrs. Myra Crownover;  Dr. and Mrs. William Luker;  Dr. and Mrs. William McCarter;  Georgia Gough;  Jo Williams          

Jurying Art Exhibitions:                     
2013    3-D Open Call, Oxide Gallery, Denton TX, juror
2012    “What's Love Got To Do With It", theme show, Oxide Gallery, Denton TX, juror
2003      Las Loterias, Texas Woman’s University Art Department

  1. Arts Antiques and Autos- juror
  2. International Baccalaureate Juror for L.D. Bell High School

2002    PTA Reflections contest-   Evers Elementary, Woodrow Elementary and Little  Elm High School
2001    "Fuego y Alma" Latino Arts Festival of Denton”
2000    Transportation, Transportation Club of Dallas 2000
2000    Sanford and American Air Lines Art Contest- Something Colorful in the Air, Dallas Fort Worth Airport
1999     Denton Area Art Education Association, hosted meeting at TWU
1999     Texas Art Education Association Juror’s Certification Workshop
1999      On My Own Time,   Greater Denton Arts Council,                          
1998-2000    Region 11 Visual Arts Scholastic Event                                
1998      PTA Reflections Contest:  Lee Elementary, 1998; Newton , Rayzor Elementary, 1998; Little Elm Elementary,
1998       Texas Art Education Association
1997       Children’s Art Fair, 1997-2001

Comments (1)

Maria Teresa G Pedroche Posted over a year ago

Sharon Warwick, Congratulations on your 50 years of teaching! You are always giving back to the communities you serve. Art heals and saves, and you have mentored many students/families and taught art at every grade level from Kindergarten to Graduate School. Many students' futures have changed because of your leadership. You are the most talented and giving mentor! You taught me to rise and share my gift as an educator with the art world and early learning programs. Thanks for the invites to get out of my comfort zone and present together at the National Art Education Conferences. Your introduced to leaders and early learning specialists that changed my world. You are a LifeChanger!