LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Profile

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Heather Akers

Position: Seventh and Eighth Grade Music Teacher
School: Central Middle School
School District: Capital School District
City, State: Dover, DE

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Music that Describes Heather

Heather Akers was nominated by multiple colleagues. The following profile contains text from each nomination.

Mrs. Akers is a LifeChanger! She is inspiring, creative, and knowledgeable. She constantly goes above and beyond to meet the needs of every child, not just in her class, but throughout the school and community. Her positive nature and willingness to help other teachers are inspiring and infectious. Her rapport with students is admirable; some even come back from previous years to help her with concerts because they love her so much.

Mrs. Akers is a highly effective teacher. She educates the whole child. How Mrs. Akers differentiates her instruction so each student gets what is needed is remarkable. She plays various instruments well, uses a variety of learning styles, addresses different levels of ability, and supports all the students so that they feel successful and are motivated to work hard.

"Heather once told me that the positive words you express to a child may be the only kind words they hear all day," said an anonymous colleague. "That has always stuck with me. She is one of a kind and even mails cards home addressed to her students containing encouraging messages."

Not only does Mrs. Akers help her own students in choir and orchestra, but she has also taken on the band position because the teacher has been out for several months with medical issues. She conducted the winter chorus, orchestra, and band concert by herself, a job that has always required at least two people. Mrs. Akers has even taken up new instruments to ensure students learn what they need while the band teacher is on leave. She has worked well over 100 hours outside her typical contracted time, working on band-related activities. She is truly one of a kind. 

Mrs. Akers is Music Department Chair for the Capital School District. She constantly helps other schools make sure they have what they need. Mrs. Akers even helped with school plays at two schools where she doesn't even work. Mrs. Akers always has a donation box at her concerts to support local charities, including homeless shelters, animal rescues, and other places of need. Mrs. Akers has also helped schools throughout the state with countless Allstate and County Honors Band rehearsals and concerts, even hosting these activities at her school.

When Mrs. Akers isn't in her classroom, she can be found in the hall helping with transitions or mentoring other teachers. She always has college students placed with her for their practicum and student teaching. The local university loves putting kids with her because they know she is a role model and will set these new teachers up for success.  

At every school function, Mrs. Akers will show up, not only to listen (which she does very well) but to share her thoughts, opinions, and high level of expertise. She wants to ensure that her students know she cares and does all she can to improve the school environment. Not only has she helped work to reshape the district's curriculum to fit the needs of its students better, but she was also one of a few people chosen to realign the Delaware Music Standards when the national standards were updated.

In addition to all of the above, Mrs. Akers teaches private music lessons to students after school, sings in a local women's choir, makes blankets and other crafts for people in need, and many other activities that support our community. These ongoing acts of kindness for her school and community make her a LifeChanger.

"I have known and worked with Heather for over 12 years," said Christiane Schulze, a colleague. "She is an amazing teacher, and the kids have such a wonderful connection with her that you can truly see. Heather has worked at the elementary school level up to the high school level, and she always has such success with her kids! Heather truly loves and enjoys sharing music and theater with all ages of kids, and she exposes them to all genres of music and theater. She's an incredible asset to our district's schools and staff. We have had kids without exposure to music who get drawn and truly end up loving music because of her enthusiasm. We are fortunate to have her!"

"Heather is the most likable person I know," said Christy Tapert, another colleague. "She is hard working and cares about her students deeply…I remember when COVID first came about and students were being taught virtually, Heather sent out a postcard to every one of her students to reach out and let them know that she cares. As far as a support person goes in your school, you would be lucky to have her. Her morale is excellent, and she is always willing to help in any situation."

"Heather Akers is one of the most talented individuals I know. I am so proud to call her my mentor, colleague, and friend," said an anonymous colleague. "When I first met Heather, I was a new teacher, and she was assigned as my mentor. She helped me navigate the ins and outs of the classroom and beyond. This included lesson content, instruments that were appropriate for my population of students with special needs, classroom management techniques, and an answer to every question I had. She's always there when I need help."

Comments (2)

Jane L. Barnes Posted over a year ago

Heather has ALWAYS gone above and beyond for her students. She gives them new opportunities, singing at special locations. She finds a way to teach no matter the situation. COVID was a challenge - she stepped up to the challenge. She also sent personal messages to all her students - letting them know she cares. She is always looking to give back to the community, pillows for patients, crocheting or crafting in some way.

Liza Stover Posted over a year ago

So proud of you Beath for being an inspiration and a support to so many. Keep doing you and we'll all benefit from it. I love you!!!